This is my new story about the fight of Fate, a love so powerful that not even the sands of time can break it. I would like to my good friend Monique for editing the chapters to come. Honestly if it wasn't for her this story would still be untouched and not edited. I dedicate this story to her and my good friends the TBC's... You all are amazing people.

I once heard a saying about love, it conquers throughout time and space, and never shall it die but grow stronger in time. Time, how pitiful that it comes by so fast in a blink of an eye, when did it get so complicated?

I think back to when I had meet my true love and I thought we'd together forever. Those words now mean nothing to me. Only sadness and forever to be alone in the world…

Chicago- December 1917

I had been brought up living in high society; a girl with intelligence during that time was viewed as taboo. My father Charles always wanted the best for his little girl, even though he desired a son to be his heir to the family business. Nevertheless he loved me dearly.

As for my mother she was off in Spain with her new husband Phillip Howls. She had left my father in shambles and broken hearted but he went on, giving me more than I ever desired.

After my mother left my father decided we would leave New York. He thought it no place for a girl of my intelligence and upbringing. Hooligans and thugs ran the city and there was the rich on their high horses looking down upon everyone else. He wanted a change of scenery and I didn't!

He uprooted our lives and moved us seven-hundred and ninety-one miles away from all I knew. I was not happy at first but he told me that everything would be all right and that I would love our new home, which unfortunately was undergoing construction.

What my father failed to mention to me before boarding the train was that we would be staying with an old college mate of his named Edward Masen, Sr. along with his wife Elizabeth and their son Edward, Jr.

From what my father told me about the Masens, they were amiable, high in society as we were and truly kind people. They were anticipating our arrival for some time and were glad to have us stay with them.

We had been driving for nearly an hour and finally had reached their home in the suburbs of Chicago. Upon opening the door of our vehicle I could feel the cold December night air flailing against my skin sending chills through to my bones. As my father stepped out of the automobile he turned to me before walking to the front door and said, "be careful my dear, there is ice and I fear you may slip and fall." I blushed and bowed my head knowing that my father was right to warn me.

Oddly enough I had always had been accident prone, especially as a younger child. I gracefully stepped out of the car, with the aid of James, my father's butler… I sighed slightly to myself and pressed the wrinkles out of my dress, and began to walk to my father's side.

He gently knocked on the mahogany doors, and with a swift motion they opened. Standing in front of us was a man around my father's age. He had hair in a an odd copper shade which I had never seen before. As I stood entranced by the gentleman the two of them greeted one another.

"Charles, my friend it's good to see you again. It has been a while since we've last spoken to one another. I'm terribly sorry about what happened with Rene as I know it's been a hard change. Nevertheless you're among friends and we are here for you now, and for Isabella as well.

"Thank you Edward for your kind words. It isn't easy dealing with a mangled heart but I put on a brave face for my Isabella. Speaking of her she's right here behind me." He motioned for me to come closer to him and meet Mr. Masen…

In as graceful a manner as I could manage, I stepped closer to my father and greeted him with a slight blush in my cheeks. Extending my left hand to him in greeting Mr. Masen placed a kiss upon it and looked to my eyes. "It's an honor to have you and your father stay with us Isabella. I'm sure you'll take a liking to your new home of sorts. Please do come in out of this retched cold."

As we crossed the threshold of what I thought was an extravagant home my breath caught in my throat. I had taken note of a staircase with a vibrant color scheme and a panting just above that lay upon the walls which blended beautifully together. I looked back to Mr. Masen and I politely commented on the beauty of the home. A small gesture from him marked his acceptance but he had to give all credit to his wife Elizabeth…

As if he'd called to her I saw a beautiful woman descend from the staircase wearing vibrant blue dress. Her hair, the same copper brown as Mr. Masen's, was pinned up into a delicate bun which drew my attention to her eyes. They shown bright and green as emeralds. They were absolutely breath taking. She seemed to glide down the stairs and delicately placed her right hand into her husbands.

She gave us a welcoming smile and from the foyer we worked our way into the sitting room. I was so taken in by the scenery that I found myself sitting in an unladylike manner. The tiny nudge at my side, from my father of course, brought my manners back to the forefront and I corrected my seating position. Admiring how Elizabeth sat, I copied her position all the while screaming inside.

We had gotten into a conversation on how life had been and Charlie expressed how I was very intelligent for a girl of these times and how he wanted me to attend an all girls college. The Masens were actually not surprised of how high Charlie's expectations were for my future…

The topic of conversation had moved from me to their son Edward, Jr.; how he was a musical prodigy, how smart he was for his age and how he wanted to fight in the war, which they were not too happy about… Our conversation, which to me seemed to go on for several hours, had only been an hour long. We were spending the time catching up while waiting for dinner to be served. I was so engaged in talking with Elizabeth about how women deserve certain rights as men that I hadn't noticed another person enter the room…

Only the fact Elizabeth had gotten up quickly and ran towards her son, I assumed him to be her son as I had been unable to see his face, had broken me from my trance. The rest of us stood to greet him; finally I was able to see his face… I could feel my heart rate increasing…

Wow, that was really good to finally get this story back on track, i would love to hear what you all think of it?


Love Potion No. 9 by The Cloves
The Kill by 30 Seconds to Mars
You and MR by Lifehouse
Darkness in the Light by Matisyahu