Everything that had been dark turned to light. I was surrounded by a constant light… I was moving forth to the other side, thus when my sight had become clear… I could see this was not heaven but something else… There were people around me wearing these odd robes, hiding their faces and bodies… I was confused and afraid of where I had ended up…
Soon enough a man in white robe came forth to me, he removed his hood and reveled a young man around my age, his eyes the color of the ocean and hair the color of the sun itself. He told me what had happened to me and where I was… He had introduced himself as Alexander and had told me this place was called sanctuary. This is where the Elders looked over the mortal realm and those who were magically inclined…
He spoke with a Southern accent.
"The reason you are here Isabella, is because we want you to become a white lighter. We have been watching for some time now and seen how good of a person you are. Always helping those who need it and going to extremes to fight for them, and of course your unconditional love for others."
I spoke with confusion in my voice, "But I'm no one special, it's just who I am, nothing more… I have no love anymore only the pain in my heart… You've seen what's happened to my life… I can not help others when I myself have no hope or even love for that matter, i am but a shell of my former self. Everything I have ever had in my life has been taken from me."
"That's why we want you Isabella, you're love for Edward is what has opened your soul and heart up even more than before. Loving him has let us see the greatness you can do with this new found life. Helping others find their way and protecting them against forces that shall not harm them… Will you accept our offer Isabella?"
I didn't know what to say at all, I could go to heaven and live eternally with my Edward or I could help others who needed it, I had to ask Alexander if Edward was there…
"If I don't join you, then that means Edward and I can be together for eternity." Once those words were said I could see the glimmer of doubt in his eyes like he knew something I didn't.
"I'm sorry Isabella… I can neither confirm nor deny that Edward is there in Heaven. This choice is for you and you only… Give up your soul-mate or help thousands of people who need your help…"
I could feel the tears in my eyes wanting to escape, he spoke again. "I say this to you Isabella, because only you can make this choice and if you agree to join us, as an Elder I have the power to take away the pain. You'll have your memories of Edward but not this pain that you feel now."
Before i had answered his question, he had said one last thing. "I do this for you Isabella, not for you to just join us but for your well being too. No person should ever feel the pain that you have gone through."
With those words I said yes to Alexander not only because my pain would be taken away, but to have a sense of what i could do. No one should suffer in pain that i have, it's simply too much for me to even accept his offer, you may say that i'm taking the easy way out of this. Maybe I am but i need to move forward in some sense, the pain may be gone but my memories will not...
For him to take away my pain, he would have to hug me… And he did, taking the pain away that had my been from my human life. Maybe now I could embark on my new of journey being a Whitelighter…
Defending the forces of good and protecting my charges against evil and accruing powers that come with it… Isabella Margaret-Marie Swan was dead… No matter what comes my way or happens my love for Edward would always be there and nothing could ever take that from me…
Immorality will be my curse...