Dawn and Ash were busy getting a tour of the leaf village with Naruto and Sakura. Li and Kakashi hung back.
"I don't think your animal likes me." The gray haired man said.
"What makes you say that?"
"Well its been growling at me for the past half hour."
"Thats just Luxray he doesn't trust anyone he doesn't know."
"Nope I made it all up."
"Now I can't tell if your being sarcastic or not..."
"Li! Are you torturing that guy back there?!" Dawn shouted back to her.
"No more then necessary!" She grinned.
"Do I sense a match made in heaven?" Naruto asked complacently.
"NaRuTo! Don't say those kinds of' things in public! Thats none of your business!"
"Huh whats none of his business?" Ash asked looking between the two.
"Ash you're so slow! They're talking about Li and Kakashi!"
"Oh so nothing interesting then..."
"HEY! What are you whispering about up there?" Li shouted her eyes narrowing.
"NOTHING!" They all answered.