Hey Guys! This story just popped into my head while I was browsing around the NCIS fics and I couldn't help myself and just had to post it. It may go longer than just a one shot, it may not. I kinda set up the possibility for this fic without even knowing it! I do that a lot….

I only own Kate Gibbs and anybody you don't recognize. I have a creative license and I'm not afraid to use it!

Oh, and a heads up, if you haven't read my other NCIS fic, Daddy's Sweetest Gift, I suggest reading it so you're not totally lost. I don't think it will be necessary, but I suggest it.

Without Further ado, here is Kelly Gibbs, Guardian Angel Extraordinaire


Camp Pendleton, California, April 1991

Eight year old Kelly Gibbs was an Angel. Not just behavior wise, but a real Angel with wings. She and her Mom, Shannon, had been killed in a car accident that had also killed NIS Special Agent Tom Mott. Her mom had witnessed the murder of a United States Marine, identified the murderer to the police and NIS, and was under NIS protection. One day after Kelly's Mom had her baby, Kelly's baby sister Kate, on the way home from the hospital at Camp Pendleton in California, Tom Mott had been shot in his head, and the van carrying Kelly and Shannon had crashed, killing them upon impact.

Kelly didn't feel any different now that she was dead, she could talk to her dad as much as she wanted to, but he couldn't talk back to her. Gammy Gibbs was full of stories of when her dad was a little boy and Kelly spent most of her time floating between Gammy Gibbs's plane of Heaven, and watching her baby sister Kate at the hospital. Kate was now constantly surrounded by NIS Special Agents under the orders of one Mike Franks. Kelly liked him. He was gruff, but Kelly could tell that deep under all of his grumpiness there was a cuddly interior. Kate brought that out in him.

One day in particular Kelly was resting her chin in her hands and watching Baby Kate sleep in her basinet. Kate was beautiful with her ten little toes and fingers. Her hair was really light colored and Kelly thought her baby sister would be blond when she grew up. Kelly's own dark hair had once been blond when she was a little baby but it had darkened up as she had grown up. Her hair was still in the braids they had been in when she was alive, and Kelly felt a sharp tug on one of them. Kelly looked down in the direction of the tug, and saw that Kate was wide awake and gurgling.

"Hi, Kate," Kelly said smiling. "I don't think you can hear me, but I'm Kelly. You're big sister? We met a couple of times, but I'm not coming back to see you anymore. Neither is Mom. But Dad's here in the hospital, too. He should come and see you sometime soon. He's the bestest Daddy in the whole wide world, Kate. So you gotta listen to him when he tells you to do stuff, like eat your vegetables, even though peas are absolutely icky and you should try to drop them on the floor when he's not looking. Better yet! Try to get a puppy so you can feed them to the puppy and Daddy won't even notice."

Baby Kate just gurgled in response.

"I know that silly! It's up to you to get the puppy!" Kelly said with a sigh. "You need to beg and ask constantly. Ask for one for every Christmas, birthday, and Easter. Then you may get one. I wanted a St. Bernard and Mom wouldn't even let me ask Dad when he was home. So try to go with a smaller dog. Like a German Sheppard. Those are smaller than St. Bernards, but they're not too small."

Kate gurgled some more. "You know, being a big sister isn't so hard." Kelly told her baby sister. "All I gotta do right now is talk to you and keep you happy until Daddy can take you home to Virginia. That's on the other side of the country. We're in California cuz Mom wanted to follow Dad as far as she could before he had to ship out and you were born."

"Kelly." Kelly whirled around to see Shannon standing behind her.

"Hi, Mom." Kelly said sheepishly.

"What are you doing?" Shannon asked her older daughter.

"Telling Katie about Daddy and how she needs to beg him for a puppy." Kelly responded innocently. "Why?"

"You wouldn't be telling her your secret about the peas, would you?" Shannon asked curiously.

"Mom!" Kelly said in disbelief. "I would never try to corrupt my baby sister like that while she's so little and impressionable."

"Mmhhmmm." Shannon said. "Come on, Sweetie. It's time to go."

"Aww… Mom, do we have to?" Kelly whined. "I wanna watch Daddy and Katie meet."

Shannon smiled at her oldest. Kelly was already showing signs of becoming Kate's Guardian Angel. She had quickly learned that Guardian Angels needed to bond with their living counterpart both in life and death. Kelly had done both with her little sister, like Shannon had with Jethro. Shannon was in the process of being assigned to Jethro. She knew she would be busy watching out for him regardless of the job he took after he retired from the Corp.

Kelly would have the slightly easier job; she got to watch out for a month and a half old baby. "Fine." Shannon said after a moment of thought. "I'll be back in hour, and if your Dad hasn't come by to see Kate, then we have to go. Okay?"

Kelly nodded. "Okay, Mom. Thank you!" Kelly hugged her mother and Shannon shimmered away leaving Kelly and Kate together for a moment. Kate had fallen back asleep during the exchange between her mother and sister. Mike Franks slipped into Kate's little room and began to coo at the sleeping baby. Kelly giggled to herself and settled into an empty chair to watch over her baby sister.

Ten minutes later her Daddy came wheeling into the room. Kelly winced seeing her beloved Daddy in a wheel chair because he had hurt both of his legs in Kuwait, but Kelly was happy that Callen had helped him realize that he still had a family waiting for him in California.

"Hey, Probie!" Franks greeted his newest agent.

"Mike." Gibbs said as a nurse handed him Kate for the first time. "Hey Princess." He whispered.

Kate's eyes fluttered opened and enthralled her father with their depth and the intensity her young stare seemed to posses.

"Oh, Katie-kins," Gibbs whispered as he kissed her forehead, "You're gonna be a heart breaker."

Kate gurgled in response and snuggled into her father's warmth and fell asleep. Safe, for now, in the arms of her protector.

Gibbs smiled as her little body sought out the warmth his was giving off. "Oh, Princess." Gibbs said. "Your Big Sister Kelly was right." He said as he choked back tears. "You're a girl, and Kelly would have been the best big sister to you."

Jethro sighed and remembered the look of pure joy on Kelly's face when he and her mother had told her about the new baby. He jut hoped that one day he would see that look on Kate's face as he sat her down to tell her she would be a big sister as well.

Kelly watched and felt herself crying as she watched her father and sister. "I love you, Daddy." Kelly said firmly. "I love you and Mommy and Baby Kate more than anybody else in the whole world. I'm gonna keep Katie safe no matter what. Mommy told me about Guardian Angels and I wanna be Katie's. She's gonna need somebody watching her six. She's a Gibbs and we get into trouble Daddy. You know it, and I know it."

Jethro looked up and he could have sworn he saw Kelly sitting in a chair in the corner. While he was convinced his eyes were playing tricks on him because he was tired. Jethro was convinced that there was a pair of bright white angel wings starting to sprout from his eldest's back.

Kelly gasped as she felt her back ripple and she saw something white out of the corner of her eye. Her jaw dropped as she surveyed her new wings. Shannon appeared next to Kelly as Jethro placed Kate back in her crib and wheeled himself out of the room.

"Congratulations, Sweetie." Shannon said to her daughter.

"Huh?" Kelly asked confused. "Why do I have wings and you don't?"

"Because, Sweetie," Shannon said with a proud smile. "You're Kate's Guardian Angel as of right now."

"What's that mean?" Kelly asked confused.

"That means you're going to look out for your little sister and try to keep her safe to the best of you ability, and try to keep her out of harm's way." Shannon said proudly.

"Okay." Kelly said. "I just said that to Daddy and I got wings."

"That's all there is to being a Guardian Angel." Shannon said.

Kelly nodded. "Look out world!" She exclaimed. "Here comes Kelly Gibbs, Guardian Angel, Extraordinaire!"


So review and let me know if I should post this as a longer story. It'll be Kelly's POV on some of the stuff I touch on in Daddy's Sweetest Gift, but there will be some original chapters as well.