Hey there people who are totally in LOVE with Sonny With a Chance and Channy! I am co-writing this story with Narnialove *clap clap! Applause* and I am so horned to be doing so! I hope you enjoy what you are about to read! Check out Narnialove's storys at
Sonny With a Chance of Canada, eh!
Chapter 1
"You couldn't even describe how excited I am!" Sonny squealed into her cell phone. Lucy giggled.
"Are you sure about that? Hmmm, euphoric? Insanely excited? Awesomly ecstatic?" Sonny laughed, Lucy was actually a really good writer, so she was like a personal walking-talking-dictionary, or thesaurus in this case.
"Okay I think I get it Lulu!" Sonny interrupted her droning on, the nickname Tawni gave Lucky sort of stuck, so Sonny decided to continue to use it. Sonny was recently told by Mr. Condor that there was going to be an interview with Much Music in Toronto, and Sonny was invited to promote her show! Which meant Sonny was going to Canada to visit for a whole week! Yes, a whole week for one interview? Weird right? Well Sonny was asked to try to be seen in the public to get more publicity for the show. This was the best thing ever! Chad walked into the prop house where Sonny was sitting on the couch blabbing to her cell phone.
"What do you want Cooper?" Sonny asked like she hadn't a care in the world…when really she did.
WOAH author person I do NOT have feelings for Chad!
Actually, my name is Sarah, and Narnialove is also here. So you know what? Don't interrupt our story!
UGH pushy authors!
Excuse me?
Anyways, back to the story.
"Well, I was just wondering, if you could remind me what time we have to be at the airport tomorrow?" Chad said keeping a strait face, since he was the best actor of out generation he could do this without a smirk.
"6:30." Sonny answered absent mindley, then she realised what he said, "WAIT! WHAT! I am catching a plane tomorrow not you! Where did this we thing come from?" Chad almost laughed.
"Why Sonny! I thought you would have known that we have a much music interview! Were flying to Canada for a week!"
"There that word again! WE! NO! THERE IS NOT WAY YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUSE CHAD DYLAN THERE IS NOT WAY!" Chad had to laugh at this. He was shaking from laughter and Sonny stared at him in major hate.
"Mr. Condor," he said between chuckles, "Said this interview is for the top stars of his two best shows, Mackenzie Falls and So Random!" Chad laughed at this. AH how much he loves to harass Sonny.
"I'm not going." Sonny said, her face pale. Chad stopped laughing.
"Come on Sonny that's a little harsh." Chad said serious.
"That's a little harsh? Chad, Mr. Condor didn't even have the decency to tell me I was going to have to go with you!"
"Suck it up Cup Cake, because he said you have to go." Sonny was about to send some mean words back to Chad but a high pitch noise came put from Sonny's phone.
"Oh! Sorry there Lucy the devils decided to ruin my trip."
"So are you going even though Chad is?" she asked, Lucy had heard enough to know the devil was Chad.
"You better believe it." She said between gritted teeth. Chad smiled and walked of towards his set. Sonny huffed and Tawni walked into the room./
"Sonny, I am on the cover of Tween Weekly!" she exclaimed holding up a picture of Sonny and her doing the 'Check it Out Dance' from there 'Check it out Girls' sketch.
"Yeah, so am I." Sonny said, still aggravated from Chad.
"Uh, well who cares! Anyways so you going to Canada." Tawni said like she was the first to tell Sonny.
"Yes. Obviously. I. Was. Told." Sonny answered as if she was talking to a child, and with Tawni, you pretty much were talking to a child.
"Yeah, you going with Chad you know." She said with fake worry.
"Did everyone know this except for me?" Sonny questioned astonished.
"Pretty much!" Tawni exclaimed in a high pitch voice, and walked out filing her nails. Nico and Grady walked in.
"Hey! My girl Sonnay's goin' to Canada!" Nico announced high-fiving Sonny, " Too bad you stuck with Chip Drama Pants." Sonny shook her head.
"Seriously! Everyone knew! Except for me! That is not far!" Sonny screamed.
"Actually, Bert the mail man didn't know." Zora said opening her sarcophagus.
"Yeah I did." Bert said defensively walking by, "Chad told me." Sonny rolled her eyes then her phone beeped, she had gotten a text. It was from Chad.
Chk out my blog!
Sonny quickly typed in the url to Chad's blog (not like she remembered it off of heart of anything). She checked the most recent post, which was three minutes ago.
Hey there Chad fans! Anyways, I was called to Mr. Condors office today (I know scary right? Well its all a'ight since Chad is never scared!) and was told that I will be going to Canada to be on much music. I know right? "Chad coming to Canada! Woah that's a dream come true to us Canadians!" thinks a random Canadian. The funniest part is, the only reason I am going is because Sonny BEGGED Mr. Condor into getting me to go, she couldn't handle being away from my chad-tasticness! So I walked over to ask her what was going on and she acted all flushed to be in my presence. Seriously give The Chad some breathing place. Anyways, remember guys; MACKENZIE FALLS IS THE BEST SHOW THERE COULD EVER, EVER BE AND SO RANDOM! IS JUST PLAIN WEIRD!
"No way!" Sonny screamed. Nico and Grady had been reading over her shoulders.
"Dude did you read that?" Nico asked elbowing Grady.
"Nope, screens to small can't read it." Grady shrugged.
"It is not!"
"It is too! I think I should know it my eyes!
"Your stupid eyes!" and they bickered back in forth while Sonny called Chad.
"Hey your on with Chad." Chad said smoothly.
"Was Santiago right on this Diva thing?" he asked.
"I. Can't. Stand You." she said icily.
"See you tomorrow on the plane?" Chad asked.
"Yeah." Sonny huffed.