This is my very first fanfic. I'd like to thank to my beta WriterJC. Hope you'll enjoy this short story.

You had your chance; you had 6 years. But you didn't act because you were afraid. She could have turned you down and broke you heart forever, or you could have gained something wonderful, your soul mate. You knew you couldn't bear if she'd turned you down. Somewhere deep down you knew she loved you, but you were afraid to take a chance. Ex-Ranger sniper, FBI Agent and a first-class coward – that was you. And so you remained silent. For so many years you thought you were doing the right thing. But then you received the phone call that blew your world apart. The words still echo in your mind "Special Agent Booth, we are sorry to tell you that Dr Brennan passed away".
Your so strong and yet so fragile Bones is gone. You've cursed God. You've cursed yourself. But it was ultimately useless – nothing could bring her back. Now you are standing at her grave, reading the simple words on the headstone.

"To beloved friend Dr Temperance 'Bones' Brennan, always loved and never forgotten.
The Squints and Booth".

You don't even try to hide the tears that well and overflow as you plead with God to keep her until you can be together again. Because it isn't your time. Not yet. You have to keep living for Parker. You have to be the father you never had. You lay the red roses on the tombstone and allow yours fingers to linger on the rough surface."I love you." Your voice breaks over the whispered three words that you never managed to say when it mattered. They linger on the wind as you turn and begin the solitary journey through the rest of your life. You are left all alone again.