Hey guys, sorry for the delay just started school so its hard to find time to write! I hope you enjoy the final chapter and what has been completed as "Sonny With a Chance of Leaving." Okay, and you know what? I have just relised this chapter is pretty short :O If you really hate this chapter, please feel free to review about it and maybe when I have time I can make an alternat ending!

"So, your really expecting me to do this?" Chad asked, looking at Sonny.

"Well, if we still hated each other…no. But now that were going out…Channy can't live if I move back to Wisconsin." Sonny explained sitting beside Chad in the prop house. He grabbed her hand.

"Oh come on Sonny! You and I both know that you could just join the falls. Portlyn says that you joining the show would make our Channy name more famous then Zanessa!" He said popping his collar. He's love to be better then Zac Efron and his girlfriend.

"I could NEVER leave So Random! And you know it! Maybe I'd consider guest staring but I can never leave, its not right."

"Sonny! Your making me kiss a twelve year old?!" Chad exclaimed flabbergasted.

"Well, your trying to be nice…remember? I'd do it for you! Come on it would just be a peck, plus you can just picture its me you kissing!" Sonny laughed. Chad was too angry and just blurted out the first thing that came to mind, due to his old ways with Sonny.

"Is that suppose to make it better?" he spat. He walked out the room and stormed, until he stopped about halfway towards Mackenzie Falls.

I need to do this. Imagine life with my Sonnay? It would be so…dark. No more Son. Huh, I guess i'm giving a kiss to a twelve year old, and apologizing. UGH I hate this be nice thing!

Chad ran back into the prop house, Sonny was gone. He ran up to Sonny's change room. He went to open the door, but it was locked. He heard faint, quite, crying, that most wouldn't hear but, like I said before, he had Chad-sonic hearing.

Well no arguing with dat!

You are correct, no arguing with the author.

But your readers L-O-V-E it!

Right you are, but then I end up rambling and they get bored.

I know! Do you have like a obsessive compulsive disorder of rambling?

Chad, your just a meanie. I'm going to make you say something you don't want to...

Chad meowed, but Sonny couldn't hear.

AUTHOR! why!

The readers enjoy it.

Back to the story...

Chad knocked softly on the door, "Sonny! Let me in."

"No! Just to let you know i'm breaking up with you because I know your going to try to be the dumper! But noooooo way your going to be the dumpee this time!" Sonny sobbed viscously. Chad's heart stopped, he felt a sinking feeling in his stomach.

"I wasn't going to break up with you." He said with a cracked, pained, voice. It was quite the sobbing stopped, but only for a moment, Sonny could be pretty stubborn.

"Your still an ungrateful boyfriend who doesn't want me around!"

"Would an ungrateful boyfriend kiss a twelve year old for his girlfriend?" Chad asked, a smirk growing on his face. Chad and his charm. Sonny's crying stopped, she walked towards the door and opened it a little, revealing puffy red eyes, and half her face.

"Really?" She asked.

"Really, Sonny, really." he said his famous line, but, not with smugness, but with all the niceness he could input, he did, like I said, try to commit to being nice. Sonny opened the door and gave Chad a hug.

That stupid electricity firework feeling! It should be gone know...but HECK I love it! Sonny thought.

They just stood hugging, and Chad held up her head and kissed her passionately.

"Come on Dakota, we need to get this over with!" Chad pleated as she sat at her desk in front of a mirror, deciding which lip gloss to use.

"Wait! What about raspberry, how do you feel about that one?" This was about the 20th time Dakota had asked about lip gloss flavour.

"Yes! Love it!" Chad lied while using fake excitement.

"Well, I don't think I like that one...hmmm what do you think about citrus?" Chad rolled his eyes.

"Where's the bathroom again?" He asked.

"Down the hall." Dakota pointed out of her room. Chad ran down the hall and smacked into the one, the only, Mr. Condor!

"Chad, watch yourself Sun! Can't have one of my favourite actors getting hurt!" He huffed.

One of his favourites? I thought I was his only favourite!

"Thanks sir." he mumbled.

"So what brings you to my house?" he asked. He was in a particularly a good mood.

"Dakota. She wanted to hang out with me and Sonny." Chad lied.

"Ah! Sonny Munroe! Love that girl, she boosted up ratings so high!" he bumbled. All Chad could think was WHAT!

"But...you are firing her?!" He half asked half explained.

"I would never fire Sonny! It would be the same as firing you off of Mackenzie Falls! What gave you that idea?!" Chad's mind was in a blur.

Sonny's not getting fired! This was set up... WOAH he just said Sonny's acting is as good as mine! HA! She's not THAT good CDC could act circles around my Sonnay!

"Um, well, I got to go!" Chad ran back into the room. He stared around like he was in a new place that he had never seen before.

"Come on Chad, I choose Luscious Cookies and Cream." Dakota said seductively.

"More like Cookies and Scream." Sonny muttered under her breath. Chad had the most perfect idea.

"Okay." He said. he walked up to her, bent down and was only approximately 3 Centimetres away from her face when he said.

"NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN! HAHAHA I KNOW YOU FAKED SONNY BEING FIRED!" He yelled. She backed away looking shocked.

"No! no no no!" She argued.

"I was just talking to your dad, he says that he would never fire Sonny!"

"He was lying!"

"Really, Dakota, really?" He asked.

"No, your right." she huffed, sitting onto her chair, "But I can get you fired! So you better..."

"Pfft, we'd just show your dad the text message you sent me saying I was fired and tell his the beautiful story..." Sonny cut in. Dakota was silenced. Sonny and Chad waved by to her and ran back outside. The drove away to lookout mountain for celebration. Sonny wasn't being fired, so she had a great career. Sonny is dating no other then Chad Dylan Cooper, heartthrob and her love. Sonny was great friends with her cast mates, she was living in Hollywood! Could she ask for anymore?

Well, I hope you enjoyed my story. It was great writing it and thank you for reviewing and favouriting! I am thinking of possibly writing "The Latest Buzz" fanfic over next break from school, so subscribe to me for an alert on possibly more Sonny With a Chance and more! Sorry for majorly fluff ending!
