Christmas Time Is Here

a Danny Phantom story

by: Smiley-Nami

Author note: I do not own Danny Phantom. Butch Hartman does. I also do not own Christmastime Is Here. It is by Sixpence None the Richer. This is my first song story, so let me know what you think about it.

"So, do you want to know what one of the true meanings of Christmas is?" asked Emily.

"Well, isn't it about hanging out with your friends and family, Emily?" asked Danny.

"Well, there's that, but there's also more than that." replied Emily.

"What else is there besides that then?" asked Danny.

"Well, it's about giving to others than receiving gifts," replied Emily, "but, of course, it's also nice to receive gifts as well. Have you ever heard the song, 'Christmastime Is Here'?"

"No, I haven't heard it at all," replied Danny, "So, how does it go?"

"I'll sing it for you, then; Christmas time is here happiness and cheer fun for all that children call their favorite time of the year snowflakes in the air carols everywhere olden times and ancient rhymes of love and dreams to share sleigh bells in the air beauty everywhere yuletide by the fireside and joyful memories there Christmas time is here we'll be drawing near oh that we could always see such spirit through the year sleigh bells in the air beauty everywhere yuletide by the fireside and joyful memories there" replied/sang Emily, "So what did you think of it?"

"It was a good song," replied Danny, "so do you want to have Christmas with me and my family and friends?"

"Sure, thanks for inviting me, Danny," replied Emily.

So, Emily went with Danny to his house and had Christmas with him and his friends and family. She then decided to tell them about having a White Elephant gift exchange for the day before Christmas. "What is that about?" asked Tucker.

"Well, what you do for the White Elephant gift exchange is that you wrap up a present or something that you don't want yourself anymore and you put it down on a table. Then you put numbers in a hat or something like that and you draw a number from there. Once you have a number, then once it's that number's turn then you can do one of two things. You can either go to the table and pick one of the presents that are still there or take the gift that somebody else took before your number was called. Now a present can only be taken from somebody a total of three times, once the present has been taken a third time, that person is the permanent owner of that present. Also if your present is taken from you then you can get up and get another present from the table or take somebody else's present that they've opened. However, you can't take from the person that took your present away from you until it's your next turn," replied Emily.

"That sounds really interesting, Emily," replied Tucker, "we might do it next Christmas Eve."

"It's okay if you guys don't I just thought that I would mention it," said Emily, "well, let's open up presents now."

"Ok," everyone replied. Then all the presents were open and everybody that wasn't in Danny's family then left and went home. Later on, Danny and his family talked about all the things that happened that day, and so went another Christmas for Danny and his family and friends.