Me: Guess what. ;/

My mom: What?

Me: I don't own Twilight

Mom: Then who does

Me: .

Chapter 2: Your My Daughter's Mate & Bella's Coming!


Alice growled and then she dropped to the ground.

"Alice!" Everyone shouted.

"Hey, why did the perky pixie faint?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Alice, love wake up please sweetheart please wake up." Edward coaxed. Edward looked up at Carlisle with pleading eyes. "Please Carlisle help her. I can't lose her." Edward pleaded.

"Edward, there is nothing I can do for her or the baby for that matter." Carlisle sighed not looking at Edward.

"Of course their is Carlisle. You can fix her and then we won't have a problem." Edward tried to reason. But Carlisle just shook his head. Edward glared at Carlisle for a second before he strated heading back to the couch were Alice was now laying. But before he could take a step towards the couch we were all blasted backwards.

Then my eyes glazed over, kind of like what I imagined Alice would see as she went into a vision. I then I went into a vision.


" I love you, Jazz." said a girl of about 16 who had Edward's bright emerald human eyes and long black wavy hair.

"I love you too, darlin'." Jasper drawled as he brushed his lips against hers.

End of Vision

When I came out of the vision Edward was on top of Jasper snarling and growling at him.

" How could you be my unborn daughters mate? How could you do that to me brother?" He growled at a shocked looking Jasper. Once Jasper came out of his shock he pushed Edward off of him and stood up calmly.

" Well, for your information I didn't do anything yet and you know we can't control who are mate is." Jasper stated clamly.

"Yeah, I guess your right." Edward murmured.

" What just hap-" Alice started and then she made a mad dash for the bathroom with the family following close behind.

"Alice love, are you alright." Edward asked.

"Really, Edward what do you think I'm hunched over a toilet doing something I haven't done for about ninety-six years, and its all your fault." Alice snapped. " Carlisle, what going to happen."

" Well, first let me explain why I couldn't help Alice." Carlisle said while looking around at all of us. " I couldn't help Alice because in the prophecy it says that a shock will run up her spine" He looks at Alice and she nods her. "and it will have the force to neck her out. And when then happens it means that the baby is getting a new power. So, Alice that mean your baby can project your vision, because we all saw it." Carlisle stated.

"So, that means that I will be growling and passing out for about the next two months." Alice whined.

Carlisle just nodded his head.

"Great" Alice said sarcastically.


2 Months later

So its has been two months seen Ali found out she was pregnant and this hasn't been fun for anyone. She's snaps at me about ten times a day and let's just say by now the baby has about a hundred powers. Now that it's close to the due date everyones holding their breathe and waiting to see what's going to happen. But for right now I'm cruled up on our bed with the love of my excistince.

"Hey, Edward you know we haven't thought of names yet." Ali mummured.

"Well, what names were you thinking of?" I whispered back.

" Um, I was thinking about Madison, Isabella, or Jailyn."

" How about Isabella Marie Jailyn Cullen."

"I really like the ring of that." Alice said. "How about you baby girl?" Alice ask are little miracale and then everything happened so fast that even I had a hard time keeping up. The baby kick and then Alice screamed bloody murduder and then I could smell the blood and vemon mix and I new little Bella was on her way.