I'm sososososo sorry for being so late! I went to camp for a week. I tried to finish writing and submit this before I left but... as you can see, that didn't work out so well. But I'm here now with a NEW CHAPPIE! SO enjoy peeps!

Our Mirrored Future

Chapter 18

"Where are we?"

The green changeling wandered around the large warehouse, voice echoing slightly.

"This is an ideal location for them to hide away in that's in the direction of the smoke." Robin walked up behind him, examining the walls and barred windows.

Nightwing and Garfield stepped in, taking in their surroundings. "We'll split into two teams: Me and Rob, Gar and BB."

The other super heroes nodded in agreement, splitting into the groups that had been chosen.

"Hey, Gar," Beast Boy called.

"Yeah?" The older of the duo searched in an empty room before resuming down the small hallway they were currently in.

"… What made you ask Rachel to marry you?"

Garfield stopped in his tracks and spun around, completely caught off guard. "Wow… That was random and unexpected."

The younger raised an eyebrow. "You're me. You should know that's what I'm all about."

With a small chuckle, the man continued his steady stride to the end of the second hall they had entered. "Well… It had to be because… she was- has always been- the love of my life."

"How could you tell?"

He paused. "… Whenever she smiles, my whole day brightens. When she laughs, I get to hear my favorite sound in the whole wide world. And when she says she loves me… it makes me feel wanted. When we first got together, that was an extremely new feeling for me. Being a genetically mutated orphan and all, you don't get much love from the women- or anyone for that matter- do you?"

His answer was a silent shake of the head.

"Over all, I asked her to marry me because it was in the best interest for both of us: I needed someone to love me and she needed someone to love. Her emotions have been controlled- for the most part- and she can express herself more often. I like to think that I caused her to be so happy."

As they continued their trek toward the basement, Beast Boy replayed everything he had heard.

'Well, her smile is really pretty…. And her laugh- however rare- is truly beautiful. … Wait didn't she tell me she loved me before I left? Does she mean it? I mean, I hope she does. … Wow, is that what he meant? I usually don't stress over stuff like this. I guess… she does make me feel important.' He looked at the back of the man he would someday grow into.

"Hey, G-"


A hand slapped itself over his mouth, causing him to pull out of his mental analysis to examine his surroundings. They had stopped in front of a cracked door- the entrance to the basement. Light was shining through the crack, illuminating the people that moved about just a level below them.

"How could you let them get the best of you?"

Terra burrowed herself closer to the wall she was currently backed up into. Malchior- the largely menacing dragon- was looming over her, eyes gleaming with an eerie white light.

"Th-that brat is evil! She had some kind of evil power that defeated me." Out in the hall, Garfield let out a quiet snarl, knowing exactly who she was calling a "brat" and "evil". "It's new! I have no idea where she got it! But it doesn't seem like she knows how to use it."

Malchior growled in her face. "For your sake, I hope she does not." He turned to the many other super villains that lined along the walls. "Minus, Kitty, go out and find them. I will not have my plan ruined because of some dimwit's," he glared at the rock witch, "idiotic decisions."

After the two left out of another door, the large number of other villains filed up the stairs. They all made their way down the hall- except one. A woman with animal fur lining all of her clothes stopped in her place right in the doorway. A chill went through her, causing her to turn around and look around the top of the door frame. All she saws were two oddly colored flies buzzing around on the wall. Seeing as she was dressed as an animal lover, she could not bring herself to kill the strange insects. After only a moment's hesitation, she followed her fellow villains down the hallway. When her footsteps had faded away in the distance, Beast Boy and Garfield landed lightly on the ground.

Without missing a beat, Garfield flipped open his communicator. "Nightwing," he whispered urgently.

"Why ever are you whispering, Beast Man?"

Both males spun around, coming face to face with the black dragon.

"It's not nice to keep secrets." He grinned. "Didn't your mother ever teach you that?"

Beast Boy glared at the mention of his deceased mother. As he was about to pounce, his future self grabbed his arm and sling shot him over the large lizard's head.

"Get Nightwing and Robin out of here!"

With wide eyes, he replied, "WHAT? What about you?"

"I'll be fine. GO!" At the fierce glare he was getting, Beast Boy shifted into a cheetah, taking off without a glance back.


"Huh?" Robin's head snapped up from where he was inspecting an empty room. "You hear that?"

"Yeah," Nightwing answered from his right. "Let's check it out." He opened his communicator. "I wonder why BB and Gar haven't reported back yet."

With a shrug from the boy wonder, they wandered out into the hallway toward the roar. Next thing they knew, both were tackled to the ground by a large green blur.

"Beast Boy? What the hell, man?" After shoving the changeling- who had reverted back into his human form- from his chest, he helped both of the other males off of the ground. "What was that all about?"

"Huh… Beast Man... Huh… told me to… Huh… get you… guys… Huh… out of… here!" Robin and Nightwing sweat dropped, somewhat able to understand what he had told him. When the panting had stopped, Beast Boy straightened. "We have to get out of here!"

"When Gar gets here, we can book it."

With a down cast look, the green teen looked away and muttered, "He's… not coming."

Nightwing frowned. "And why not?"

"Malchior got him."

"WHAT?" The future leader clenched his fists. "Why are you just now telling me? And more importantly, how could you just leave him? He's YOU!"

"Don't you think I want to go back and help him? Why would I just let myself go off to battle if I didn't have a good reason?"

"And what is that reason?" Robin sent a warning glance to his future self before looking to Beast Boy expectantly.

"Malchior. He sent two villains- Minus and Kitty, I think- to get Dove. And that means that Raven and Rachel are in trouble as well."

With a small frown, Robin announced, "Raven is strong enough to take care of two lackeys."

Beast Boy sighed exasperatedly. "Do I look that dumb? Of course I know that! But why else would Malchior- a huge two ton dragon with magic powers- send two unimportant henchmen to do his bidding unless they 're almost as powerful as he is?"

The two leaders blinked.

The shape shifter sighed heavily. "What now?"

"You… Wow. I didn't know that you would think this through like that."

With a roll of his eyes, Beast Boy replied, "Let's get a move on. I know Gar won't flat out fight Malchior. But even if he manages to evade all of his attacks, he'll need help soon. We need to go help the girls first, then come back and get him." Without waiting for a reply, the teen shifted into a pterodactyl and grabbed each with a claw.

Before he could fly far, a ray of blue light was shot at his back, causing him to fall to the ground and shift back to human form.

"Crap," he muttered, slowly getting up to growl at the reason for his fall.

"I'm afraid," a woman grinned slyly, holding in her hand a ball of shining blue light, "that you won't be leaving any time soon."

"Damn." 'Rae, I hope you really can handle those guys. Or at least stay safe until I get there.'

How was that? Was the length okay? I'm liking how this story is progressing again. It got back on track after the... break I took. -.-' So... yeah. REVIEW PLEASE!

ja ne,
