Author's Note: Peter intrigues me; but he, like everything else related to Harry Potter, belongs to JK Rowling.

Via Media translates "the middle path".

Via Media

They are brave; I am not. Except when I am with them.

They are strong; I am not. Except when I am with them.

They are powerful; I am not. Except when I am with them.

They are clever; I am not. Except when I am with them.

They defy Him; I fear to. Except when I am with them.

They are faithful; I am not. Except when I am with them.

They love; I do not. Except when I am with them.

They do not fear the terrors of this present age; I do. Except when I am with them.

They follow their hearts and trust in the power of our friendship; I do not.

Except when I am with them.

We are more as a whole than I will ever be alone.

What will I do,

One day,

If they are not with me?