"How is this going to help us?"

Sakura rolled her eyes at her blond-haired teammates whining and, before Yamato could explain for the umpteenth time with a weary sigh, she interjected, "It'll help you observe everything in your surroundings."

Sai was silent, working diligently on his canvas.

"But how will painting a picture help?"

Sakura's eye twitched, but she soldiered on with forced patience. "If you can look at a scene in a minute, then turn around and paint it with no mistakes, you will be more prepared on the battlefield to absorb everything."

Naruto pouted in silence, picking up his pathetic-looking frayed brush and painted, first a squiggle, then another, then encircling the entire thing with a strange looking trapezoid.

The pink-haired kunoichi couldn't resist taking a peek. "W-What is that?" Sakura asked, her jaw dropping.

"It's a lake!"

"Naruto, there wasn't a lake! We're painting mountains!"

"Shit, really?" His head swiveled to peer over his shoulder, and met face to face with Yamato.

"No looking."

Naruto scrunched his nose in annoyance, but turned back to his painting.

Sweet, sweet silence.

For all of five seconds.

A sly look from Sai, across Sakura, and over to Naruto and then the briefest twitch of his lips.

"My paintbrush is bigger than your paintbrush."

Sakura almost laughed at the strangeness of the comment, mixed with Sai's regular robotic nonchalance and the fact that, yes, Sai was in fact using a larger brush than Naruto. "What do you know," she chuckled, "you're learning the art of subtlety."

Naruto flicked ink in the painter's direction. Sakura yelped as it splattered across her page.

"Fuck, Naruto!"

Another almost-smile from Sai. "Penis."

Bwahahaa! I love this one. I think it's hilarious, honestly. The plot bunny came only as "My paintbrush is bigger than your paintbrush." Naturally, the story isn't completely without Sai saying his legendary catchphrase. Can't you just imagine him, running around in a cape, all creepy-smiles and insults, shouting "Penis!" and saving the day? No? Just me then? Alright. As long as you're reviewing! Please and thanks!

- Red