Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, or I Will Not Bow by Breaking Benjamin.

I will not bow,

The man looked down on him in a strange mixture of disgust and contempt. "It is not natural!"

He bared his teeth viciously. They glinted dangerously. As if they would love to be ripping the flesh from his bones. "The fuck do you know about natural?"

I will not break,

"God forbids it! You will burn in hell if you do not give up your ways."

He sneered. "God? I don't believe in your God. There is only Jashin." It was cold in the room. The walls were made of large stones, cemented together. The floor was compact dirt.

I will shut the world away,

"Jashin does not exist. Jashin is the belief of savages. Turn now, repent, and God may save your soul, and spare you."

He spat, the man jumping back to avoid it. He raised a pretty pearly-white bottle, shaking it and splattering the restrained man, saying a small prayer as the holy water hit his face. He hissed, "Fuck you, motherfucker."

His hair hung in crusty strands. He did not wear a shirt. Blood and dirt clung to his body like a second skin.

I will not fall,

He struggled violently against the coarse ropes binding him to the chair. They bit into his skin. Fresh blood slid down his arms, fierce red against his pallid flesh. There was a crash. The wall behind his captor exploded in a storm of dust and rubble. When the dirt cleared, the Jashinist saw his hero.


I will not fade,


"Fuck, Kakuzu, where have you been? Kept me waiting long enough." He made a face, something between a grimace and a smirk.

"You look like shit."

"No, really? I've been here for almost four days, shit for brains. Of course I look like shit." Several well-aimed kunai flew past him, imbedding themselves in the bleak gray walls. The ropes loosened, sliding off and falling limp and useless to the ground. "Let's go, fucker."

His partner cast a casual glance towards the man, cowering in the corner.

The Jashinist smirked, a spiteful idea forming in his head. "Kakuzu…"

The larger man grunted in acknowledgement.

The silver haired man said nothing, instead wrapping a cold arm around his partner's neck, drawing him close and kissing him roughly, practically purring when his partner bit his lip and drew blood. He watched the man out of the corner of his eye. The shithead had the nerve to look disgusted, when his life was in their hands. He broke contact, licking his bleeding lip sensuously. He made his way over to the corner.

"Hey, fucker."

The man's eyes widened. Sweat rolled off his forehead.

"Guess you're about to find out which one of us is right about hell, huh? Send me a motherfucking postcard, you shithead heathen." Pulling out a kunai, he stabbed him roughly in the chest, then drew the sharp edge against his throat, watching his head loll back, eyes rolling, blood leaking from the fatal wound. He exhaled sharply, his last gulp of air rushing out of his still lungs.

I will take your breath away.

"What was that about?"

"Nothing. Let's go."

Don't really know where this one came from... well then. This is not an insult to religious people, or anybody else. Please don't take this the wrong way. Review, please.

- Red