Hey guys well I hope you enjoy my story! It's my first fan fic so please tell me how to make it better and if you want me to post more chapters!
Sonny with a Chance of Leaving
Chapter 1
Sonny and Chad had been looking down at their Cell Phones when they bumped into each other.
"Munroe, watch where your going." Chad said acidly, gaining balance.
"Cooper, sorry." Sonny said trying to sound rude. Chad noticed that the skin by her eyes were read and puffy, her fingers were holding her temple as if she was filled with stress.
Oh no! What's wrong with Sonny, hey she could be a pain, but Chad Dylan Cooper doesn't let someone he cares about be in pain! Whoa, wait a minute...I don't care about Sonny!
"Sonny, what's...wrong?" he asked carefully, what she did next was not expected by either parties. She put her arms around his heck and started hugging him and cried into his shoulder, staining his Ralph Lauren Leather Jacket.
I'm holding on to Sonny Monroe! Wait...CDC gives hugs to girls every day! I don't care at all...ah what the heck okay I love this! No I don't...nope, I don't all I care about is this jacket...yep that's all...
Chad didn't want to pull away, but he needed to find out what could cause her such pain! He gently pulled away. Sonny, being as stubborn as she was, just looked away at a poster about the movie "Camp Hip Hop".
"What's wrong?" He asked for the second time tonight.
Chad is probably just acting sweet. He'll just laugh at me...OMG I JUST HUGGED CHAD DYLAN! Ah, who cares my life is over anyways.
Sonny stared into Chad's bright, sparkling, blue eyes and decided she could trust him, it was people who might be listening in that bugged her so she took his wrist and pulled him into nearby closet. There was defiantly not enough room for the both of them, but they made it work, by being pretty much sandwiched together. Now, normally, this would have made Sonny ecstatic (as much as she tried to deny it) but her recent news made her about the saddest person in the world.
I can hear you. I do not like Chad!
Hey this is my story!
Stupid, fancy underline!
Chad, on the other hand, was not in a sad state and, well...
Her hand is still holding my wrist!
her leg is brushed up against my leg
I can feel her body heat
Damn is she ever cute! WAIT..I am sounding like a complete and total nerd! No one cares about Sonny, not at all! Her stupid cuteness is nothing!
"I...I...have...well...need" Sonny stammered between sobs.
At this rate were not getting anywhere! Chad thought.
"Breath my Sonn...I mean breath Sonny." He said, almost blowing his cover. Chad started to bewilder Sonny with his eyes, She let in a few unsteady breathes, so Chad sat Sonny down on a large crate that was behind him. He sat down as well beside her, his hand on her.
"Begin." He instructed. She let in a low, ragged breath.
"I have to leave so random!" She cried.
"Finally decided to leave chuckle city huh? Come to bag Chad Dylan Cooper for a spot? II could make things happen for you Sonny, but are you good enough?" Sonny looked at him with fiery eyes.
Why was he so insensitive? He makes it so hard to lik...woah hold up there Sonny telling fiction in a though is not good!
"No you idiotic jerk!" she spat at him, " I am leaving because Mr. Condor's evil daughter Dakota said she preferred Mandy on the show and said I was going no where! So I'm out and she's in. And, well Mr. Condor is just putty in her hands."
Chad stood up, attempting to pace, but there was no room to.
"MANDY RETIRED" He yelled, mad and confused.
"She said she'd come back in a heartbeat for a raise in pay." Sonny felt better that she got to tell someone, but only a little. Chad looked away, thinking deeply. He looked back at Sonny with a new look on his face. A look that made Sonny feel like everything was gone, the only thing left was peace, happiness, and Ch...
Don't you dare say it!
CHAD! Now quit interrupting my story.
Anyways, peace, happiness, and Chad.
"Dakota got you out of So Random! right?" He asked.
"Are you an idiot? That's what I just said!" She exclaimed.
"Then, sucking up to her could always, well, get you back in? Right?" Chad smiled. Sonny was overwhelmed! She took a quick step into Chad and kissed his cheek. She also gave him a quick hug. He just smiled, keeping his cool.
It was this strange tingling sensation the spot on my cheek where her lips touched.
Sonny Monroe kissed my cheek!
Sonny Monroe kissed my cheek!
Sonny Monroe kissed my cheek!
Sonny Monroe kissed my cheek!
Sonny Monroe kissed my cheek!
I was way over hiding that I loved her. I was no longer in denial. I would allow my thoughts to be of her, but that doesn't mean I'd tell her about it, well for now anyways.
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