Hey Guys, I am not a Doctor, so yeah, some parts of this chapter may not be accurate. But I hope you enjoy the chapter anyway. Constructive criticism only! I would like to thank and edwardcullenisawsome for helping me with the title. I mixed up Accidental Ruin and Uncomfortable Silence and got Accidental silence.

Bella & Edward-17 years old


I sighed in utter contentment, Ever since I started dating and later becoming Edward's girlfriend I was always happy. I remember the day I first met him...

*FLASHBACK* Bella-15 years old Edward-16 years old

I was walking in the school halls when I bumped into someone. Nice one, Bella. I looked up to who I just ran into and gasped. He was beautiful, like a prince or angel. His bronze hair was messy in a really cute kinda way, his eyes were piercing green, and his skin was pale and yet so perfect. He was staring at me with those eyes, just boring into my plain brown ones. I realized it then that I had running into Edward Cullen, I didn't know he was this gorgeous.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking. Are you okay?" Edward asked with genuine concern in his voice. He offered his hand to me which I took. I was shocked by the electric charge the went through my whole body be just touching this his hand. (No pun intended...hehe).

"No, um, it was my fault." I said picking up my books. "Thanks." I said as he handed me one. He smiled crookedly at me.

"Um, do you want to maybe, um want to go out this saturday?" My head shot up. Did he just ask me out?

"Sure, what time?" I bet he's going to say "gotcha" at anytime now.

"I'll pick you up at about 7ish." Holy crap! He isn't kidding. I more or less floated away. I can't wait for this saturday!


Right now I was in my room listening to one of the CDs Edward burned of him playing for me. He was a gifted musician, He wrote me a lullaby and so many others songs, I loved them all so much. I was waiting for him to pick me up, he made special plans for tonight. I heard a knock on the door and scrambled to get it. I opened the door and there standing in front of me was my own personal god.

"Hello, love. Ready?" He used the nickname I loved. I smiled.

"Hey. Yeah I'm ready." I said. He had left a note saying to dress in jeans and a long sleeved shirt, apparently we were going some place cold or something. I grabbed my coat and we left.

"How much longer, I can't wait." I said to Edward as we went down a curvy road.

"A few more miles, my love." He smiled that crooked smile I loved.

We were coming around the last bend of the road when I heard hollering. I saw a group of teenagers swiveling down the road. After that it was all slow motion. The driver hit Edward and I dead on. Edward took his arms and put them around me so I wouldn't get hit by the airbag. I looked around and saw Edward in the drivers seat, his hands braced across my torso. I looked at him and he looked at me.

Bella? Bella, are you alright?" He asked as he checked my face for bruises, bumps, blood. Blood. I could smell it in the car. I looked at Edward's forehead, it had a long gash with blood flowing out.

"I'm fine, you're bleeding." I said touching his face. That's when I heard a horn bellowing. What I hadn't noticed earlier was that when we were hit, the car ended up in the middle of the road. I looked to see a semi charging towards Edward's side of the car. I screamed, and then everything went Black...

I woke up to a bright room. I tried to look around but I had tubes and IVs all over me. I was in the Hospital?! The last thing I remember was Edward picking me up. I closed my eyes and it all flooded back to my Memory. Edward and I getting hit by drunk teenagers, blood, gash on Edward's head, semi speeding towards us, screaming, darkness.

"Edward?" I mumbled. Where was he, was he hurt, what happened to him after the crash? "Edward?" I said louder this time. Just then I heard a familiar voice

"Ah, Bella. Glad to see your awake." Carlisle Cullen said this. Carlisle was Edward's Adopted father, when Edward was little his parents died in a fire.

"How long was I out?" I hope it wasn't months

"A few days, dear." he smiled warmly and checked my chart

"Where's Edward?" I asked. He didn't answer. "What's going on? Where is Edward?" I asked once more

"He's in another room. Bella you need to calm down, your blood pressure is acting up." Screw my blood pressure. "Well your chart looks good you should be out of here by the end of the day." At that he walked out of the room.

**** The next day

I was driving to the hospital. Yesterday Carlisle said to rest and I could come tomorrow. I was on edge driving today, but I would drive through anything to get to see my Edward again. I arrived at the hospital and walked to the front desk, asking what room Edward was in. Room 352. I started walking. I was just a few feet away from Edward's room when I was stopped by Carlisle.

"Hi, Bella."

"Hi, Carlisle. I was just going to see Edward." I tried to step around him but he blocked me. I tried again, once again, blocked.

"Bella, I don't want you to see Edward in the State he's in right now." I gasped. How bad could he be? I wanted to know. I marched past Carlisle and into Edward's room. I walked over to his side and almost cried At what I saw. His beautiful face had two deep cuts, one was on the side of his head starting at the corner of his mouth up to over his eyebrow, it was at least half an inch deep. The other was on his forehead, it wasn't as deep. The rest of his face was covered in bruises. Carlisle walked in and started over Edward's chart.

"He has (has or Had?) four broken ribs, one shattered elbow, and a mild concussion." He read off the chart. "he in a coma right now. I'm surprised he didn't break anything else or die instantly when the semi hit his side."

The tears welled up in my eyes, I pulled a chair over and touched his hand. He started mumbling something!

"That's impossible." Carlisle whispered I grabbed Edward's hand and he mumbled again.

"Bella" He whispered

"That's not possible! He is in a coma!." Carlisle was checking everything to make sure Edward wasn't just sleeping. I brushed the hair out of Edward's face and started stroking his cheek.

It's been 9 days since I saw Edward's beautiful eyes or seeing him smile that crooked smile. I would stay there all day just wait for him to wake up. I would talk to him like a crazy person, but I mean it was worth a try.

"Hi Edward. I really hope you wake up soon. I miss you so much." I would just sit there and hope that he would wake up and comfort me. When I started yawning, I got up to go home.

For the next few weeks I visited Edward and do the same routine. Sit, Talk to his unmoving body, and hope he would wake up. There was no change in his condition and I was starting to lose hope. I walked into Edward's room, I took his hand, stroking it, just staring at him. I don't know how long I sat there, maybe a few minutes, maybe a few hours. I glanced at the hospital clock. It was 3:43. My heart couldn't take this much longer, I closed my eyes and let the tears flow freely. I sat there crying for a few minutes. I jumped when I felt something warm touch my cheek. I looked up to see Edward awake stroking my cheek!

I couldn't move for a second, I snapped out of it and kissed him with all I had. Pouring all my love into this kiss. I pulled away and hugged myself to him as I cried into his shoulder.

"Oh, Edward. I'm so happy to see you." I sobbed as I hugged him tighter. He winced, I quickly unwound my arms and sat back in the chair. He smiled, grabbed my arms and wound them back around him. He croaked something unintelligible, I looked up with at his puzzled expression and matched it. I grabbed the water and handed it to him. He drank the water and tried to speak again. He once again croaked. I started to panic. Just then Carlisle came in."Edward, you're awake. Are you feeling alright, anything sore, aching?" Carlisle asked totally Oblivious."He can't speak!" I almost shouted. Carlisle stood there, Dumbfounded. "He Can't Speak!" I repeated myself. Carlisle's brain must have started working again because he started calling all the nurses in to Edward's room. I was pushed out of Edward's arms as the Nurses started crowding around him. Carlisle took me by my hand and towed me out of the room.

"Bella, I'm sorry. I don't think you should be in there with what is happening right now. Just stay out here." As if I planned to leave! I wasn't going anywhere until they knew what was wrong with Edward. I turned around and sat in a chair right across from his room. I waited...and waited...and waited. I was there well into the night, I fell asleep at about 1:30 am.*****

Hehe. sorry for the cliffy, I couldn't resist. Like it? It's okay, I guess. Stay tuned to see what happened to Edward. PLEASE REVIEW!...AND I would like to thank and edwardcullenisawsome again for helping me with this title that kept me tied up for more than a month