Sonny stared in shock at the news that was across her laptop screen as Chad and her sat on the brown elegent leather furniture in Chad's home.
"You okay Sonny?" Chad asked worriedly.
"Look!" she pointed to the screen.
"Hiatus? What the hell does that mean? Sounds like a type of fish."
"It means our story by Sarasota won't be updating for a long time despite the fact she has kept us waiting this long already for an update!" Sonny exclaimed.
"What a brat. When Chad starts something he sticks to it! He doesn't keep people waiting!" Chad said, pointing to himself in a manly manner.
"It's not completely her fault, she's been really busy, and when she got free time she seemed to be watching an addicting show called Degrassi and feeling really guilty about neglecting this story,"
"Wow, okay, Degrassi isn't even close to being as good as Mackenzie Falls,"
"Whatever Chad, I guess anything we do know doesn't matter to the story..." Sonny began, then faulted, "Wait, is that right?"
"I don't know; let's see, 'Sarahsota can't write if her life depended on it!'"
"Chad!?" Sonny exclaimed, "don't anger her! She can make you do things."
"Pfft, I'd like to see her try," Chad laughed and then suddenly started clucking like a chicken. Sonny collapsed with laughter. Chad stopped and breathed heavily,
"Okay! I get it!"
"So, Sarasota, does this chapter mean anything to the story?"
"Nope, I will delete it after I start updating again,"
"Okay, and how long do you think it will be before you continue writing?"
"I have no idea, but I will prewrite the next chapters so everyone isn't stuck waiting forever again,"
"Um, do you think everyone will still like your story? It's not even Christmas anymore and most people have probably forgot what happened..."
"I really don't know, if everyone has gotten tired of it I am the one to blame; and I will post a summery before the next update,"
"Okay, just to make sure I have everything right, you will not be updating this story for quite sometime, and this chapter means nothing and will be deleted? Also, you have stopped watching Degrassi because you have seen every episode?"
"Kay, you can leave now author chick," Chad snapped. Suddenly, a round, pussy, yellow pimple emerged from his nose. Sonny muffled laughter,
"Chad," she laughed, throwing him her compact mirror, "check your nose." Chad confidently flipped opened the mirror and screamed like a child as Sonny laughed so hard she fell of the couch, earning weird looks from Shelia who had just walked into the room, then left shaking her head slightly. Suddenly, the pimple disappeared and Chad narrowed his eyes at Sonny.
"Are you done with your little author friend?" he asked dryly.
"Almost, just one more question, is there something reviewers can do in the meantime?"
"Well, if they have any idea's for the names of chapters or any element's of the story it would be greatly appreciated, and just hearing them say things like ' We don't hate you even though we should!' is just amazing. I love to hear from everyone!"
"Okay, well I'll catch you later!" Chad said, trying to be nice. Sarahsota left, and the only thing you could hear in the quiet room was the tapping of Chad's feet for he suddenly started to dance like people would in the 60's while singing a random Beatles song.
"Oh, great, just freaking great," Chad mumbled as sonny's suppressed laughter broke free.
SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY GUYS! But this story will be on hiatus! Looking for a good read? Check out sonnychadfan's Channy Ways of Life, and speaking of sonnychadfan the idea of writing this not as a boring authors note was her's, so all credit goes to her!