Chapter Forty-Seven: Second Chances

Edward's Point of View

"Give me about four hours, and I'll be there," I say into the phone as I take a quick glance at the clock above my dresser, which is currently reading just after eight in the morning. If I leave within half an hour, I can make it there and back before dinner.

"Are you sure you're sure? You don't have to -"

I chuckle into the phone, shaking my head even though I know he can't see me. "I'm sure. Make sure you have everything packed and ready, and I'll call you when I'm getting close."

"Sure thing." A pause. "Hey, Edward?"


He hesitates for a moment before speaking. "Thank you. Really. I … It's just … I really do appreciate it, man, especially after everything."

"Yeah, dude, it's no problem."

We hang up, and I gather a change of clothes to put on after I shower. It's now the middle of July, and it's finally starting to feel like summer here in Washington. We've had consistently nice weather the last little while, save for a few days of torrential downpour. That's to be expected in the Pacific Northwest, so I'll take what I can get as long as it isn't doom and gloom twenty-four-seven.

After my shower, I throw on my shorts and a shirt and head downstairs, feeling refreshed and ready to spend most of my day behind the wheel of my car. Everyone else is probably still in bed this early in the morning, and Carlisle's shift at the hospital started about an hour ago. It's only Esme sitting at the kitchen island when I go into the kitchen. She's reading the newspaper over a cup of coffee, and she glances up at me with a smile on her face when she notices me come into the kitchen to get my own cup.

She folds the paper and lays it down, her attention focusing on me. "Good morning, honey. You sleep okay?"

I hum around the lip of my mug. "Yeah, I slept just fine." I take a huge gulp, letting the caffeine course through my blood and wake me the hell up. I'm gonna need all the energy I can get for the long drive to Seattle today.

"Are you hungry? I could whip you up some omelettes and you can bring some over to Bella." Esme starts to stand from her seat, but I shake my head and she sits back down with a puzzled expression. "Why aren't you going to Bella's? Is everything okay between the both of you?" she asks, concerned.

"I gotta hit the road as soon as I can. Remember what we talked about the other day? I need you to cover for me if Bella asks where I am."

Esme snaps her fingers in realization. "Oh, right, that's today. It slipped my mind for a moment. If Bella asks me, you're driving to Seattle for … for …"

I throw my head back and groan. "Please tell me you haven't forgotten what we agreed on. We need to get the story straight and be on the same page, or Bella will get suspicious and the surprise will be ruined."

After all the planning I've put into this, having it ruined for Bella is not something I want to happen.

"I'm just kidding," Esme laughs. "If Bella asks, you're in Sequim running errands for your great aunt Maggie."

"Perfect," I tell her before downing the last few mouthfuls of my coffee, nearly burning my damn esophagus off in my haste to get out the door and on the road. I turn to rinse my mug off in the sink, and when I turn back, Esme is standing right in front of me.

She reaches up and gently cups my face in her small hands. I'm so much taller than her that I have to tilt my chin to look down at her. She's looking at me with the look only a mother could have for her child, a look I've witnessed Bella give Grace many times before. It's soft and warm and so full of love that I instantly relax, letting my shoulders sag as some of my tension eases off.

"My boy … you've grown up right before our eyes, and your father and I are just so incredibly proud of the young man you've become. I just … I can't believe you're eighteen."

I chuckle, the sound muffled because my cheeks are squished together. She lets my face go and grabs my hand, holding it between both of hers. "I turned eighteen last month, Mom."

"Yeah, well, cut me some slack. I'm still not used to it." She leans up to plant a kiss on my cheek.

"You're gonna have to stop kissing me like that. I'm an adult now," I tell her, amused.

She kisses me again. "I'll do no such thing. You'll always be my baby. You'll understand one day."


I only make it as far as Port Angeles before the rumbling in my stomach becomes too much for me to handle. I wish now I'd taken my mom up on her offer for a home cooked meal, but I pull into a McDonald's drive-thru and order a breakfast sandwich and some OJ to tide me over until I reach Seattle.

Swerving back on the road, I follow the address on my GPS and get lost to the music blaring from the speakers. When the robotic voice lets me know I'm ten minutes from my destination, I pick up my phone and make the call to let him know I'm almost there. Before I know it, I'm pulling up in front of a tall apartment building and Jake is waiting outside, bouncing Riley on his hip.

I throw the car in park at the curb, pop the trunk, and get out.

I pick up a blue duffel bag and hoist it over my shoulder. "Here, let me help you with that." I start to load Jake's few bags into the trunk while he fiddles in the backseat with Riley's car-seat. When we're both done, we get into the front, thankful to be out of the blistering city heat and into some regulated AC.

I start the car and turn back onto the road, taking a quick glance behind me to Riley, who's babbling away to herself in the back. "She really sprouted up the last few weeks."

Jake takes a quick glance back at his daughter and chuckles, shaking his head. "You have no idea, man. You'd be surprised how unsafe your house is once they become mobile. I currently have pool noodles taped around the corners of my coffee and ends tables."

"Innovative," I muse. "So, how have you been? How's the big city?"

Jake shrugs. "I've been good. Exhausted, but good. Seattle is no La Push, that's for sure. I wish I could have come back sooner, but I'm glad to be going back now, even if it's just for the weekend. I miss everyone like crazy, and my parents are going nuts without seeing Riley. How's Bella?"

I can't contain the smile that spreads across my face whenever someone mentions her name. "Bella? She's good. All settled into the apartment now, and we've got a good routine going."

"Yeah, she was telling me," Jake says as he nods his head approvingly. "That's nice of your family, offering her that apartment and help during the school year. If it wasn't for my family being so generous, then I'm sure I would have sunk long ago."

"Bella's our family now, so we'll do whatever we have to do for her and Grace," I say with a confident nod of my head. "How's Mel? Still doing well with treatment?"

Call me crazy, but I swear Jake is blushing when I take a quick glance in his direction. As if sensing I'm looking at him, he looks out the window and lowers his head a bit.

"Mel's doing great," he explains. He goes on to tell me all about the rehabilitation and parenting programs she's taking at Evergreen, and how her and Riley have developed a bond over the last few weeks that they've been in Seattle. I want to pry and ask him why he's blushing at the mention of her name, but I decide that's a conversation he's probably going to want to have with Bella before me. I drop it and keep driving.

We only have to stop a couple of times for Jake to tend to Riley. When we pull into a Seven-Eleven about an hour from Forks so Jake can change Riley's diaper, I jump out of the car and head inside to pick up a few snacks for us to munch on.

I peruse the shelves while Jake's in the washroom, picking up a few small bags of chips, a couple Slim Jim's and some bottled water. I take them to the cash where a girl around my age is standing at the register.

I lay down my purchases, taking a quick glance at the time on my phone. It's just about three o'clock, which means we're on schedule to make it home in time for dinner.

There's an awkward silence, so I look at the girl again to see she's bagged my things and is looking at me expectantly.

"Uh, sorry?" I ask, assuming she said something.

"You're total is nine twenty," she tells me, sticking out her hand. I dig into my pocket for a ten-dollar bill and hand it to her, telling her to keep the change as I step to the side to wait for Jake.

I take out my phone, deciding to send Bella quick text to let her know I'm almost back.

Survived helping great aunt Maggie. I deserve a reward. In PA now – won't be long.

A moment later, a response comes through.

Good. Can't wait to see you. Grace misses you, too.

"You've got a really nice smile," a voice near me says. I look up, confused, and see the cashier leaning over the counter.

"Oh, thanks." I guess?

She giggles, though I'm not really sure what's funny. "You're not from around here, are you? I don't think I've seen you in here before."

"What? Oh, no… I'm not. I live in Forks."

She hums, nodding her head. "That's close to La Push, right?"

I nod, rocking back and forth from my heels to the balls of my feet as I steal another glance at the time. What the hell is taking Jake so long? "Uh ... yeah, it's pretty close to there."

"A few of my friends want to go surfing there tomorrow. Apparently, the wind is supposed to be blowing in the right direction for the perfect swells. Do you surf?"

My answer is quick. "No."

"Oh, well, me neither. Maybe you'd like to meet us there and we could try to figure out how to do it together? It would be nice to have a buddy so I'm not the only one who sucks." She laughs, throwing some hair behind her shoulder.

Didn't she hear me when I told her I don't surf? It would be like the blind leading the blind. "I don't surf."

She's about to say something again, but Jake's hand on my shoulder makes her mouth snap shut and I turn towards him. He looks at me with apologetic eyes. "Sorry for taking so long, but it's damn near impossible to keep this kid still these days," he explains with a chuckle as we exit the store. After securing Riley in the back, passenger seat. "You really know how to deflect them these days, huh?"

I pull into the road, letting a big Ford pass me before I go. "What? What am I deflecting?"

"That chick back there," Jake explains, nodding his head back. "She was totally into you. Like, asking you out kinda into you."

I jut my thumb behind us. "That girl?" I question, shaking my head. "Nah, she was just being polite."

Jake shakes his head and then pushes his hair back. "No, man. I know flirting when I see it and that girl was definitely flirting." He lets out a hearty chuckle. "I like you even more now, not feeding into it. She's like a fish out of water back there, not knowing what to do with your rejection."

"I didn't mean to be rude," I tell him, defensive. "I didn't realize ..."

Again, he shakes his head. "You weren't being rude. It was just blatantly obvious you weren't interested. Kudos to you, Cullen. You get another point in my books."

I don't want to act smug, but the fact that Jacob likes me thrills me in ways I didn't think were possible. I want Bella's friends to like and accept me, especially now that we're official. The good, the bad, the ugly. And fuck knows I can be some of all those things.

I take a quick sideways glance at Jake, the sudden urge to confess everything overwhelming. "I love her, man. I … I really do love her."

"I know. She loves you, too. So – and I've told you this a thousand times – do not fuck it up, Cullen. I'm just starting to like you, it would be a shame if I had to kick your ass." He sounds sincere, and I have no doubt in my mind that Jake would lay it on me if needed.

We continue our drive silently, commenting on the scenery when it's just too beautiful not to. Riley dozes off somewhere between Port Angeles and Forks, and when we pull into Jake's father's house, it's eerily silent as he unloads his luggage.

"Thank you," Jake whispers to me as he hauls Riley our of her seat. Her head lolls on his shoulder, her little arms reaching out and wrapping around his neck as he straightens up. "I don't think I can repay you, but if there's anything I can do for you, Cullen, let me know."

"Will do. Enjoy your time with your family. We'll see you later, okay?"

"Seven o'clock, right?" Jake asks.

I nod. "Seven," I confirm, and drive off.


When I get to Bella's apartment a little after four in the afternoon, she's curled up on the couch with her feet tucked underneath her, a book in her hand. When she sees me come through the door, she lowers the book and smiles the most beautiful smile I've ever seen in my eighteen years. Grace is in her swing a few feet away, content watching the colorful cartoons on the TV as she chews happily on her teething ring.

Can we just take a moment to appreciate the inventor of those damn teething toys for babies? Fucking genius. They've been a life saver with Grace cutting her teeth.

"Welcome back," Bella says, standing up and walking over to me. She wraps her arms around my neck and leans in to kiss me, vanilla and Bella enveloping each one of my senses. She pulls away, but keeps her hands interlocked behind me, and I move my hands to her waist, pulling her to me. "How was helping your aunt?"

"Not as good as being here with you," I answer, leaning down to capture her lips with mine. They move slowly together, and it isn't long before we're a mess of lips and teeth and tongue and close is not close enough and the pounding in my heart rings in my ears.

God, I swear I can't get enough of her.

When we break apart, we're both breathless from our make-out session. I'm all too aware of the situation going on in my pants and adjust myself, smirking at Bella when I see her side-eying me and biting her lip as she saunters into the kitchen.

We haven't really talked about sex since that day at her parent's house when she asked me to take her upstairs and I did … before totally cock-blocking us. It's not that I don't want to have sex with her – trust me, the proof pops up frequently – but I want to be able to take my time. I want Bella to enjoy the experience. I want her do-over first time to be one that she remembers with fondness and a smile.

And, well, to be honest – I'm nervous as fuck.

I was drunk during our first time – I've no doubt that I was all fumbling hands and clattering teeth and uncoordinated movements. What I do remember was great for me, yes, but … did Bella enjoy it as much as I did?

Probably not, and that thought it fucking embarrassing. She deserves to have the guy she is with treat her like the damn goddess she is, and I know for a fact that I didn't do that.

Bella calls to me from the kitchen, breaking me from my thoughts. "I had an idea," she says, and giggles when I raise my brow. "You're not much of a cook, so I thought –"

"Hey, I can make a mean toaster strudel, and who says boxed pizza can't be gourmet? It literally says gourmet on the box."

She slaps my stomach playfully and then starts to pull pots and pans out from the island cupboard. "I just thought that maybe I could show you how to make a few simple dishes. Nothing too crazy, just spaghetti to start. How does that sound?"

Honestly, she could say she waned to read the Encyclopedia aloud and I would let her.

For the next few minutes, Bella gathers all the ingredients out of the fridge and pantry: ground beef, noodles, a jar of sauce, peppers, onions, and a glove of garlic. She's showing me how to brown and drain the meat when Grace stirs from her spot in the living room, and Bella leaves to get her, remerging a moment later with our smiling baby in her arms.

"Someone wanted to watch her daddy cook," Bella says, placing Grace in her Bumbo chair on the island with a few Cheerios to keep her occupied. "Didn't you, Gracie?"

Grace squeals, clapping her hands. She's five and a half months, so bright and reactive now – and eating just about everything that comes in those little baby food jars. She has my appetite, for sure. Her favorite fruit is lemon – Bella and I gave her a taste of one when we went to a restaurant last month for a date, wanting to see her reaction, and laughed for about five minutes at the different facial expressions she was making. When the sour taste was gone, she cried for more.

She is the light of my life – exhausting, but so entirely worth it.

"You can put the meat to the side and use the same pan to fry up your peppers and onions," Bella tells me enthusiastically as she transfers the meat to a bowl and grabs the vegetables. "You want to chop them, not too big, not too little, and add to the pan with a little olive oil. Do you want to do it?" She goes to hand me the knife, but I shake my head.

"Why don't you show me how? I wouldn't want to lose a finger," I tell her, poking her side.

Bella throws her head back with laughter, and then starts to get to work on the bell pepper while I watch from my spot next to her. It looks easy enough, but knowing me, we'd end up in urgent care – and I don't want to ruin her surprise.

She chops slowly, lower lip between her teeth as a look of utter concentration comes over her face. It looks easy enough, so I come up behind her, winding my left hand around her small waist while the other comes to rest on top of the hand that's holding the handle of the knife. I rest my chin on her shoulder. Her hair smells like strawberries.

"Like this?" I whisper into her ear, grinning when she involuntarily shivers. I gently squeeze her hand, letting her guide the movements as we chop the pepper to bite-sized chunks.

"You're gonna have to stop that, or I'm going to lose a finger," Bella says as she drops the knife, turning her body so she's facing me.

I push a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "Are you saying I'm distracting you?"

Bella nods, squeezing my sides, pulling me closer to her. "Very much so."


I successfully manage to help Bella with dinner without burning the apartment down or losing an appendage, and we eat together at the table with Grace in her highchair next to us. Bella's feeding her green peas – the smell is fucking horrid, but she seems to be enjoying it.

This life with Bella makes me feel ancient, like I'm living the life of a thirty-something instead of just eighteen, but it feels right, like it's exactly where I'm supposed to be.

I take a glance at the clock and realize I only have a few minutes before our babysitter shows up.

"I have a surprise for you," I say, leaning back in my chair and putting my hands behind my head.

The spoon stops half-way to Grace's mouth as Bella turns to look at me. "Oh yeah? What kinda surprise?"

"You'll have to come out with me to find out."

"You can't give it to me here?"

"It's not exactly something I can wrap."

Right on time, there's a knock on the door. Bella quirks a questioning brow at me before she walks to answer it. I swipe the mess of peas off Grace's face using my thumb, pick her up, and follow Bella to the front door just as Renee and Charlie step through.

"Hi, honey," Renee greets, pulling Bella in for a hug as Charlie shakes my hand.

"Mom?" Bella says as she pulls away. "What are you guys doing here?"

I step forward, putting my arm around Bella's waist and tucking her into my side. "I asked them if they wouldn't mind watching Grace for a few hours while we went out," I explain, and Bella gives me a questioning look. I shrug, trying to seem indifferent. "I thought maybe it would be nice for us to get out for a bit, enjoy the weather."

"And it's been too long since we've seen our darling granddaughter," Charlie huffs.

Bella giggles and Renée rolls her eyes. "It's been three days, Dad."

Charlie waves his fingers dismissively. "Semantics," he mutters before going off in search of Grace.

Renée gives Bella a kiss on the cheek, then reaches for my hand and gives it a quick squeeze. "You two have fun, okay? I think sometimes you forget that you're both still just kids yourself. Go, stay out late. Grace will be fine."

Bella's Point of View

We're on the 101 when Edward pulls a handkerchief from his middle console and flicks it towards me. "Put this on, and no cheating. I want this to be a surprise."

"Is this really necessary?" I ask with a smirk, but I'm already putting it across my eyes and tying it with a knot in the back, readjusting it so it won't fall off.

"Hey, I said no cheating!"

"I'm not!" I giggle, reaching forward to grab the dash. It feels weird to be in a moving car with my eyes covered, my equilibrium all askew. "Can you at least give me a hint as to where we're going?"

"I give you a hint, and the surprise is ruined. You're gonna have to wait patiently."

I cross my arms and lean back in the seat, trying to pay attention to the turns and curves in the road to see if I can guess where we're going. He slows down, seemingly coming to an exit, and by the way it feels, it seems Edward's making a few unnecessary figure eights, and I'm officially stumped.

I playfully smack at him, hitting what I'm sure is his arm. "Are you trying to trick me?"

He chuckles, and I'll be damned if it's not the sexiest laugh I've ever heard. With my eyes covered, my other senses seem to be heightened. I can smell the leather interior of his car, the air freshener hanging from the rearview, a scent that I can best describe as just Edward - clean aftershave, soap, and a hint of sandalwood cologne.

"Maybe, maybe not. We'll be there in about ten minutes. Think you can hold out that long?"

"Do I have a choice?"

"No," Edward answers, finality in his playful tone. He reaches across and puts his hand on my bare thigh, squeezing gently, and I stiffen in my seat at the sudden contact, not expecting his touch but quivering with it.

Damn this blindfold is really doing a number on me. I squeeze my thighs together and gulp.

A few minutes later, just as promised, I can feel the car start to slow down. Smooth pavement gives way to bumpy gravel, and I can smell the salty brine from the ocean wafting in through the open car windows, hear the waves crashing against the shore, the sound of gulls overhead.

So we're at the beach, that much is obvious. The question is, which one?

And most importantly, why?

Edward puts the car in park, gets out, and a moment later is opening the door and helping me to my feet. He leaves me standing there for a moment before going to the trunk and getting something from it before coming back to me.

"Just a few more seconds, Bella," Edward tells me. I hear the sound of a car door close, follows by footsteps coming closer. Edwards fingertips toy with the knot on the back of my head. "Okay. You ready?"

I nod vehemently and he unties the blindfold. It takes a second for me to adjust to the sun that's still somewhat high in the sky. I rub my eyes and hear a chuckle from behind me. One that doesn't belong to Edward.

I spin around quickly, my hair whipping my face. "Jacob!" I run and jump in his open arms, and he spins me around a couple times before settling me back down on my feet. "What are you doing here? I didn't know you were coming! Is Riley here, too?"

Jake chuckles. "That's the whole point of a surprise, Bella. You weren't supposed to know. And yeah, Riley's here, too. She's currently on the reservation being mauled by her grandparents and aunts."

"How the hell did you get here?" I ask. I know I'm playing twenty freaking questions, but a month without your best friend may as well be a year.

"Edward offered to pick me up," Jake explains.

I turn to Edward, who gives me a sheepish shrug. "So there was no helping your great aunt Maggie today?"

Edward clears his throat and shakes his head. "My great aunt Maggie died when I was fifteen."

Jacob grabs my hand and eagerly starts to pull me towards the beach. "Come on, me being here is not the only surprise," he says as he leads me down over the rocky bank and towards the ocean, Edward following closely behind us.

I hear them before I see them; my friends, Angela, Eric, Jessica, and Mike, all gathered around a makeshift rock fireplace, laughing as Mike tries, unsuccessfully, to light a match against the wind.

"There she is!" Angela squeals as we approach, jumping from her perch on a huge weathered log and coming to wrap her arms tightly around my neck. She steps back and nods at Edward and Jake. "And finally a couple of men who might actually be able to start a fire."

"Hey, I heard that!" Mike cries. He tosses yet another burned out match into the pit with a frustrated sigh.

"You were supposed to," Angela laughs, making me laugh in return.

"It's not me, it's these damn matches," Mike grumbles.

"I'm pretty sure it's you," Jessica quips, earning herself a glare.

"Here, let me help you with that, man," Edward says to Mike. He goes over and grabs the package of matches from Mike, and a couple attempts later, a flame lights the newspaper laid out as fire starter.

Mike scoffs. "Fucking Cullen," he mutters, sitting down on the log next to Jessica and folding his arms over his chest like a petulant toddler.

We all gather around the fire, roasting marshmallows for s'mores and laughing as Mike tries to serenade us while playing a terribly out of tune guitar. The sunset starts to fade into the horizon, the sky a beautiful mixture of pinks and reds, an orange glow now cast upon our faces from the crackling fire.

Jake is sitting to my right, Edward to my left, his hand splayed protectively across my knee as he chats animatedly with Mike and Eric about the last football game of the season, the one where everyone found out about us and Grace's paternity.

"I'm still not over this," Jessica says, wagging her finger between Edward and me. "The two of you… I never would have thought."

A squeeze to my knee. "The best things in life are unexpected," Edward tells her, and he's right. Grace, him, us… I expected none of it, yet they're some of the best and most important parts of my life.

We spend a little more time by the fire, laughing and talking and goofing around. For a while I get to feel and act my age, which is few and far between these days. I feel much older than my friends, and sometimes it's hard to relate. Which is why I'm glad I have Jake; besides Edward, he's the only one who truly understands what it's like to have to grow up practically overnight.

"Hey, Bella, wanna take a walk with me?" Jake asks after a while.

I glance at Edward and he nods once, so I turn to Jake and say, "Yeah, sure. Come on."

We walk a little ways in silence, until we're out of ear shot of the rest of the group.

"So tell me, how's Seattle?" I question, kicking a small piece of driftwood with my foot. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you, too," Jake tells me. "It's been good, different. Mel's been good. She's working her programs, going to therapy. I swear, it's like she's a completely different person."

"Took her long enough," I scoff, rolling my eyes. "I'm glad she's finally turning a corner."

Jake nods, biting his lip. I know that look.

I stop walking. "What else?"

He runs a hand through his hair, letting out a sigh. "We've been seeing each other," he admits finally. "Like, dating again. And it's been going really well."

He can't be serious.

"After everything she put you through, are you sure that's a smart move? What's to say she won't go back to her old ways the second she's done her programs? And then what, Jake? You'll be left with a broken heart again. And Riley, too."

Jake furrows his brows. "I could say the same about Cullen," he bites, and I recoil. He's got a point. "If anything, Bells, you taught me about giving second chances. About moving on from the past and letting it go, to see what could happen. You did it with Edward, and I'm doing it with Mel."

The waves are crashing hard against the rocks, but I can still hear the rush of the blood pounding through my head. I take a seat on a huge log and run my hands down my face. Jake joins me, snaking his arm around my shoulders and pulling me tight to his side.

"I just worry about you," I sigh, resting my head on his shoulder. "You and Riley. I don't want to see you get hurt."

"And I don't want to see you get hurt," Jake says. "But I have to trust your judgment when it comes to your life, and what's best for you and your daughter. And you have to do the same with me. Mel's really come a long way. I wouldn't put myself or Riley in this position if I didn't think it was in our best interests."

He's right, as much as I hate to admit it. Although Edward never did anything to put myself or Grace in danger like Mel did, she's young and clearly had issues that needed to be resolved. Why should she spend her entire life being held back by mistakes she made as a teenager, especially if she's taking steps to right her wrongs and get the help she so desperately needed.

I let out a chuckle. "We sound like full blown adults, not like a couple of teenagers." I find his eyes, more serious this time. "I trust you, Jake, and if you think you and Mel can be in a happy and healthy relationship, then I support you wholeheartedly. I just want the best for you guys, always."

"Good." Jake pokes my side with his finger, and I squeal. "Because if you thought any different, you would be a massive hypocrite."

"Okay, Jacob Black," I mock, rolling my eyes. "To second chances."

"Second chances," he agrees.

A/N: Well, here is it! I'm so sorry it took me so long. A lot has happened! I got engaged, had two babies during a pandemic, and work as a nurse. But I am determined to finish this story in a few more chapters plus an epilogue! What do you want to see from this Edward and Bella before I clue their story up and start something new? Please leave a review and let me know!