Disclaimer: All of these include KakaIru, which means boyxboy! Also, I don't own Naruto or any of the characters; just the plot bunny.
A/N: No spoilers. For the Lover's Month/Love Event at the KakaIru Group on DA. Fluff. And a special thanks to my beta, Beasiesgal!
Iruka jerked awake at the subtle weight change of Kakashi rolling out of bed. His heart rate slowed at the bleary realization that the other man was dressing in house clothes, and not for a mission. The sensei's internal clock told him that it was still early yet; for a weekend, in any case.
"Didn't mean to wake you," Kakashi chuckled softly, returning to sit at the edge of the bed and laying a small kiss on the chuunin's head. "Must be slipping, ne?"
Iruka snorted at that, tilting his head so that their lips met sweetly. "Mmm... no," he smiled, still enveloped in the pleasant sensations of half-awakeness and still-warm blankets. "I'm just too used to my wonderful bed warmer," he grinned affectionately.
Kakashi gazed at his chuunin lovingly, every instinct telling him to crawl back into the warm bed and just lay there for a few more hours. But alas, it was not to be. He had plans, after all... "Well, don't worry. I'm not leaving... just go back to sleep for a bit, okay, love?"
Iruka's eyes never left him, even as the other man's eyelids drifted closed, a small smile adorning his features as he surrendered to sleep. That familiar warmth grew in the jounin's chest, causing his breath to hitch. Iruka had such a way of looking at him... as if he was the only person in existence. He couldn't help but feel as if he didn't deserve it, but he would never give it up, either.
Iruka stirred awake for the second time, uncurling himself with a yawn and blinking at the sunlight that gently filtered though the window. Kakashi's side of the bed had long turned cold, much to his dismay. It was strange enough for the other man to be awake before him on weekdays, the chuunin mused, let alone on a Sunday. But before Iruka had a chance to roll himself out of bed and go hunting for the jounin, Kakashi appeared at the doorway.
"Hope you're hungry?"
"Wow," was all the tanned sensei could breathe as he rubbed his eyes, pushing himself into a sitting position. A smile tugged at his lips. "Have I walked into a genjutsu?"
Kakashi rolled his eye in mock indignation, crossing the room to settle in bed and situate the breakfast trays, which were very full indeed. "Give me some credit, love!"
"Well", Iruka began, giving the other man a quick peck on the cheek, "It's just that... you're up earlier than me. On a weekend. To cook breakfast." Which you don't even much like to eat, Iruka thought fondly as he looked the trays over. "And," he added, tilting his head in confusion, "You're wearing a pink apron."
"It was the only one I could find," Kakashi muttered, a blush just barely dusting his pale cheeks. "Why in the world do you have a pink apron anyhow?"
"Mmm... Good question," Iruka chuckled, nuzzling the other man's cheek lovingly. "Shall we eat? Ah, wait... Since when is chocolate on the breakfast menu?" The chuunin wrinkled his nose in a mixture of amused befuddlement. "Not that I'll be able to turn it down..."
"Since it's Valentine's day, of course. You forgot, huh..." The jounin just chuckled at the thunderstruck look on his lover's face, and took the opportunity to slide a piece of toast between the parted lips.
"I am so, so sorry, Kakashi," Iruka finally managed, after swallowing the mouthful of bread. His face burned with embarrassment, eyes downcast. "This week has just been so stressful, and..."
"Mmm, don't worry about it. You can always make it up to me later." Kakashi grinned rakishly and stole a quick kiss, cutting off further apologies.
"I will. Promise. I'll do all the dishes," Iruka grinned, and tried his best not to think of the state his poor kitchen must be in after the jounin's cooking misadventures.
"Wow, sensei," Kakashi couldn't help but smile affectionately, if not a bit sheepishly. "You really do love me." The passionate kiss he received in turn confirmed it, of course.