Hey guys, it's Sarahsota, so its been, heh, A LONG TIME! I am so sorry and I'm guessing everyone must hate me now… :( Anyways, I have been pretty busy with me Christmas channy fic, you should go check it out.; very channyful :)
Yea, technically Narnialove was going to write this chapter, but she is really busy so I though, why not write this chapter!
By the way, I am so excited for season 2 of swac! I've avoided all the spoilers because I want to be surprised when I watch it, but I still saw the teaser on youtube from Disney, where the announcer is like 'Chad has a new crush!" and then he's standing in front of Sonny and he like asks her out AND OMG! OMG GO WATCH IT RIGHT NOW IF YOU HAVEN'T! Sorry, I'm just really excited…that better come out soon, and if it comes out in the US before Canada someone better post it on youtube or mega video!
"So did you end up finding a dress?" Chad asked making convo as we awkwardly sat at the beautiful diner, their was a candle scented as chocolate sitting in the middle of the table, the lights were dim, and it was very expensive looking. I was afraid Chad was going to spend to much money on me, I wouldn't like that.
"Oh, uh…yeah, it's blue…" I said quietly, avoiding the gaze from his eyes. It was easy to get lost in them, I hate to admit it, and I didn't want the guest star thing happening all over again.
"And why, Sonny, would you choose blue?" he teased.
"Because blue looks good on me! It is not because of your eyes!"
"I never said it was," he smirked, and I laughed,
"Well you were thinking it," it was true though, I saw the dress, immediately though of Chad's eyes, tried it on, and thought it looked beautiful. I wasn't going to tell him that.
"Well, I tend to think things that are true," he said slyly.
"Chad, don't start with me, are we going order?" I asked nervously,
What was with her? She was always confident, and now she's like… being all nervous! And she's avoiding my guys, I mean, I'm kind of flattered that I have this affect on her, well I am Chad Dylan Cooper for crying out loud! You better be nervous around me!
"Um, yeah, what are you going to order, the waiters can be a bit judgemental when you take a long time to order,"
"Oh, uh, Chad why isn't their prices on this menu?" Sonny demanded. This was good, she was worried about price! Does she not know the salary I get? My mom's a designer, does she know the salary she gets? Even my dad's a business man, does she know the salary he gets? She could order a 2000 dollar meal and it won't do anything to our bank account, not even a dent.
"I'm awed that you don't think I can pay for this, seriously choose anything the price does not matter, plus, if it makes you feel better I guess I can let you pay… well, no I won't. Never mind. Just choose."
"How am I suppose to know?!" she asked me quietly but urgently, "I don't always eat at these types of restaurant's Chad, I'm used to Wendy's," I crinkled my nose at her, I skimmed my menu quickly,
"Shrimp noodles are good, you could always get the lobster, ohh the pork chops are exquisite, they cook they in cream of mushroom your know, Escargot is disgusting, defiantly not caviar,"
"Uh, all I got from that raw fish noodles, lobster, pork chops in soup, snail is yuck, and no fish eggs," I laughed,
"How about you let me order for you?" I asked, hoping she had the trust in me.
"Sure, you know more about this stuff then I do," she sighed, "Just tell me before you get something like, raw fish eggs, because that's just disgusting," I chucked and waved my hand in the air to call a waiter over.
"Yes and what could I get you Monsieur Cooper?" asked the man with a French accent and a black French moustache. It was very stereotypical. Of course he knew my name, I am famous.
"We need one Japanese Matsutake mushroom, and some shrimp noodles," I demanded,
"Ah, yes Mr. Cooper, and for the drinks?"
"Frosted glass's with strawberry sparking water and a few drops of your most extravagant Balsamic vinegar spritzers,"
"Of course Mr. Cooper, will that be all?"
"Um, hold on a minute…Frankois," Sonny said, trying to read his name plate,
"François, Sonny," I whispered at her sternly,
"The drinks are non-alcoholic right?"
"Of course Mademoisle, may I suggest to listen to your date? He seems to know a lot about our culinary," the man smiled at her, then looked back to me,
"Your food should be here soon Monsieur Cooper," and he stalked off into the kitchen with his order,
"Jeez Sonny! You can't trust me to get appropriate drinks? You need to be 18 to get alcohol, he would have asked for ID,"
"I was just making sure!" she said crossing her arms.
"You can trust me Sonny," I said, giving her a charming smile, she was still trying not to keep eye contact, so she blushed and almost looked away immediately, "What is with you Sonny?"
"Hmm, nothing is with me," she lied, her voice raising a few octaves.
"Then why aren't you looking at me? Is this Guest Star all over again?"
"Oh yeah? Well I'm looking at you know!" she exclaimed, looking at my tie.
"I'm up hear," I frowned, so she looked at my cheek, I moved my head over so she was forced to look into my eyes,
"See, is that too bad?" she kept looking into my eyes with wonder, and instead of it being weird, it wasn't.
Snap out of it Sonny! Those deep blue oceans, the smile on his face…
"Hear is your food monsieur and mademoiselle," the man said, " which one of you ordered the wonderful Shrimp Noodles,"
"That would be you Sonny," Chad said with a smirk. HIS STUPID EYES! The waiter placed the plate in front of me, between the different types of spoons and forks. Who would need this many! He placed the mushroom thing in front of Chad, it did smell pretty good, but I could tell it was imported. There was no way that this Japanese thing was originated in Canada. He swiftly left, then came back with the drinks. The drinks actually tasted pretty good and rich, plus the top was coated with sugar, so it was pretty good mixed with the bubbly strawberry. I warily picked up a piece of my food and stuck it in my mouth, it was actually good! That surprised me! Chad looked down at the plate,
"You like?" he laughed,
"Yeah, actually I do," I said with a smile,
"Too bad your using the wrong fork…" he stifled a laugh and grabbed a slightly bigger one that looked a little more like a spork, but wasn't exactly.
"Thanks," I muffled and continued to eat I looked at Chad who seemed to be enjoying his food.
"Can I try a piece of that?" I asked him, it looked intriguing for some reason.
"Sure," he shrugged, I reached across and grabbed a bit of his good, put it in my mouth, and I have to say it was pretty interesting until,
"Ew, what's with that tangy flavour?" I said, spitting out the food into a napkin, I hope the cook couldn't hear me.
"You don't like?"
"No, I'm repelled, how do you like that?!"
"Um, I don't know, my taste buds like it, can't argue with them," he shrugged. After a while of small talk, Chad looked over,
"Do you think I could try some of that?" he asked, of course he had it before, but I couldn't blame him, his food was disgusting, I nodded my head yes, and he reached over, his arm brushing mine lightly, sending tingles up my arm, I looked up at Chad, his eyes directly on mine. I nearly gasped, getting lost in his eyes for the second time today, and that when I heard it.
"OH MY CHAD IT'S CHAD DYLAM COOPER!" yelled a girl, flashing her camera at us, and in came a whole bunch of other people, reporters and everything, it looked like the had tackled the poor greeter at the front, and the man who showed people their seats. I think they must of got some pretty good shots, well because Chad was slightly standing up, reaching across the table with his hand brushed up against mine, and major eye contact going on, and our faces were almost leant in. I nearly shrieked when Chad whispered,
"Remember? Publicity, pretend we want privacy," he demanded. Well I wasn't an actress for anything right? Plus, I wanted privacy with Chad anyways…wait, did I just admit to that?
"Why won't you people ever leave us alone?!" I said to the camera's and recording devices. A girl about 14 had a crazed look on her face,
"Sonny Munroe, I shall kill you for Chad," she said furiously, okay that was just creepy.
"Hey kid, you even suppose to watch my show?" Chad demanded.
"I have watched every season since it started in 2006. You were so small hen! Just in middle school…ah your show's amazing, and your so dreamy…"
"Oh god, what happened to the security at this place?!" asked Chad infuriated, the girl ran up beside Chad,
"Can I get a picture with you Chad Dylan Cooper? I need it for the fan site, I know everything there is to know about you Chad," she smiled.
"Are you the chick from that creepy website, that like stalks me? It says that I'm going to be going to a movie premier, then it show's pictures of me being there?"
"Yeah," she said mischievously.
"Can you stop sending me emails?"
"Nope, our site fans demand it,"
"Creep," I muttered under my breath. Finally, security came in and ushered everyone outside, the girl pushed as hard as she could against the security guy, she started screaming,
"Jeez!" Chad beckoned, he had a rip on his sleeve.
"Did she try to tear your clothes?" I asked astounded.
"Yeah, I never understood that…" he said shaking his head (A/N Sterling Knight actually said that in an interview…). I huffed,
"Well, like they say, Canadian fans can always be…a little extreme," I giggled, wanting to light the mood.
"I don't feel like desert anymore, do you want to leave? Or did you still want some chocolate mouse?"
"Sure, let's just leave," I grabbed my shall that was on the back of my chair, this was a fancy restaurant and I had to wear a semi-formal dress, so I brought a shall encase my arm's got cold, it was strapless. A man with the head chef cap came out to us,
"My apologies go to you, we never had security breech so big in a long time, and we had many stars eat hear before, my condolence goes to your both, but you may need to get assistance to your car,"
"What?" Chad demanded, the man looked very nervous and was seating a bit, ew, not exactly something you want to know when he is cooking food.
"You have a lot of fans outside," he explained slowly, "we are afraid they are surrounding your car,"
"WHAT!" Chad screeched like a girl, "my baby!" he sobbed. He ran for the door, stepped outside. Big mistake.
"IT'S CHAD1" screeched a girl.
"OH MY CHAD!" screeched another, and then, all of the people were running towards Chad, he looked so vulnerable, he just froze, there were double the people, nah, triple the people then who had came into the restaurant. I ran up behind the frozen Chad before one of the girl grabbed his shirt, I pulled him back and security shut the door closed, the girl still managed to pull off another one of his sleeves. What freaks!
"You okay?" I asked him when I stood him up right.
"Y…Yeah" he stuttered, his voice cracking.
"Has this ever happened to your before?" Sonny asked, she was starting to think Canadian must be freaks,
"Well, yeah…" he said. Okay, I guess fans are the same everywhere. Maybe a bit more extreme here, who knows, I wasn't that famous yet.
So, after the security gaurs led us out through a back way to Chad's car, and they called police to control the fans, we finally drove back to the hotel. Some guy working for Mr. Condor had actually checked us in earlier, and so we both hadn't seen our hotel rooms. We walked up to the counter,
"Hello Miss, there should be a room under the name Chad Dylan Cooper from Condor Studios, I need the room key," he flipped out his ID, I did the same,
"Yes, and there should be a separate one for Sonny Munroe, I need the room key as well,"
"Wait your turn," Chad said sarcastically, I narrowed my eyes at him,
"Well, we have a room under Sonny Munroe and Chad Dylan Cooper, under one suite,"
"Wait, he expects us to SHARE a room?" Chad asked appalled.
"I'm very sorry for your inconvenience, here is your room keys,"
"Okay, no, how much if it to rent a separate room?" Chad asked, popping out his visa,
"Well, we are currently full, the only other Suite we have is the kind Suite, usually for royalty, and it is 5000$ per night,"
"You know what, it's a waste of money, but whatever, sure I'll take it," The women gladly excepted the card and was about to swipe it, when she saw something on the computer screen,
"Oh, I'm sorry, it is actually going to be checked out by Madonna late tonight, you'll have to share the suite," Chad stomped his foot really girlishly, rudely took the room key and walked ahead of me,
"I didn't realise sharing a suite with me is so bad you would spend that much money on a separate Suite." I attacked rudely, my self esteem wasn't that high at the moment.
"Oh yeah, TV's Chad Dylan Cooper and Sonny Munroe shares a Suite, is there G-rated fun or not? That is what's' going to happen when the press find out!"
"Whatever Chad, is spending time with me is that terrible…"
"Sonny! What is there is one bed!"
"Chad, Suites always have a couch," I rolled my eyes and stepped into the elevator. Up we went to our room, I huffed as I took the room key out of Chad's hands and stepped inside,
"There you whiney baby there's two bed's sorry you've got to share a room with me," I rolled my eyes at him. I don't know why it hurt my feelings so much exactly…
"Whatever," he said dryly.
You think Sonny wouldn't be mad at me trying to get a separate room, but seriously, I didn't think she would want to share a room! And, well, I snore. Yes, Chad Dylan Cooper snores and I'm not to happy about it. Thank god I packed the nasal strip things…I hope Sonny doesn't question why….
"What's with the nasal strip?" I sighed, so much for hoping. She hopped onto her bed, it was beside mine, and looked at me questionably.
"Oh, so now your talking to me," I said sarcastically.
"Your avoiding my question,"
"Your avoiding my question, why the sudden forgiveness?"
"I asked first," Sonny said gruffly,
"Well, you asking made me question which means technically you should answer me first," I said with finality. Wait, what did I just say?
"Huh?" she asked confused.
"Well, uh, I wear the nasal strips because…"
"You snore?"
"Pfft! CDC does not snore, he just has a slight cold, and he breaths mainly though his nose at night," amazing save Chad!
"Why do you like talking in third person so much?"
"Eh, it's fun," I shrugged. She had been giving me a silent treatment, forever, and now she was talking to me…strange.
"Wow Chad, your starting to talk like a Canadian," she laughed.
"Oh no I'm being corrupted!" I put arms in front of me as if I was afraid of something, who said Chad Dylan Cooper can't be funny? Sonny laughed really card, and the water she was drinking actually squirted out of her nose a bit. I'm serious. It did. I made water come out of Sonny Munroe's nose. I was proud of myself for some odd reason, she blushed and grabbed a napkin.
"Well, this is awkward…" I laughed,
"It's fine Munroe, something Chad Dylan Cooper is just that funny," she smiled impishly, "So, why are you talking to me again?"
"Well, I guess there are some pretty good reasons for us not sharing a room, I think I over-reacted," she declared. I over-reacted to, but it's not like I'm going to admit it.
"I sense an apology…" I hinted.
"Isn't me talking to you an apology enough?" she huffed,
"Woah, diva, you act as if talking to you is the greatest thing since slice bread,"
"Fine! I'm sorry, there you happy?"
"Yes, Chad Is very happy, but tired," I said, laying down on my bed. Thank god for nasal strips! I thought for about the billionth time.
"Yeah, me too, good night Chad," Sonny said, laying down, her beautiful, err I mean her hair swashed over her face and she looked the other way, and I slumbered into a small peaceful sleep.
I had a plan. It would probably backfire, but I was feeling mischievous. Chad wasn't stuffed up all day, he never complained about a cold and he never blew his nose, so I knew he must have been lying. He must snore. I decided I would prove this theory, by getting the nasal strip off his nose. I got up and sneaked over towards his bed, I climbed beside him, and looked at his face. He looked a lot younger then he actually was, and I think that's true with everyone. I spied the nasal strip and slowly brought my hand to it. He looked really cute. Woah Sonny focus on the plan! My hand slightly brushed his nose, and he swatted at his nose. I nearly laughed, but I reached again, and I started to slowly peel it, when all the sudden, he reached out for me. He did, and he put his arm around me, I was stuck under his arm and I couldn't move it unless I wanted him to wake up. Come on Chad move your arm! I could wiggle one arm free, so I reached for the strip, and I slowly pulled it the rest of the way off! Yay! Mission accomplished, although I was still captured by the enemy, and that's when he snored. He snored! The low snore isn't something you'd expect from him…it didn't suit him at al; but for some reason, it made him more attractive…how is that possible! Maybe it's the fact I am squished under his arm and I can smell the fresh tooth paste when he exhales; whatever the reason is. I, dare I say it, might have a…crush. It was the only logical explanation for why I want to curl up with him right now, the only reason I felt tingles on my arm where his hand was cupped. I sighed, his arm was too heavy, there was no way I could get it off of me, I guess I could just wait until he moved it, too bad darkness succumbed me and I slowly fell into a soft sleep…
So, pretty long chapter huh? I don't know how much I'll update because I want to give Narnialove a chance to write, plus I am busy with another story. Anyways review please :)