A/N: There wasn't going to be a Chapter 2 but I felt like my little plot bunny had legs so I ran with it. Did you see what I did there? Great. This, however, will probably be the last chapter. Chapter 1 will need a do-over anyway because it's just so damn sad with the grammatical errors and horrific writing abundant in it but I'll just leave that for when I actually give a damn. If there are errors in this one, it's not my fault. Well, maybe it is.
Thanks for the lovely reviews on the first chapter!
Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to Twilight. It's sad how shockingly little I actually do own.
It would have been a beautiful day, what with the birds singing outside the window and the sun shining brightly in the sky, if not for the fact that I had a sickly girlfriend on her deathbed.
"Emmett, calm down," Bella soothed through the phone. "Rose will be fine. Be cool."
"I AM COOL!" I yelled into the mouthpiece. "I'm a fucking cucumber!"
"Emmett." I turned at the sound of Rose's voice.
"Yeah, baby?" My voice lowered to a soft timbre.
"Be nice to Bella," she managed meekly before closing her eyes.
"Yeah, be nice to Bella, Emmett," Bella piped up through the phone.
I felt my anger rise as I quickly exited the bedroom so as not to disturb Rosalie again.
"Don't even start with me, Swan." I whispered furiously once I had shut the door behind me. "If it weren't for you two virus-ridden-"
"Virus-ridden?" Bella scoffed. "Oh please, you big whore. Who was it that got syphilis in high school and spread it around the whole senior class?"
"Hey! You promised never to bring that up again and if you told Rose about that, I swear to Lucifer, I will let Edward know about the time you streaked through the homecoming game to get Tyler Crowley's attention."
"You wouldn't dare," she growled quietly.
"Try me," I warned. "Get your ass over here, Swan."
I heard her sigh heavily. "Be there in 20... jackass." She muttered quickly before hanging up.
I was boiling water on the stove when I heard Bella knocking on the door. I rushed to open it and immediately pulled her into a hug, my earlier anger at her forgotten. It wasn't easy staying mad at Bella Swan. We had grown up together and she probably knew me better than anyone else in the world, including Rosalie.
"How is she?" Bella asked standing on her tiptoes to peck me on the cheek. She drew back from me and I noted her paler than usual demeanour and dishevelled hair.
"You look like shit," I remarked bluntly. I laid my hand across her forehead softly. "Are you still sick?"
She slapped my hand away irritably. "Thanks for the warm welcome," she said flatly. "And you don't exactly look like a GQ cover yourself," she said eyeing my flannel pants and bare feet.
"Yeah, you wish you could have a piece of this," I joked as she rolled her eyes and removed her coat. She shivered and I instantly felt guilty at ordering her over when she was obviously still not well.
"I'm sorry, Bella," I mumbled quietly. "Listen, you go lie down with Rose and I'll take care of you both."
Bella smiled sweetly at me before her nose scrunched up. She sniffed the air curiously.
"Is something burning?"
I paused. "Oh, shit!"
I raced into the kitchen with Bella trailing behind me. The pot of water I had placed on the boil earlier was now bubbling and smoking away, the water spilling over the edge.
"Shit, shit, shit!" I cursed as I turned off the element.
"What are you cooking?" Bella asked, opening the windows to let out the smoke.
I cursed again as I jerked my hand away from the pot, the steam almost scalding my arm.
"I wasn't cooking anything. Just boiling water."
I turned around to face her. "Because that's what you're supposed to do, isn't it? Boil water and tear up some sheets?"
Bella looked confused. "Again... why?"
"I don't know..." I trailed off feeling foolish. "To disinfect the germs?"
"And the torn up sheets were for...?"
"How the fuck should I know?" I snapped, annoyed at the smirk on her face. "It's what they do in the movies, okay? The pregnant girl goes into labour and then the maid rushes in and boils some water and tears up some sheets..."
Bella rolled her eyes. "Yeah, look. I don't know what kind of old-ass hillbilly movies you've been watching but first of all, Rose isn't pregnant and secondly, welcome to 2009, Em! Come join us, why don't you?"
I held up the sheets warily. "So, we're not going to need these anymore?"
Bella reached up to pinch my cheek before walking out of the room. "No. And even if we did, we have these things called towels now, Em." She turned around, walking backwards, her eyes mocking me. "They will blow your mind."
I would have scowled at her had she not turned and walked straight into the closed door.
"Ow!" She uttered a string of curses at the door before turning a bright red face back to me. "You didn't see that, McCarty. I'm going to have a nap. As you were."
All was quiet for a while as Bella and Rosalie slept. I had fussed over them an hour ago, bringing in extra blankets and making them tea. They watched as I added honey and lemon and gingerly sipped it before deeming it okay for them to drink.
I tried not to blush as Rosalie ran her cold fingers through my hair.
"How did we get so lucky, Rose?" Bella smiled as she reached for her cup.
Rosalie scoffed. "Lucky? You call being stuck in bed with the flu lucky?" She sighed deeply as she took a sip of her tea. "Perfect," she muttered softly.
"No, aside from that. I've never seen Emmett so attentive and loving." I actually did blush this time. "It's so damn cute."
Before I could respond, a loud repetitive banging suddenly permeated the air.
"What the hell?" I muttered standing up quickly. Someone was pounding on the door. I reached the door quickly and pulled it open to find Edward there, his hand still raised in the air, his face stricken.
"Dude! What's the matter?" I asked in concern.
Edward stared back worriedly, running his hands back and forth through his hair. "It's Bella. She's not at home and I've been calling and calling her all morning-"
"She's here," I interrupted.
He froze, his eyes widening as the relief sunk in. He pushed past me then and made a beeline straight for the bedroom.
"Edward!" Bella exclaimed as I followed him into the room. Her smile quickly dropped when she saw the expression on his face. "What's wrong?"
Edward didn't say a word as he knelt by her side and pressed his face into her neck, wrapping his arms tightly around her.
"Baby?" Bella asked worriedly looking up at me in confusion. I shrugged making my way to Rosalie's side. "Edward, talk to me."
Edward lifted his head then and pecked her lips lightly. "I called the house and you didn't answer. I thought maybe you were sleeping but I kept calling and you weren't picking up." He paused to press soft kisses all over her face. "So I came home to check on you and you were gone. I was so worried. You're not strong enough to drive or walk very far..."
Bella sighed heavily as Edward pulled her to him tightly. "Baby, I'm fine. Really." They kissed softly, oblivious to Rosalie and my presence in the room. Bella pulled away then, moving his hair away from his face. "Plus, you underestimate me. I am a pillar of strength. King Kong ain't got nothin' on me."
Edward chuckled before his face turned sombre. "I can't help worrying about you. If anything ever happened to you, Bella..." He swallowed, unable to continue and I leaned over Rosalie protectively, kissing her hair.
The shrill ringing of the phone made us all jump and I quickly answered it as Rosalie groaned at the noise.
"Hey, Em, it's me." Jasper's drawl sounded on the line.
"What's up, Jasper?"
"Alice is sick, man. She's in a really bad way."
"Shit, it's really going around, huh? Bella and Rose are sick too."
"Really?" Jasper asked defensively and I frowned at his tone. "How sick are they?"
"Bella's actually almost better but Rose is pretty far gone."
"Alice has a 100 degree fever. 100! It's the real flu and everything!" He said almost proudly and I rolled my eyes.
"What is it?" Edward asked noticing my expression.
"Alice is sick with a 100 degree fever. Jasper thinks we should be impressed. As if no one -"
"Bella's temperature was 104!" Edward interrupted, a smug smirk on his face.
"Bullshit," Jasper muttered on the phone listening in.
"He doesn't believe you," I pointed to Edward.
"Oh, yeah?" Edward stood up, making his way towards me. "Well, he can come over and -"
"It's not a competition, guys." Bella said flatly, snuggling back under the blankets.
"Too much noise," Rosalie mumbled, pulling the blankets over her head. I looked at her, the thrill of competition racing through me.
"Rosie'll beat both your asses!" I exclaimed. "Edward, help me look for the thermometer!"
"Did you say something about us being lucky?" I heard Rosalie ask Bella quietly.
"Nope," Bella replied as Edward and I rushed out of the room. "That was the sickness talking. I'm obviously delirious."
"How did we get stuck with these stupid morons?"
I tuned them out as I found the thermometer in the bathroom cabinet.
Victory was mine.
Every time you review an angel gets their wings. It's true. God told me.