Authors Note:
So I know you guys are going to kill me for this…. but..….
I'm going to take a break from writing this story for a bit, doing some revising, and so on.
Now before you start throwing everything in sight at me *cowers* let me explain.
I'm going to be holding off on updating for the following reasons-
A. Too many people think Esmee is a Mary Sue and I'd like to avoid that. :)
B. There are certain things that have happened in this story that conflict with things to come, namely, the spin-off/sequel I have planned.
C. I feel like, to get the intended result and everything I want, I've rushed too much and haven't elaborated enough.
And finally...
D. You guys are totally worth the extra time and work needed to make this story better.
And yes, I'm a total suck up.
So… do you still want to kill me?