Killing me softly
Think this is another Harry creature fic? Bit of angst and drama, then a romantic mate and creature union? - Think again. The Dark lord is rising, his powers grow ever stronger, Harry's time is coming, but his power alone isn't enough. Can his inheritance help him? Prepare for sacrifice.
Takes place in his last year
SS/HP + hints of DM-HP pairing – if you don't like that pairing then this likely isn't the fic for you. Don't like it – don't read it.
Character death
Chapter 14
He woke in blistering agony, perhaps stronger than it had been previous; it was as if the wine had prevented its ruthless sting only for it to pierce him deeper than ever. Snape took a shuddering breath as the cruel reality could no longer be escaped... He would fail him. The one person in this preposterous cruel world who actually gave a damn about him and he would fail him... When he would need him most he'd be gone...
He wanted out.
Snape turned to see Harry. He was on his side facing him, sleeping peacefully, an awe of contentment surrounding him. Feeling as though he was carved from heavy lead, Snape got out, taking the utmost care not to disturb his sleeping... well Snape didn't know what Harry was to him anymore, none of his old labels, 'Bigoted celebrity', 'Bloody arrogant imbecile' not even 'student' fitted any more...
The wind blew harshly at him as he pushed the great doors open; the chill seemed to blast right through him, right to his bones... The Great Lake glistened like molten silver underneath the brightness of the full moon, and enthralled by the sight almost, Snape steadily made his way towards it. It wasn't a clear night, mist hung low in the sky, Snape could feel its dampness settle in to his robes and moisten the cold skin of his face. He reached the lake's edge and stared straight into its waters, yet he saw nothing but his Godson's face, and the expression he imagined Draco would wear when he found out the truth... The look on that handsome face when he realised he'd be alone in the world. Lucius would surely disown him, and Narcissa would never disobey him, sure she had beseeched him to protect Draco, but directly opposing Lucius? No she wouldn't. Not whilst her husband remained alive...
Warm fingers softly interlinked with one of his limp hands, startled Snape turned his head sharply to his side, and Harry stood beside him, a look of real concern on his face.
"Why are you out here Severus? You're so cold"
Harry whispered, giving the hand he held a small squeeze. Snape gave him a cold look, and roughly detangled his hand, silently cursing at the lost of gentle heat, and turned back towards the lake.
"I'm running away.." He snorted bitterly. "As much as I'll ever run"
Harry frowned, his anxiety increasing tenfold.
"Why? I thought-"
Snape turned back round, his eyes were burning furiously.
"You 'thought' what Potter? Hm? What marvellous little deduction did the Great Golden Boy come to then?"
Snape snarled, venom spewing from his voice, and an expression of pain came into Harry's eyes.
"Don't push me away – not now."
Snape gave him a withering look.
"What, not now you know me so... Intimately"
Harry shook his head, his eyes were piercing.
"No, no I don't know you at all. I think I'm getting closer sometimes but you push me out... Like you've pushed out everyone else"
Harry gave him a final intense look before turning around and began to walk away. Snape watched him walk away and then turned his head back to the lake... He spoke almost without being aware of it.
"He's relying on me... Draco needs me"
It was barely a whisper, but in the dead of night, Harry could hear the man's tormented tones as though he had shouted at him. He stopped, and sighing turned back round, Snape looked as though he could have been burning from the inside.
"Then go to him, what are you doing out here?"
Snape shook his head; he looked years older, those eyes which had been bright with malice now looked defeated.
"I can't..."
He seemed unable to continue, and Harry softly began to walk back towards him.
"You can Severus, you can-"
Snape shook his head again, his eyes had given up, they had lost their shine.
"He needs me after Harry, after the battle..."
The image of Snape, wasted and aged flashed in Harry's memory, and he shivered.
"He'll leave Voldermort if I promise he can come away with me after, to Spinner's End but ... but I can't be there for him Harry! I can't-"
Snape's voice broke, his whole stature was screaming in pain, and Harry felt his own eyes sting for his predicament.
"I can't, I can't-"
Snape began and Harry pulled Snape into a hug. Snape held himself rigidly within them. His body taunt with pain... And then he gasped violently, his whole body completely froze. Harry looked up to his face in worry.
Snape's eyes were wide staring into the foggy sky, Harry went to mouth his name, when Snape felt a bolt of pure, fiery ecstasy burn through him and a cry of shock and release roared its way out of his throat. His screams were swiftly followed by a cry from Harry, as golden light issued from Snape's body and was immediately absorbed by his own. Gradually Snape's body got heavier and heavier within his arms, and the pair, illuminated in a shimmering gold light, lowered gradually to the ground. Snape collapsed in his arms; he lay out on the grass, his upper chest and head on Harry's nap. He was convulsing against him, but not with anguish but seemingly a pleasure so intense it rocketed through his body like the most extremes of agony. And Harry closed his eyes as a gigantic swirl of the glittering light completely covered him. He let out a sigh of pleasure as he felt warmth that reminded him inextricably of Snape, seemed to seep right underneath his skin, filling him entirely, he could almost feel the other man's soul within him...
And then it was lost, the connection was cut. A great shudder, as if waking from a deep dream, passed through Harry, and softly, he touched Snape's cold face. There was no response...
"Severus? Severus please?"
And then he heard a soft, barest whisper.
With tears in his eyes, Harry pulled the other man up to rest against his chest, and he pressed a kiss to its silky locks.
"I'm here Severus, I'm not going anywhere..."
Thank you for reading, I fear I may have again some what OCC Severus again, but after a multiple drafts I think this is my Severus most in canon, but anyways thank you for reading and as ever waiting eagerly for your views..
Lisi the slayer