OK, guys I am sorry but I reread the first chapter last night and the exact words that came out of my mouth were 'Woah! What was that? Its horrible. OK, I gotta start over!' So the plot now is altogether different...but hopefully the story will come out better huh? Here is the new first chapter.

Not my Prince

"So how are you and Austin?" Carter asked as we walked down the pier.

"Not so good." I replied without thinking. "Excuse me, we are terrible."

"What do you mean?" Carter asked me while raising an eyebrow.

"We broke up." I whispered.

"Why?" He asked, sounding like he was in a state of shock.

"I broke up with him." I said clearing that up first. "And its because I couldn't let him throw it all away." Cater required no further explaining because he was the only one I had told.

"I am so sorry Sam." He said rapping his arms around me, in a comforting gesture.

"Its not your fault." I said looking up at him, grateful for my best friend.

"So what are you going to do?" He asked as he let go of me.

"Quit college and get a job. Maybe after I put him/her in school I can go back to college but that won't be for a couple years." I said shaking my head, and forgetting completely about the diner I now owned.

"You can't quit." Carter yelled.

"Who is going to raise my baby if I don't Carter?" I asked as a rhetorical question.

"Me?" He asked not sure of what he was suppose to say.

"No, I am going to raise my baby." I said looking back toward the beach, and seeing sombody I didn't expect.

"Is that?" Carter asked.

"Yeah." I answered sadly.

"With?" He asked once again without saying the name.

"Yeah." I said as we continued walking toward them. It had been a few months since I broke up with Austin, and even longer since I had found out I was pregnant. So there was no denying that he would notice the wieght I had put on, but she had already seen us so it didn't matter.

"The wicked witch stole your prince." Carter said shaking his head.

"He's not my prince." I said looking at the water, as we finally came in front of Austin and Shelby.

OK, I like this chapter better then the other one...but it is your choice so I won't delete either chapter until tomorrow. Until then there is a poll on my page. The losing chapter gets deleted. Give me your reviews!