A/N I have gotten another few alerts so iam still taking it as a good sign. I am more then likely going to go back on the first chapter and reduce the ages I think so I can get a even flow of events if that make since lol I re read it and just seemed off with where lam going with this lol so please bare with me I will try to be understandable in my thought process. Oh I bet u guys already know this but I have no clue what so ever on the schooling , jobs or what have you the gang is taking on so once more Please bare with me this is a first for me lol. so on ward to more Edward and Emmett
I own nothing sad but true all characters belong to S.M.
Okay maybe Em and Jasper were right maybe I was stupid for taking summer courses but I just wanted to go that extra mile and look good for the hospital I would be interning at. I was making it out of my last class of the day. I only had 2 today in stand of the regular 3 my first class was cancel due to the professor having a personal day.. Well it ended in my favor to say the lest I can now go straight back to my apartment get starter on the papers that were assign and then had back over to Ems and Roses for dinner by six. It was already mid July I only had a few more weeks of class then I could enjoy what little summer I had off the big whopping 8 days before Med school started again .
I was quickly looking over what had to be done tonight before I left. I was in the parking lot of our apartment building when I heard a very small voice utter "fuck. just great" a little louder then I thought she intended to say. Looking up or should I say down to where the voice came from. My eyes were stricken by the sight of deep dark brown hair that was pulled away from her face in a light ponytail. To reveal a pale sweetheart face with no makeup just natural my eyes were drawn to her lips full pink once more natural no make up at all. It looked like my legs had a mind of their own before I even new it I was behind the young girl bending down so I could wrap my arms around her tiny waist
to help her stand back up .Oh sweet heaven she smelled like fresh strawberries.
As the strawberry scented angel got to her feet my mind went blank and when I mean blank I mean completely and utterly blank I am surprised I know my know my name right now. THINK CULLEN TALK DAMINT!.
"are you okay?' yes that's' good that works .man I am good! I I said to her smiling down towards her only to look upon the chocolate deaths of her eyes. I could have died right then and there and been a happy man.
"Here let me help you"I bent down picking up what the bag she was carrying spilled unto the ground gathering everything up I can find I placed it back in one of the bags took the other two she tried to carry shut the door to jeep she was besides .and asked her where she was heading. She told me that she was staying with her brother and his girlfriend she just moved to the area and was staying with them till her friend was able to get her spare bedroom cleaned out for her. NOW! If I have been listening to ALL that she just said and really actually looked at the JEEP she just gotten out of. In stand of letting my eyes wonder over long legs in tight jeans and a sinful sweeter and lips that just looked like they were begging for me to kiss and not to mention the sudden "salute" little Eddie had given her. II would be in sooooooooo much less trouble AND pain then i am in now.
We were heading up the stairs just making small talk when she came to a sudden stop.
"this is me " she said turning around to face me. OH!sweet lord would it be so wrong to just to go ahead pin her against this door...
"So .." I said turning around to face her . Her back towards the door her eyes looking at me . Dammit she was biting her lip how in the good lord is that hot. Well I can do this its not like I never asked out women before this one is no different. Just for some reason strangely familiar. Taking a deep breath and in haling all the strawberry goodness which was her I said.
"I'm Edward.. you are.."
"Bella" she said quietly her eyes looked down at the floor towards her feet and I saw a beautiful blush creep up her neck and on to her checks .Taking my hand I gently lifted her chin so those chocolate eyes will have my full attention I leaned in turning my body into hers placing the bags I had down in my other hand onto the floor I place said hand on her hip she felt so tiny against my large hand fragile breakable almost
"Would you like to go.." but before I had the chance to speak my next words the door behind her swung open knocking my Bella .yes I said "MY Bella" so bite me! Off balance and falling backwards taking her with me.
I looked up from the tangles of arms and legs in what I thought was a very nice position of Bella and myself on the floor to see a sight worse then Death himself. I have never feared anyone or anything before now .NOW I just wish for death and death had a name and his name was Emmett Swan.
I know this is a short one and I am sooooooooo sorry I always hate it when people post short one myself I just had to jump right in there with what I had in my head lol hell I am still shock I remember how I want this story to go! Lol
Okies so lam NOT dead still cant type and sure as hell cant spell wroth a damn but I got a couple more alerts and one ask me why I stopped and didn't finish it wasn't that I didn't want to I guess u can say I had brain freeze or what have you but in truth RL just SUCKS! I WILL TRY to keep this going as much as I can just PLEASE keep the reviews coming and or alerts too! Till then may we all hope to meet Edward in a parking building lot!