Hey, guys! I have FINALLY decided to write that sequel I promised! :D It will always be from Fred II, Roxy, or James P. POV. Yeah, so you might want to read WWFD first, but you really don't have to. This first chapter is just an intro to the kind of characters Fred, James, and Roxy are. This one is from Fred's POV. So, without further ado, ENJOY! :D

Tap… tap… tap…

"Shut up," Fred Weasley II groaned at four in the morning. Why on earth was an owl tapping at his window at four in the morning? James was Fred's immediate thought. Yeah, that is something his cousin James would do. Thinking that if he didn't get up to answer it soon, James owl, Teddy, who is just as hyper as James, would wake his mom up, which he really doesn't want.

Fred threw open his window and snatched Teddy, whom James named after his "Godbrother". He ripped of the letter and read the rushed scrawled letter:

Dearest Freddy-who-wet-his-beddy,

Bad news, you peanut brain. Or, well, your owl has a peanut brain. It delivered your last letter to the kitchen! Mum was in the kitchen. And guess what. She read it. And it had our whole order of prank products! Well, mum went berserk and took my owl away, so I had to steal it bright and early. And I really don't want a bat-bogey hex used against me again, so if you don't mind, send Teddy back A.S.A.P. But, really, you have to tell Uncle George to get it all anyway. Hogwarts just won't be the same without it… Oh, and tell Roxy. We can discus it Saturday, at our BIRTHDAY PARTY! I can't wait! But I'm still jealous that you're three days older than me…


Your most favorite person in the world

Laughing slightly and shaking his head, Fred took out some ink and a quill and wrote a short reply:

Dearest Jamesie Poo,

Wow, this really stinks. I will be sure to tell dad, Roxy, and use a smarting charm on my owl (once we actually get to Hogwarts… I can't believe it is only next week!). Anyway, I'll cut it short because, one, I'm tired, and two, bat- bogey hexes hurt. Talk to you Saturday!


The most awsomest person in the world

Fred sent Teddy back, not really worried about the situation. He knew his dad would pull.

He always does.

Alright guys, yeah, it's short, but it's just the beginning. Next chapter will be MUCH longer. I might have it up later tonight… who knows. Next chapter they will board the Hogwarts Express! It will be great! Oh, and please review. It makes me more motivate and happy! :D