Chapter ten.
I was taken out of my daydream by a sharp poke in my side.
"Wha-what?" I asked groggily. I looked around finding my new History teacher looking down expectantly at me. A piece of paper flew in front of me. Slowly I opened it.
The answer is 1492.
"Em...1492." I spoke out.
"Oh right." The teacher seemed taken aback, probably knowing that I had been dosing off.
The bell luckily rang then saving me from any other embarrassment.
"That essay is for Friday. Nine sharp." She smiled wickedly. I had a feeling that I wasn't going to get along with this teacher.
I turned around to thank the person behind me for their help and to find out what essay was due.
I was met with piercing blue eyes. "Hi, I'm Katie. Thanks for saving me there."
He ran his hand through his blond hair. "No problem. It happens to me all the time, only I get caught." He laughed lightly. "I just thought that the new girl wouldn't want a detention on her first day."
"I'll have your back next time." What was I doing? No flirting! "So, what essay is due?"
"God you really were out of it. The teacher was talking about it for the whole class."
"Yeah, History isn't my strong point." I admitted reluctantly.
"You'll be fine. That teacher is always tough at the start, but once she gets to know you she's really nice. You want to sit with my friends at lunch?" He offered. "I'm Keith by-the-way."
"Nice to meet you. Sure that would be nice, thanks." I hadn't agreed to having lunch with Jacob, I'm sure he wouldn't mind.
I walked to the cafeteria with Keith. He was really friendly and had a great sense of humour. He could give Quil and Seth a run for their money. I waved over to Jacob and the boys avoiding eye-contact with Paul and sat down at the table Keith pointed out.
"Guys, this is Katie. She's new here." Keith introduced me. I gave a quick wave and continued eating my lunch.
"Hi, I'm Sarah." A girl with short brown hair and glasses held out her hand. I shook it. "Katie."
"He likes you, you know." She murmured.
"Who?" I asked confused.
"Keith obviously. He doesn't go around with every girl." She stated as a fact, sounding a little bitter. I bet she fancied him.
"He's really funny." I said trying to avoid saying anything. What was with everyone around here? You couldn't just talk to a guy without everyone saying he's in love with you or vice versa.
I could feel eyes on the back of my head the whole way through lunch, which I tried to ignore. I found that I had a lot in common with Keith and his friends, I guess my friends now. We were heading to Seattle to see a film this weekend. It seemed as though I had been friends with them for years. I was lucky that Keith didn't mind my shyness and covered up in conversations when I needed him to.
The last three classes of the day went quickly and I walked briskly out to Jacob's rabbit. I was only leaning on the hood for little over a minute when Paul was beside me, looking as cool as ever. I heard that Paul and company were the most popular people in the school, but that people were too intimidated to go near them.
"Hey." I said awkwardly, shoving my hands into my pockets.
"Hi, I was wondering if you wanted to do something this weekend?" He shuffled his feet on the ground, kicking loose pebbles around.
Why did he have to push this again? We had only made the 'friendship' agreement two days ago. Speaking of which, my wounds were now fully healed. I was a little bitter over my scars though. My whole left side was pulled and dragged here and there. At least I could hide them with a jumper, poor Emily Uley couldn't. My facial ones were visible but not prominent on my skin.
"I'm doing something this weekend, sorry." I apologised, touching my scars involuntarily.
Pauls face fell dramatically his eyes were following the movement of my hand. "What are you doing this weekend?"
"Whoa, what's with the questioning?" I asked shocking. He was acting very protective, and very very possessive.
"Where are you going?" He was shaking. Oh no, he wasn't going to try that around me again.
"Stop shaking you moron! I'm sixteen, I can do whatever I want, with whoever I want!" I shouted out loud. I had been needed to remind him of my age a lot recently. I was being treated like a six year old.
"I'll call you later tonight Katie, to organise this weekend." Keith shouted over.
Paul's shaking stopped. "You're going out with Keith?"
I didn't answer, scared at what his reaction might be.
"Answer me!" He roared.
Instantly Jacob was in front of me. "Watch it Paul." He warned.
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