Chapter 4 Nocturnal Visitors and some bonuses
Disclaimer: I do not own anything!
*To King Yuuri and Lord Wolfram: Love him./Never give up.
*To his majesty, Shinou and his eminence, Ken Murata: please let your love last forever
"That's the room!"
"This one?"
"Yes! Yes! Go knock."
Feminine voices were heard in the hallway where the royal couple's bedroom is.
Two soft knocks were enough to wake up the king. The sovereign opened the door, revealing two women, one with emerald eyes and blond hair, while the other is a double-black.
"Your majesty." The blond woman bowed.
"Cousin, we have just arrived." The double-black woman said.
"Just the two of you or everyone?" The sleepy maou asked.
"Everyone, your highness; they are currently staying in their rooms." Lady Celi's ancestress explained.
The three felt that someone was watching them. They looked around the hallway, only to come up with nothing.
"Good evening, darlings!" A woman that appears to be the maou's mother revealed herself behind the threesome.
"Ha! I've taken you by surprise!" Lady Akira said triumphantly.
"Good evening everyone." Another woman joined them.
"Your eminence! You're so kawaii!" Shinou's mother squealed, trapping Daikenja in her deathly hug.
"Your…majesty, would you like to see your wedding gown?!" Lady Akira said over enthusiastically.
"Huh?" The couple has confusion etched on their faces.
"Daikenja, since you're the king's-soon-to-be-consort, don't you think you deserve the title?" Lady Angelique said, smirking.
"Mother, my dear cousins, you could show the wedding gown to my beloved sage tomorrow; we still need our beauty sleep." The maou stifled a yawn.
"But…" The women insisted.
"Mother…" The king sighed.
"Yes, your highness." The women said, disappointed.
"I apologize to you, in behalf of them, Dai, I don't want you to be disturbed while in the middle of your rest." Shinou said to his fiancee.
"It doesn't matter, let's go back to sleep." The sage gave him a gentle smile, which means it is okay and that she understands.
****Read my profile if you still don't know about Lady Akira and the other OCs.******