Don't own these characters, just Kate and Becky, and the ever helpful Robbie and Casey Gibson.

Please read and review.

This is Kelly's POV of the Daddy's Sweetest Gift chapter entitled "Rope Swings and ERs". This is based off of moment of stupidity I had this summer. Yay me! (I'm an honors student…not my brightest moment ever…)

And I've got a question for you guys. What was the name of the Emergency! episode Mark Harmon guest stared in? Virtual cookies and brownies to the peeps who review with their answers!


Eternally eight year old Kelly Gibbs flexed her wings and did loop-do-loops over the rented boat her 'baby' sister was tanning on. Kate, Kelly's living sister, was eighteen now, and just a week and a half away from starting college. If Kelly was alive today, she would be twenty six years old and most likely finishing college. While Kate was planning on majoring in Elementary Education, Kelly had set her heart on being a doctor long before her demise. Now Kelly just settled for watching Emergency! reruns with her Dad and Kate when they put the DVDs in.

Kate, Tony DiNozzo, Abby Scuito, G Callen, and Kate's best friend Becky Taylor had rented the boat for the week while the Gibbs family and company was vacationing on Lake Ossipee in Ossipee, or was it Freedom, New Hampshire.

So far in the week they'd been on vacation, Kelly had stepped in to keep her little four year old half brother, Jay-Jay, out of poison ivy at least four times one day, she'd also redirected a couple of embers away from Kate at the campfires. The other night, Kelly had to hold off several deer to keep them from walking out into the road in front of the rented SUV. One of the bucks had escaped, and Jethro had just missed it.

Kelly was hoping and praying that the last two days of the vacation would be low key and she could enjoy the change of pace. To be honest, Kelly was actually relieved that her family had taken this vacation. Things were getting pretty tense around Washington with Ziva gone. Kelly normally hung out with Tali David, Ziva's Guardian Angel, but Tali had just disappeared one day. Normally when Ziva was in Tel Aviv or undercover Tali would pop up let Kelly know everything was alright and Kelly would somehow relay the message to the team. Not this time. Tali hadn't shown up since she had her older half brother Ari, a pretty decent guy in Kelly's opinion, relay that she and Ziva were going on a quote unquote 'Suicide Mission'. Ari had been incredibly grave upon delivering the news. He had scooped Kelly into a hug, whispered a phrase or two in Hebrew and Arabic before disappearing to help his mother and stepmother with something.

Kelly landed on the back of the boat and sighed as she watched Callen and Tony fight over the radio stations.

"You know, Kate," Kelly said to her sister, even though the living Gibbs girl couldn't hear her right now. The only time Kate could hear Kelly was when she was either asleep or in danger of some sort. "I really wish that Tony and Callen would stop fighting. I mean they're grownups! They've got jobs and cars and Callen had a girlfriend before her got shot! Look at them fight like a bunch of five year olds! I bet Jay-Jay would be better behaved right now!"

"Can I get an Amen?" Kelly whirled around startled and sighed when she saw it was her and Tali's best Angel friend, Carmen.

Carmen had been eleven when she had died from leukemia. Carmen's luscious, long, inky black hair fell down to her mid back and it went with her dark Latina skin. "What you doing?" Carmen asked Kelly as she folded her wings into her back. Carmen was just an Angel. Her wings, while as snowy white as Kelly and Tali's, were smaller and less showy.

"Ranting about my sister's choice in pseudo family members." Kelly replied with a sigh and a wince as Abby whacked Callen in his still fragile gut. "Where in H-E-Double Hockey Sticks is Callen's GA? They're seriously slacking." Kelly said to Carmen.

"I heard he's getting a new one." Carmen whispered. Gossip among the Guardian Angels, or Gas was not encouraged.

"How come?" Kelly whispered back.

"He got shot like six times in the chest on his mother's watch. That's why." Kelly and Carmen whirled around to see Tali David behind them looking a little worse for wear.

"TALI!" The girls squealed as Kate and Becky dove off the boat unknowingly soaking the three Angels on the boat.

"Where'd you go?" Kelly asked excitedly. "We gotta plant a little thought in Tony's head if Zee's alright."

"Somalia." Tali replied nervously. "I am afraid my sister is being held hostage by terrorist who have confused NCIS with the American version of Mossad."

"Some idiots confused the CIA with NCIS." Kelly said in shock.

Tali nodded grimly.

"Dumb asses." Carmen said with a sigh. "Have any of them been in the US?"

"The ring leader." Tali replied. "He came to the US for college and did not bother learning which Federal Agency does what. Now he has made the mistake of assuming the agency with the longer initials is the one with all of your country's secrets."

"Fun stuff." Kelly said as she felt the boat move underneath of her. "We flying or riding this one girls?"

"I vote for riding." Tali said as she inspected her drooping wings over her shoulder. "I just flew from Africa."

"I'm with Tali." Carmen said. "I haven't flown for almost a month."

"Car!" Kelly scolded. "If you ever wanna be a GA you gotta fly more often!"

Carmen rolled her eyes as the three girls sat down around Callen in the back of the boat as Kate gunned the engine and Tony almost fell on his behind. Tali had stepped in at the last second and helped save his dignity. While Ziva wasn't a big fan of Tony's antics, Tali was and was waiting for Tony to ask her sister out on a date.


Kelly was now alone stretched out on the sun bed on the boat watching Kate, Becky, and that Danny boy on the rope swing. Abby and Callen had taken up residence in the bow of the speedboat, and Tony was in the captain's chair reading the manuscript for the latest Thom E Gemcity novel.

"Becky, Kate!" Callen called. "We need to head back to the camp now!"

Callen's voice had startled Kelly, and the girl found herself in the frigid river. Even though it was a very hot and humid August day, Kelly was convinced that there would be ice chunks floating down the river at any second. There weren't.

Kate and Becky groaned. "I'll go first." Becky said as she scampered up the tree to a platform that went straight down into the river. There was no rope access where Becky was and she jumped off of it and screamed "CANNON BALL!" before she hit the water. Becky's head popped up a few seconds later and she was laughing. "That was AMAZING!" she yelled back to Kate as she swam out of the way.

Kate laughed and eyed the tree Danny's friend Tim had swung out of earlier. She grabbed the rope as Tim handed it to her and slid the big knot into the sloop and climbed up the tree. When Kate reached the platform she felt the adrenaline pumping through her system. She was at the top of a tree and couldn't breathe, let alone stand up. Kate took a deep breath, adjusted her tankini top and gripped the rope in a death grip.

"Oh no, no, no, no, no!" Kelly said as she watched her sister adjust her grip on the rope. "This is not going to end well." Kelly bit her lip as she tried to think of what she could possibly do. "MOMMY!" She yelled out.

Shannon Gibbs shimmered into view at her daughter's call. "What is… OH MY GOD! CAITLIN ERICA GIBBS! What the hell does she think she's doing?" Shannon shrieked which caused her mother in law, Erica Gibbs to appear as well.

Abby had shrieked and Tony looked up from the book he was reading. Tony saw that Kate was sitting on the back platform griping the rope until her knuckles were white and she had her eyes closed. "Katie!" Tony yelled. "Get your but out of that tree now! Let go of that rope and climb down out of the tree."

"Listen to him!" Kelly commanded her little sister in her Guardian Angel voice. Most people registered these voices as the uneasy feeling they got before they did something stupid, like jumping out of a tree without holding the rope up high enough to impress a guy. Most of the time Kate acknowledged the feeling, but today, today Kate just brushed it off.

"I'm going to do this!" Kate yelled back to Tony. "I'm facing my bête noir!"

When Kate had brushed off the command her Guardian Angel had given, Kelly had reeled like Kate had physically slapped her across the face. Never in the eighteen years that Kelly had looked out for her sister had the younger woman thrown caution to the wind like she was doing now.

"We need to catch her now!" Shannon ordered to her elder child.

In a daze Kelly flew over the river and waited at the platform's edge with a bated breath to see how her sister would push off of the platform. Currently she was sitting and not holding the rope up high enough.

"Damn." Tony muttered as he slammed the book down. "Don't be an idiot!" He yelled back. "I know just as well as you do what happens when…" Tony trailed off as Kate pushed herself out of the tree. Kelly propelled herself forward as Shannon appeared and steadied Kate's neck as Kelly quickly lowered the ground a few feet for a moment or two with some magic and just as quickly returned the river bank to its normal height as Abby let out a blood curdling shriek as Kate was dragged into the water.

Kelly, Shannon and Nana Erica, or as Kate and Jay-Jay called her, Gammy Gibbs, let out the breaths they had held as Kate dropped into the river and Tony dove in after the girl.

"You did good sweetie." Shannon told Kelly and pulled her girl into a hug. "If it had been me, I think the best case scenario would be a broken tibia."

Kelly shook her head. "I couldn't let her break another bone, Mama. You saw how miserable she was when she broke her wrist skating in the sixth grade."

Shannon smiled and kissed her daughter's forehead as they flew over to the boat and Gammy Gibbs shimmered out, seeing as she wasn't needed at the moment.

"That was incredibly stupid!" Abby shrieked at Kate. Kelly had to agree as she took in the damage to her sister's legs. Due to her quick thinking and her ahem, 'mad skills', with magic, Kate would have no broken bones in her legs. "What the hell were you thinking?"

"I don't know." Kate sobbed. "My legs hurt so much, Abby! I want my Daddy."

"Oh, Kate." Abby said as her angry demeanor crumbled. "Don't cry! I'm not really mad at you; I'm just surprised that you thought you needed to sink to that kind of shallow low to impress a guy!"

"How did you know I was showing off?" Kate asked through her tears as Abby stroked her hair.

"Like it wasn't totally obvious to everybody at the rope swing." Kelly said to her sister. "Why didn't you listen to me?"

"Because, Silly," Abby said affectionately. "You'd never try to conquer your fear of heights like that on your own."

Kate just started to cry harder. "I screwed up Abby; Daddy's going to kill me."

"No he's not." Kelly said. "I didn't just save your neck to have Daddy chew your head off, Katie."

"No he's not." Callen unknowingly echoed Kelly. "He's going to whisk you and your mom to the ER, worry about you for a few hours. Guilt trips you and tells you that you're beautiful and that if you have to do something stupid to impress a guy then he's not worth it."

"How do you know that?" Kate asked and winced as they hit a big wave. Kelly used her magic again to try to soften the blow for Kate. It was a little slow on the uptake now that Kelly had almost drained her magic out for the day.

"Sorry, Kate." Tony yelled over the wind as he heard the whimper.

"Because," Callen yelled. "It's what I'd do if I was Gibbs."

Kate nodded. "You guys think an awful lot alike."

"To the point it's scary." Abby finished for Kate as she cradled the younger woman's head in her lap.

"Abby's right you know," Kelly told Kate as she stroked her sister's head. "If I hadn't known any better, I would think that Callen's our older brother for real." Kelly paused for a moment before adding, "He isn't you know. I double and triple checked. I would so totally love an older brother. Now I get why you've got Tony, Callen and Tim at your beck and call."

Kelly hovered over her sister as Becky ran off crying for help as Tony carried Kate off of the dock and up the stairs to the EMTs camp site. Kelly couldn't have been more surprised that there was an EMT right there at the top of the hill. "That's one point to 'Sheer Dumb Luck' to the three points that 'Kelly's Mad Skills' has." Kelly said to nobody.

Kate seemed to pause in her crying and Kelly could have sworn her little sister giggled.

Becky came sprinting back down the road from their rental with Jethro trailing behind her.

"Daddy!" Kate sobbed when he took her hand from Tony's. "I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking and I…I…"

"Did something stupid." Jethro finished for her and kissed her forehead. "You're going to be okay, Princess. I promise."

Kate sniffled. "How bad to my legs look Mr.…"

"Call me, Robbie." Rob said. "Everybody does. I don't think you broke them, but you might want to head up to North Conway to be sure. I'll go print out some directions to the hospital for you, and you can take her up there for x-rays."

"Thank you, Robbie." Jethro said as he looked at Kate. "Tony, do you think you and Callen can get her back to our place so she can change before we leave?"

"We'll give it a shot, Dad." Callen replied as he looked at Tony. "You're carrying her, DiNozzo."

"Why me?" Tony asked as he scooped up Kate bridal style yet again. "You need to lay off the late night snack runs, Squirt."

Kate giggled and snuggled her head against Tony as she tried to stop crying. Kelly gave Tony some of her energy to carry Kate back up to the rental units. She couldn't tell if Tony had been joking about Kate's weight or not. Either way Kelly was going to play it safe. Her baby sister wasn't going to get hurt again today.

"Which one of us got shot five times in the chest in May and almost died?" Callen asked Tony as they disappeared down the road toward the grouping of rental park model units with Abby trailing behind them.

Kelly rolled her eyes at the comment. She had tried to watch out for Callen that day, but Kate had needed her more in DC. Kelly had pulled double duty with Callen and Kate without anybody knowing for close to three years. After this latest close call with Callen somebody from the GAs had taken a look at who was watching out for the Federal Agent. When the GA in charge of the file review saw that Callen's mother had just abandoned her son yet again, his mother's status as a GA had been revoked and he had been assigned a new Guardian Angel that did half the work Kelly did while she watched her sister.

The sad thing was, that Kelly and Shannon pulled the most hours out of all of the GAs. Due to their assigned people's choice of lifestyles and areas they liked to hang out at, aka NCIS headquarters and the Hoover building. But Kelly didn't mind putting the veteran GAs to shame; in fact she enjoyed showing adults that an eight year old could do a better job than they could.

"You're just playing it up now for the ladies." Tony said to Callen teasingly.

"Damn." Callen said as he leaned over to an upset Becky. "He's on to me!"

"I really f…" Kate said as one of Callen's hands quickly moved over to her mouth. She glared at him and the older man didn't back down under her gaze.

"You really want to finish that sentence?" Callen asked her. "You messed up, big whoop. It happens to everybody at least once in their lives. Tony screws up on a monthly basis."

"Daily." Kate corrected. Her mouth was still muffled so it sounded more like "Daaaaayyyyllyyyy."

"Hey!" Tony protested.

"You get what I'm saying?" Callen asked Kate.

Kate nodded and smirked evilly before she licked the palm of Callen's hand.

"DISGUSTING!" Callen shouted as he wiped his hand on his tee shirt. "You need a new way of getting me to move my hand."

Kelly giggled as Jenny flew out of the park model with Jay-Jay at her heals.

"Kate!" Jenny screamed. "Are you okay, Honey?"

"I've been better." Kate said. "I swung out of a tree to impress a guy and had a rather intimate meeting with the river bank."

Jay-Jay looked at his sister's bleeding legs and the ice packs and said "Katie has a big boo-boo."

Kate nodded. "It's a very big boo-boo."

"How come?" Jay-Jay asked as he stuck his fingers in his mouth.

"Kate did something that wasn't too smart, Munchkin." Callen said as he scooped the little boy up.

"What did she do?" Jay-Jay asked curiously.

"I jumped out of a tree." Kate said as Tony placed her in the passenger's seat to the rented Suburban. "Are you guys coming with us to the hospital or staying here?" Kate asked between sniffles as Becky came out of the camper with some dry clothes for Kate to change into.

"Coming with you." Jenny said. "Let me get my purse." Jenny disappeared into the camper followed by Abby.

Fifteen minutes later they were on their way to the hospital in North Conway.


Forty five minutes, one slightly awkward bathroom break involving parts of a cooler, piles of paperwork and the beginnings of a Red Sox game later the Gibbs family sat in the waiting room of the hospital in North Conway. Kate was in a wheelchair reading The Book Thief with her legs stretched out on a chair in front of her. Abby and Jay-Jay were in a corner playing quietly. Well, Jay-Jay thought he was playing, Abby was teaching the four year old sign language so they could communicate without speaking in the future. Jenny and Jethro were on either side of Kate. Jethro would occasionally rub Kate's back assuring her that neither one of her parents were angry, they were just concerned. Tony, Becky, and Callen had left the hospital to get food for everyone, and had mentioned getting Car Side to Go from the Applebee's back in town.

Kelly sat in an unoccupied chair watching Jay-Jay and Abby. "You know, Jay-Jay," Kelly said to her younger half brother. The four and a half year old was very in tune with the supernatural aspect of the Guardian Angels and sometimes had long winded babbling conversations with Kelly. "Kate's gonna be okay so you don't need to worry."

Abby stood up at that moment and ruffled Jay-Jay's hair. "You stay here little guy," Abby told him. "I'm going to the bathroom and I'll be right back."

"Otay.' Jay-Jay said as he picked up the little kids books in the corner where they sat.

Abby pointed at Jay-Jay so the reception lady could keep an eye on him for a few moments. There was nobody else in the waiting room, Kate had just been called in.

"Weally?" Jay-Jay asked Kelly now that he was sure nobody was really watching him.

"Yup." Kelly said as she made herself visible to the little boy. "She's gonna be just fine."

"How you know that?" Jay-Jay demanded.

"I know so." Kelly said proudly. "I know only because I saved her myself."

"Otay." Jay-Jay said happily as Kelly began to dissolve in front of him. The fact that Kelly was saying Kate would be fine was good enough for him.

"I'm back." Abby said to Jay-Jay as she scooped him up. "Did you miss me?"

Jay-Jay squealed happily and nodded. "Let's play airplane!" He said hopefully.

"Airplane?" Abby asked. "You sure you want to play with me?"

Jay-Jay nodded happily.

"I thought you only played with Kate." Abby said confused.

"Kate got hurted." Jay-Jay said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "She can't play until she can walk."

"How do you know she's gonna be able to walk again?" Abby asked the little boy.

Jay-Jay smiled up at the Goth as he saw Kelly's wings shimmer in the Emergency Room lights. "An angel told me."

"An angel told you." Abby repeated.

"Yup." Jay-Jay said happily.

"I like that one, Jay-Jay." Abby said as she laid the boy on her arms, stomach down to play a rousing game of airplane in the waiting room. "Washington-Dulles this is Air Force One requesting permission to land." Abby said as she dropped her voice down an octave.

"Permission granted!" Jay-Jay squealed happily as he stuck his arms out in front of him. "We're coming in for a landing!"

Kelly smiled as she watched her family play in the waiting room and felt the pull to go back to Heaven. She stopped fighting it with a smile on her face, fully knowing that her family was safe, at least for now.


That's the end of chapter two! Yay! If you want to know how Kate is, go check out Daddy's Sweetest Gift. Now click on the little green button and let me know how you liked it!