It's really nice, isn't it?"
"...Yes it is." Another lick of flame caressed the body of the Fat Bandit Heartless brought in from Agrabah. It struggled, only slightly, against the thick ropes that tied its chubby, overstretched arms to the large eyehooks driven into the dark rock. The fire tasted its skin again, flaring up over its clothes from a small pile of blackening powder beneath it.
"Slow burning. The buggers wouldn't light fast enough, so I thought I'd try this, see if it caught."
"I'd say it does." The owner of the voice gestured slightly and the flames suddenly leapt up, singeing the Heartless's vest and sending the rotund creature through another set of feeble rolls.
"Hey! Don't accelerate the burning! This formula isn't made-" The speaker was cut off as the powder exploded, sending a puff of it out like volcanic ash. The rest lit up green against the Heartless's purple skin, traced through with black as it pierced the creature's thick hide. The second man glared at the first, who shrugged almost sheepishly.
"What? How was I supposed to know it would do that? You're the explosive expert." They turned to the Fat-Bandit-Turned-Bonfire, pine and pitch colored flames dancing elegantly. The first man began tossing a spiked chakram into the air, silver edged with red the color of his spiked hair. There was silence between the two for a while, one tossing his weapon up and down, the other inspecting both the incendiary powder and the Heartless, which was still rolling weakly from side to side as its essence leaked into the air.
"I really need to find a way to put it into a gel form. Make it stick so it can burn all the way through." The man sat back down, tossing his scarlet braid behind him again and tucking his notepad into a pocket of his open flak vest. The other shrugged, making individual tongues of flame blaze up separately, setting fire to the few unburned parts of the Heartless. Once again, there was silence but for the crackle of Heartless burning and unraveling, of green and black flames.
"...It's really nice, isn't it?"