Okay so this is something I did awhile ago. The story as taken up TWO WHOLE school jounrels! I'm up to my third one! 8D I'll add some more Chapters later, and Ill start Rika's one later...

School Stuff

The fall

Warning! Bleach and Naruto crossover ahead! Bleach and Naruto crossover!

Slowly, rain began to fall over the forest, swallowing the tall bamboo sticks and grey-green leaves of ferns in a silver-blue haze.

Ducking under the ferns, dashing in between the bamboo sticks, panting an gasping for air, covered in muddy and bloody scars was a boy, around the age of twelve or thirteen.
the legs of his baggy black kimono were painted with stamps of brown mud, intertwined with small stones and tiny twigs. The white jacket were wore over the black kimono was torn and covered with mud and blood. The silver katana which was slung over his shoulder felt heavier then usual; the sharp points of the guard stuck into his tanned neck, making him wince. The frays of his silver hair were dripping with rain water, swaying before his teal blue eyes and cut-up tanned face. His feet splashed in forming muddy puddles, which were becoming more numerous as the rain quickened.

Did the whole world hate him? Really? If not, then why was he running for his life though a strange wet forest, covered with scars, and with a broken heart?

ust the day before (or, at least he thought it was the day before. After running for so long, he couldn't be sure) he had been a respected young warrior with family and friends that all cared for him deeply-one had even loved him.

But, now, he had nothing. Nothing but pain and despair.

Just then, the forest broke away, realizing a large open space, like a meadow. He broke though the trees, then felt the ground slip away from his feet.
He fell to the ground with a loud, painful thud, landing, face first, into a large puddle of mud, water and stems of grass.

He just lay there, numb and freezing cold-though, once, he had not minded the cold. He tried to move his hand, which lay limp near the center of the puddle, but it stayed still as stone. He attempted the same thing with his feet and other hand, but the only thing that seemed willing to move was the eyes not buried in water, but that didn't real count. Even so, he used what he had.

His eye rolled around in it's socket, searching the plain for any sign of life. There was nothing but a small, shabby looking wooden hut, standing alone on the empty field, sticking out like a flower among thorns. The small, cracked door was firmly closed, and no light leaked though the curtain less windows.
No help was coming, not that he really wanted it anyways.

So, He thought grimly This is how it ends. I die alone in a meadow, and then the people who live here, if anyone does, will wake to find a dead teenager on their lawn. Delightful.

He could already feel life seeping away from him like a drying river bed; numbness was only the beginning. Soon his vision will blur, then his plus will slow. Then, with one last deep breath, he would die. And here, in this unknown place, he would not wake up again in another body as others did, but would just disappear like chocolates placed before children.

Never to be seen again.

Just then, a shadow cast over the dying boy. At first, he thought it was just the clouds passing over what little could be seen of the half moon, but that though vanished when he felt a warm, gentle hand on his shoulder. He heard a small clinking, then heard a kind, but terribly worried voice.

"H-hay, boy-san? A-Are you okay? P-Please, don't be dead!" The voice belonged to a girl, he was sure. Her voice shook uncontrollably; was she crying? A small sobbing noise told him that that was true.

"Neji-nee-san! Help me! P-please! He's dying!"

He got only one, short glimpse of the girl. Her face was pale, stained with both rain and silver tears. Her eyes were misty, silver swirls, and her hair was cropped short at her neck and black and night. Then his eyes lids rolled shut and his vision faded.

Would this be the last time he ever opened them again?

I'll continue soon, if anyone cares 8D