So I am at your mercy people! I know I've promised updates that haven't appeared yet and frankly the plot bunnies ran away one day and brought me back an idea for a collection of NCIS one shots with their plethora of carrots. I'm sorry. Updates for my other stuff will happen once the college application madness ends and I'm accepted to my number one pick school. (Crosses fingers and says a prayer).

But yeah, this is a collection of one shots looking into Gibbs' life if he had a younger daughter that was born almost a month early, and two weeks before Shannon and Kelly were killed. Baby Kate makes a big difference in the lives of the NCIS family whether she knows it or not, just by surviving. None of the chapters or mini stories will be in any particular order. Picture it as Gibbs going through a jumbled up pile of old pictures and drawings he found in the attic or something. My good old buddy xofreethelightox has read the parts I've already written and told me they're really cute and believable so now I'm gonna post them for you to enjoy. As always REVIEWS PLEASE! And without further ado here is Daddy's Sweetest Gift

In this very first chapter/test run, Kate is four years old and very attached to her Daddy.


The day had started out cold and overcast. As it had progressed the rain had come, ruining the moods of the Washington D.C. population and the plans of the haggard child care people at countless daycare centers across the city. In a little yellow house outside of D.C., one four year old girl stared out her living room window pouting. The little girl had curly, golden brown hair, big blue eyes, a smattering of freckles dusted across her nose, and a purple ribbons holding her shoulder length curls out of her face.

"Caitlin!" a slightly accented voice called out. Caitlin, the girl, sighed and slid off of the ottoman she had been using as her perch.

"Coming Mrs. Ducky!" she replied dragging her stuffed cocker spaniel puppy, Teddy, by the tail.

"Kate," Kate's ears perked up. Her Daddy was home before lunch time!

"DADDY!" she squealed. Kate ran, dropping Teddy on the floor, into her father's legs and wrapped her arms around him.

"Hey there sweetheart." Gibbs said dislodging himself from his daughter, and scooped her up into the air. "Are you being good for Mrs. Mallard?"

"Uh-huh! Mrs. Ducky says I'm a angel!" the four year old proclaimed. "But Mrs. Ducky says we gotta potty train Teddy."

Leroy Jethro laughed. "Well we can potty train Teddy this weekend while we work on the boat."

Kate beamed; she was going to get to see her Daddy's boat finally! "Can I help you with it Daddy?" she asked innocently.

"Of course you can silly!" Gibbs laughed, tossing a giggling Kate up in the air.

"Thank you Daddy!" Gibbs put his daughter down and affectionately ruffled her curls. "Daaddy." She whined leaning away from him. "Mrs. Ducky just put in my bow!"

"Sorry Princess." Gibbs said smiling. "Go grab Teddy and I'll put Aladdin on for you."

"Kay Daddy." Kate said scampering off looking for Teddy.

"How was she today Mrs. Mallard?" Gibbs asked the elderly woman.

"Just fine Jethro." Mrs. Mallard said handing Gibbs a ham and cheese sandwich for Kate. "She's behaving so well for a child whose father just divorced her second stepmother.

Gibbs had the tact to look guilty at the older woman's accusatory tone. "Turns out Diane didn't really like kids." She wanted control of Kate's trust fund from Shannon's parents."

"Then why marry a man with a child?" Mrs. Mallard asked as she shook her head.

"She wanted control of Kate's trust fund from Shannon's parents." Gibbs said sighing.

"What would make her want such a thing?" Mrs. Mallard asked as she whipped down the kitchen counter.

"I don't know Mrs. Mallard, I don't know." Gibbs replied.

"Daddy!" Kate called from the living room. "Can I watch Mary Poppins instead?"

"Sure thing Princess." Gibbs stood up from his seat at the kitchen table. "Duty calls."

Mrs. Mallard smiled. "Jethro will you be remaining or shall I stay?" the woman asked putting the dry breakfast dishes away.

"You can head home ma'am. We solved the case finally and the Director told us to take the rest of the week and the weekend off." Gibbs said.

"Daddy! Are you coming?" Kate called out again.

"Then I shall see you first thing Monday morning." Victoria said.

"Thank you again ma'am for doing this." Gibbs said. "It's getting harder and harder to find a sitter that's willing to stay the odd hours I pull."

"Jethro the joy and happiness that surrounds your daughter is thanks enough. Now shoo!" Mrs. Mallard commanded. "The poor girl has been waiting all morning to watch her movie."

Gibbs nodded and went into the living room and placed the sandwich on the coffee table. "Mary Poppins or Scooby Doo?" Gibbs asked Kate, tempting her with her favorite cartoon.

Kate pretended to think about her decision before firmly stating "Mary Poppins."

"You sure?" Gibbs asked as he looked at the bookcase full of video tapes. "We could watch Cinderella."

"I watched Cidy-ella yesterday." Kate said. "Mary Poppins."

Gibbs sighed. "Mary Poppins it is then." He said pulling the worn case off of a shelf and put the tape in the VCR. "Did you know that Big Sister Kelly loved Mary Poppins?" Jethro asked Kate.

Kate's eyes grew comically large as she shook her head. "No."

"I guess it slipped my mind." Gibbs said as he settled himself onto the couch next to Kate, who quickly clambered into his lap. "She used to wake me and your Mama up every Saturday morning to watch Mary Poppins. Your Mom used to call this Nanny Mary because she and I got to sleep in on Saturdays."

Kate listened to her father's story raptly. "What else Daddy?"

Jethro chuckled remembering another anecdote. "Kelly used to hate when I asked if she wanted to watch another movie when she had her mind set on Mary Poppins."

"Like me?" Kate asked curiously as Jethro began fast forwarding through some old previews.

"Like you Princess." Gibbs answered. "Just like you."

When Mrs. Mallard was leaving ten minutes later she found father and daughter passed out on the couch with Mary Poppins just arriving to the Banks household.