Current Untitled: A Criminal Minds Fic
Chapter One: The Girl Wearing Eva
What caught Penelope Garcia's attention about the girl stepping out of the elevator was the serious amount of Eva McCord originals she was wearing. Everything from her dress to her shoes to her accessories screamed Eva McCord. How did Penelope know this? Eva McCord just happened to be one of her favorite designers.
"Can I help you?" she asked politely as she took in the miniscule details of the girl's appearance. God, she'd been spending too much time around Derek and the others. She was starting to even notice the way people talked and walked.
"Oh uh," the girl said, a bit startled, "I'm looking for Aaron Hotchner. Do you know where I can find him?" Garcia's raised eyebrows were lost beneath her blonde and pink bangs as she politely smiled and nodded.
"Right this way, doll face," she stated, before mentally slapping herself for calling the girl 'doll face'. But the blue eyed girl with the dark red hair merely smiled and followed behind the flamboyantly dressed tech analyst.
As Garcia led the girl into the bullpen, whose name she had yet to ask, she didn't miss the look Derek sent her or how JJ and Emily leaned closer together as they no doubt spoke about the 'new girl'. And then there was Reid who was completely unaware of the stunning girl breezing through the bullpen.
Garcia came to a halt before Hotch's door and gave a quick knock before waiting.
"I'm Penelope Garcia by the way," she stated, snapping the girl's attention away from the attempted discreet looks of the agents below them.
"You can just call me Garcia, everyone does. Except for Derek, he calls me Baby Girl. And Goddess, and…" she trailed off when she noticed she was rambling. Maybe it was because she didn't know who this girl was or how she knew Hotch, which she obviously did, seeing how she called him "Aaron Hotchner" instead of Special Agent Hotchner.
"Whose Derek?" the girl asked with a calm and quiet voice as her eyes scanned the crowd below them.
"The chocolate Adonis standing next to our resident boy genius, Spencer Reid." Garcia noticed how the girl's eyes lit up when she spotted the two, maybe because she now wouldn't be entirely in the dark when Garcia spoke about people.
"And the blonde is Jennifer Jeraux, or JJ as we call her and the girl next to her is Emily Prentiss."
"And I would be David Rossi," said the man who had walked up behind them while Garcia was name dropping. The McCord Girl, as Garcia had mentally dubbed her, turned to face the much older man and smiled politely.
"Esmee Richard," she replied politely, pronouncing her last name with a slight French accent. An accent that didn't go unnoticed by Rossi.
"Can I help you?" he said, his calming voice and charm causing the girl to smile a bit more.
"I'm looking for Aaron Hotchner," she stated and Rossi nodded his head in the direction behind her.
"That would be him."
Esmee turned on her heel and saw Hotch walking towards them, up the slight incline that led to the upper level offices, his nose buried in a file.
"Aaron!" she exclaimed. At the sound of his name, Hotch looked up from his files and everyone present the extreme surprise and joy that spread over his features as the petite girl hurried the last few steps towards him and practically fell into his open arms.
"What are you doing in?" Hotch inquired, confused and excited as well to have Esmee in his arms again.
"I just got into town a few days ago," she explained, "and I thought I'd stop by and see you." Hotch gave her a look that only she could understand and she nodded quickly. It didn't go unnoticed by the team, who were curious as to who the girl hugging their boss was. Even Reid's attention was focused solely on the exotic beauty.
"Hey Hotch," Derek said, breaking the silence Esmee and Hotch were basking in. Hotch turned to face his agents, keeping an arm around Esmee's shoulders as he did so.
"Team, this is my good friend Esmee Richard. Esmee, this is-"
"Garcia already filled me in," she interrupted, "it's a pleasure to meet you all." Esmee was obviously a bit nervous, despite how calmly she spoke. Emily noticed how the hem of her summer dress wavered slightly as Esmee's legs shook. Had she been wearing heels, Emily might have thought it was the result of the shoes, but Esmee was wearing comfortable looking flats. Hotch caught Emily's gaze and dropped his arm to settle around Esmee's waist before leading her into his office and shutting the door.
"Did you see her shaking?" Emily quickly brought up once Esmee and Hotch were out of sight. Derek nodded and scooted over where he was leaning against his desk when Garcia came to rest beside him.
"She could be nervous," suggested Garcia.
"Or ill," piped up JJ, "she is a bit pale, and not in a good way."
"And Hotch was surprised to see her, so maybe she was just released from a hospital out of state," suggested Derek as the team began to come together to profile Hotch's "friend".
"Maybe even out of the country," suggested Rossi who came to join them, "her accent sounds like combination of French, Italian, and possibly English and or Scottish."
"Reid?" inquired Emily who knew their resident genius could come up with thoughts and ideas none of them would ever dream of. But for once, the BAU know it all didn't have anything to say.
"She has expensive tastes," remarked Garcia who was furiously typing on Derek's laptop. What she was doing, no one really wanted to know.
"How so Baby Girl?" inquired Derek as he leaned over her shoulder. She had the security footage from the parking lot and had rewound it until she found Esmee arriving.
"She drives an Audi R8," Garcia didn't miss the low whistle from a couple agents as she mentioned the very expensive car, "and she's dressed head to toe in Eva McCord." Emily and JJ knew what that meant, and surpassingly enough so did Rossi, but Derek and Reid were drawing up blanks.
"So we've got a girl with expensive tastes who is an old friend of Hotch's," Emily listed, "who dresses stylishly, but not in a way to intentionally draw attention. She has a mixed-European accent that might suggest some traveling or parents with different nationalities. Possible dual citizenship. She also happens to look ill and when Hotch noticed she was shaking, he was quick to get her out of our sight and practically carried her into his office." She paused for a moment, looking at all the other agents as she came to the end of her recitation.
"So what do we know?" Everyone was surprised when Reid spoke.
"We know nothing."
• • • • • • • •
a/n: so please forgive what is probably a bad first chapter. I will warn you now that there will probably be some major ooc-ness from probably every character. I've only been watching Criminals Minds for… well, not even a year. I'd say two-four months at the most, so I don't really know too much about the characters. I just had this freaking annoying idea running in my head that I had to get out.
So reviews are nice. If you're just going to say it sucks, let me save you the trouble by saying I already know that. So yeah.
For those of you who could answer this question, is there anything I could write in the summary so people would know this is kind of OOC? It's not AU, but it's not perfect like the tv show because I haven't been watching that long.
And for those of you who have read, thanks.