Ok well I must thank all the reviewers so far there is so much I want to write :)

a special thanks to those who have added me to alerts or faves you all rock :)

Chapter 2; who are you?


It took only 2 minutes for me to reach the student centre the entire time butterflies were fluttering inside my chest I couldn't stop the thoughts, what if HE was here?, if I scream will anyone hear me? Will anyone save me.? I rounded the corridor and approached the reception desk I coughed and choked a little on my words "e-excuse me miss, I'm Bella Swan, you called for me"?

The woman looked up sharply, in her youth she would have been pretty she still bore the resemblance of a striking young lass. "Oh yes... Isabella, please follow me to interview room 3" a puzzled expression crossed her face at my obvious look of shock, "come now miss swan we don't want to keep them waiting". I slowly shuffled off behind her pondering who they were.

Entering the room I made sure to look only at my feet I didn't want to look up in case my fears were just. A gentle hand sporadically touched my shoulder in what I can only assume was comfort I held very still not wanting to alert the owner that I was scared, though my frozen state must have given me away. "Please miss Swan take a seat" an official sounding voice told me, I hesitated not knowing if they were here to harm or protect me.

"Isabella -" the voice began again I cut him off "It's Bella sir, just Bella". I hated the name my mother had given me, it was old fashioned and made me think of pretty girls in flowing dresses, I wasn't pretty just plain, and I didn't like to wear dresses. In fact I didn't like to show my legs at all, not with the bruises I had to hide. "Well now – Bella I'm Constable Fitzgerald, we have some uh, important things we need to discuss with you" I looked up then feeling a surge of sickening fear run through me. The Constable was a portly man in his early 50's at least, with kind hazel eyes, he stood in front of me the buttons on his uniform straining to contain the abundant mass of his torso. His colleague was a hard looking woman in her late 30's with a bad perm she sat stiffly in a chair against the back wall frowning slightly. "As I was saying Bella we have to ask you a few questions, we can ask you here or you could accompany us to the local station"? "Here is fine si – Constable" I mumbled in reply not trusting my feet enough to stand.

He looked back at his partner with just a hint of distress evident in his profile, "miss are you aware of your mother's whereabouts last night"? "Um I guess she was in her room? I don't remember seeing her yesterday, we don't exactly talk much" I looked down at my hands clasped in my lap the urge to cry was unbearable, could I stay strong? I didn't want to cry in front of these strangers. The constable looked at me with pity in his eyes, "miss I need you to think hard now, when did you last see your mother? Or talk to her on the phone"? I studied my hands watching the way the light played upon my porcelain skin, I was unusually pale for the desert climate we lived in my brow was furrowed as I thought over and over about when I had indeed last seen my mother. "I'm fairly certain it was the day before yesterday, yes it was we had dinner together for the first time in months I thought it strange mum never cooks". The female cop looked at me a flash of concern shadowed her features for only a second, she then stood and exited the room returning moments later followed by the grade dean.

Mr Schultz was a slight lanky man who looked fresh out of college all crisp and unbroken. The entire grade adored him for his lack of harshness yet respected that he was in charge. As he approached I felt immediately comforted, it was like someone had wrapped a protective blanket around me the millisecond he entered the room. I attempted a watery smile as he looked into my chocolatey brown eyes "Isabella I think you need to be excused for the rest of the day" he then paused looking at me quizzically like he expected me to break apart in front of him "Bella? The officers need you to go to the hospital now" I just stared back at him blankly. Wait a hospital, was I hurt? Who was in hospital? I hated hospitals they always smelled too sterile for my liking and all my encounters over the years had left me wary of social workers and their sticky beaks, this can't be good. I simply stood and waited for someone to lead me out.

The car ride to the local hospital was uneventful and very short though upon entering the parking lot I began to hyperventilate. It took 3 nurses to calm my breathing enough for me to speak again, they looked at me with that all to familiar pity, I was unsure if I was ready for what awaited me inside the building. I sighed deeply and followed the constable into the stark white building.

Personal reply time :)...

Vampyre-Rose: sure Jacob can give you cuddles at midnight... and I'm so happy you like it so far, you want a little bit of Alice, I love Alice so if you bear with me the 1st few chappies I'll make sure she has a mega appearance soon :)

Zafrina96: you want some more well here you go hot off the press and no doubt full of grammatical errors.

Thanks also to Squkymun who added me to fave stories and Vampyre-Rose and FaitTrustPixieDust01 who added this story to alert, here's a message for your in box.

READ, ENJOY, REVIEW pretty pretty please with sporadic shoulder clasps on top :)

review now and I promise I'll leave you a lemony teaser in your in box **wink, wink**