
It was a sunny day near Kohana as Dawn and Ash unbeknowest to them they are nearing the Leaf Village.

"Where is she?" Dawn exclaimed kicking a rock out of her path. Ash and Dawn had spent the last few minutes looking for their friend Li.

Piplup darted forward trying to catch up to Pikachu and failing miserably.

"She sure was in a real hurry. I hope nothings wrong." Ash saw Pikachu clear the hill and leap down the other side.

"She was running even before Luxray was out of his Pokeball." Dawn was starting to fret fearing that something was seriously wrong.

Dawn and Ash quickened their pace. Not looking where he was going Ash collided right into someone.

Ash fell back and looked up to see who was wandering the woods here alone like they were. His hair was difficult to explain gray sticking up in all directions it looked like it had a mind of its own. He had a mask and headband that together covered one eye. He also wore a green vest with camo type pants with opened toed shoes.

"Gee I'm sorry Mister I wasn't looking where I was going." Ash apologized.

"Ahh I see where are you off to in such a state?" Kakashi replied in his normal super relaxed tone.

"We are looking for a friend you didn't see her did you?" Dawn inquired helping Ash up off the ground.

"No I can't say I have but I'll help you find your friend this is not a time to be walking off by yourself."

"What do you mean?"

"Ahh lets just say that there a some unfriendly people headed this way."

It was at this point Pikachu returned breathing hard.

"No luck huh?" Ash asked Pikachu.

"Pikaaa..."He replied in a depressed voice.

"Huh? What is that?" Kakashi asked.

"What my Pikachu?"

"Pip! Pip!" Piplup exclaimed pointing to the top of the hill.

Luxray bounded off the side running at full speed.

"Its Luxray!" Dawn said a little relieved.

Kakashi stood in awe as the giant colorful beast headed down to meet them.

"Luxray what is it!?"

"Lux Lux!"

Pikachu looked at Ash and motioned him to follow. The three of them started running and got to the base of the giant hill and they saw her.
