Hey, so this Fanfiction will be about the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas" although I will rhyme the words with different ones that would fit in. So each of these things, Chad will give her. So it's a very Channy story, this is a very slow start, but it is a way to start everything. So, if you remember the song, the beginning would be,
On The First Day of Christmas my true Love Gave to me, a Partridge in a Pear Tree,
So I did,
On The First Day of Christmas my true Love Gave to me, a convo and a Green Tea
Get it?
Anyways, you may think this sounds like Zillions Challenge, truth is, I have pre-written this story, and as I was on about the 5th or 6th chapter, out came her challenge, and since her challenge had some guidelines my story didn't meet, I decided to just keep going with it. Zillions challenge and story's are great you should go check them out! I think it is funny that we almost both had the same idea LOL. Great minds think alike huh?
By the way the random parts about The Outsiders is only in this chapter…
Disclaimer: I do not own Sonny With a Chance or The Outsiders.
First day of Christmas my True Love Gave to me, a Convo and a Green Tea
I was so happy. It was the 19th of December, and we got a 12 day holiday from shooting. We had already wrapped up the holiday specials and the New Years skits. Some of my family members are going to come up from Wisconsin, they were happy, because down their it was buried in deep snow and we only had a little bit of frost. Well, that's Hollywood for you.
Tawni was going skiing with her dad in the alps.
Zora, was actually shooting a movie. How sad is that? Working around Christmas. She says she doesn't like Christmas though so I guess that's okay.
Grady was spending Christmas going around to many different people's house's. See, his parents on his mother's side was divorced, and wanted them to come to each of their houses, despite the fact the two grandparents didn't want to be in the same room as each other, and on his fathers side, same deal. It was like the movie Four Christmases although I doubt his families are that bad.
Nico had the same deal I had, abnormal amounts of family members coming to his house. Although he had multiple houses and I think they were meeting in the one he has in Toronto. The rich guy had done a couple movie's before So Random!...he was a pretty cute kid when he was younger.
Chad, well I didn't care what he was doing or where he was going.
Anyways, I tied up my scarf and headed out side in my nice warm blue coat. It was really mild outside sadly, there wasn't much point to this coat at all. Itt was rainy, and I think I saw a little bit of slush on the ground...that's a first. My mother was out somewhere, between the fact she would have to buy a lot of groceries and she still had work, I probably wouldn't see her much. I slowly strode down the road, wishing it was lightly snowing and it was at a cold temperature. A car sped by and hit a puddle of water and the possible bit of slush, and it splashed me. The car immediately stopped and out came a small tiny women with a look of guilt on her face.
"Oh my! Young lady I am so sorry! I think I have a blanket packed in one of these bags hold on a moment," she ran to the back of her van and started opening up the back,
"No no, its fine, I can walk back to the studio and get some warm clothes." I smiled. She was obviously in a hurry, and she smiled, closing her trunk and running to the front of the van. I walked back to the studio and ran inside. No one would be here by now, once it's a holiday everyone flees. I ran quickly into my change room and hopped into my shower. As soon as I finished cleaning up a quickly put on some dry clothes and again, began my walk back home. I realised that my hair was wet, but I guess since it started to rain that if someone asked it would be my excuse. I put up my umbrella and began to walk a little faster, not wanting to get socked. Now the rain was really picking up.
"Sure weather lady, it will be a sunny day mmhmm remind me not to listen to your forecast anymore," I mumbled under my breath. I kept walking until I saw a blue convertible behind me, the top up of course, and Chad Dylan Cooper driving. He pulled up beside me.
"Hey Sonnay!" he said with an over exaggerated smile.
"What do you want Chad.,"
"Need a ride? It's raining pretty hard and that umbrella is going to fly out of your hand,"
"No way Chad, I don't need a ride from you of all people,"
"Suit yourself," he shrugged, a little bit of hurt in his eyes, but it wasn't really evident. I continued walking, and he was still slowly driving behind. A car quickly sped by yet again and splashed me, although this person didn't stop and offer me a blanket, which I wanted really badly at this moment. I heard loud laughter from the car Chad was in, and my hands balled into fists. What did I do? I didn't break a mirror, I have stayed away from black cats, and I even read my horoscope and took its advice 'stay away from cafeteria food'. I didn't really have to give up much for that one, but what was with all this bad luck?
"See, this wouldn't have happened if you got in the car,"
"Fine Chad, you can give me a ride."
"Oh, now you think I'm still going to give you a ride. The first time, I was being nice, but now you act as if your doing me a favour,"
"Aw, come on Chad,"
"Your going to have to beg,"
"Chad, you're the best guy in the entire world. Zac Efron got nothing on you." I said through clenched teeth. NOT TRUE NOT TRUE! Okay, maybe it was, but no one had to know that.
"Hmmm…okay, I guess that'll do…hop in…"
"Won't I get your car wet?" I pointed out.
"Not when I have a water repellent seat cover," he smiled and placed it over the seat beside his. I quickly got in, completely drenched. He grabbed a towel out of his back seat and handed it to me. I wondered why exactly he had a towel in his back seat. I guess he could read the assumptions through my face,
"Sonny, its Cali, I do go to the beach. Its nothing like that," I kind of smiled with relief and he chuckled, "do you wan't some star bucks? You look really cold and wet and should probably get something warm,"
"Okay." I smiled. He drove into the nearest Star Bucks and got inside. We sat at a table for two and he asked me what I wanted.
"Whatever your getting." I said shrugging. I was expecting him to get some really fancy type mocha thing, but he came back with two green tea's.
"Green Tea? Really Chad, Green Tea?" I smirked.
"You don't like it? I can get you something else… jeez your picky," he said.
"No no, I do, its just, what a simple beverage for Chad Dylan Cooper," I smiled and punched him lightly on the shoulder.
"Not everything needs to be complicated Munroe,"
"Well everything's complicated with you,"
"What? No!" he pleaded. I wasn't in a mood for a fight.
"I'm just saying, you change your mind a lot, and say the wrong thing then cover it up…your just officially complicated," he smiled.
"Do you like me being complicated?" he quizzed with a smirk.
"Well if you remember, when you were eaves-dropping on me talking to James, I said that you were complicated, and then scowled,"
"Well, if you remember, you would know I was never eaves-dropping on your conversation about how uncomplicated James was. That guy turned out to be good didn't he?"
"I never said anything about James saying he was uncomplicated,"
"Uh, um, well…"
"Don't stutter, jeez since you were so nice to me I'll be nice and change the topic. What are you doing for Christmas? I kind of wish it snowed more during Christmas here, I wouldn't have been splashed would I?"
"Oh, well, my family doesn't like making a big deal out of Christmas so we just stay at home and have a small little thing. My eldest sister…"
"You have a sister?"
"Oh, yeah, two. My sister Leah is older then me…18, then my other sister, Shelia is actually my twin."
"Oh, well that's cool. I have one brother but he lives with my dad. See when my mother and I moved out to Hollywood, we decided we didn't want him growing up in Hollywood, so we decided that he should stay back and my dad stayed with him."
"Oh, are your parents divorced?" he asked with curiosity.
"No! Of course not! They didn't want me coming to Hollywood alone so it just kind of shook things up a bit. We are still a happy family." I smiled. It was true. Everyone thought that my parents had divorced, and each time I had to explain, I felt guilty.
"Hah," Chad said silently.
"What's so funny?"
"We are actually having a civilized conversation with no fighting,"
"Yeah, well that's a first,"
"Consider it and early gift I have given you,"
"Why is talking to you such a gift may I ask?"
"Well, I am Chad Dylan Cooper aren't I?" he said popping his collar.
"Omigosh Chad I can't believe I'm talking to you!" I said sarcastically.
"Come on Sonny, no fighting, you'll ruin my gift. Without that then my gift is technically that Green Tea, which only cost me 3 dollars so you'll make me feel cheap, and Chad Dylan Cooper, definatly, is not cheap!"
"Okay then Chad, well I think I should get home, think you can give me a ride? My mom doesn't like me walking alone when its dark. She actually doesn't like me walking alone at all,"
"Sure," Chad shrugged.
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We arrived in front of my house and I smiled.
"Thanks Chad," I said, I wanted to hang out with him tomorrow too, but I didn't know how to say it without sounding…like I liked him. Which I didn't.
"So, um, yeah this was…fun,"
"Mhmm…" I was holding onto the car door handle.
"So…since we both agree this was fun…"
"Maybe we should…"
"Do this again sometime?"
"Yeah, well you have my number, uh call me tomorrow,"
"'Kay," I was about to leave, but then I quickly hugged him.
"Thanks, for the ride,"
"No problem," he said, scratching the back of his neck. I waved and ran inside. Why, exactly, was I tingling from the hug? Its not like he was more then a friend…I hated him…right? I contemplated this as I yelled,
"I'm home!" Only to find a note on the table saying my mom wouldn't be home until later. I put my wet clothes in the laundry shoot and grabbed a robe to keep me warm. I decided to watch The Outsiders for the millionth time, screaming at the awesomeness of Dally and Johnny, crying at their endings. I loved that movie, I found it funny that my brother's name was the same as one of the characters. My phone vibrated at the part when Two-Bit is eating Chocolate Cake and Beer for breakfast. I flipped it up to get a text from Chad.
CDC: You left yo sweater in meh car…its kinda wet and everything so my maid is washing it.
Sonny: Make sure to tip her!
CDC: She is paid enuff.
Sonny: Having to deal with you and your grammatical errors all day? I severely doubt it.
CDC: Ha, whatcha doin?
Sonny: Watching The Outsiders. Johnny is in the hospital…it is so sad.
CDC: I'm hotter then all of the guys in that.
CDC: It's such a wuss movie, that would never happen with real gangs, all the balling and stuff.
Sonny: It's the best movie in the world!
CDC: No way. The Chad Dylan Cooper movie was!
Sonny: Yeah, The Outsiders is the best!
CDC: Nope.
Sonny: YEAH!
Sonny: FINE!
Sonny: GOOD! Now let me finish the movie, Randy is realising that fighting isn't needed.
CDC: HAHA that guy looks like an ape.
Sonny: WHAT EVER! Byebye
CDC: cya.
I rolled my eyes and continued watching The Outsiders, hey, that guy does look like an ape.
Thanks for reading! Questions? Coments? Cry's of Anguish? (sorry my teacher says that ALL the time.)