Hope this story is liked and I ask for all constructive criticism to help make this story better in any way, thank you for the time you spend reading this and enjoy.

Lily of the Valley

Chapter one

Eight years ago

I was sitting alone just waiting for him. He said he'd be here to say good-bye. So I sat in the middle of the woods waiting with my hair whipping in the wind that came at me from all sides hitting me the face. I had pulled my knees up to my chest to try and retain any warmth I could with my back against a tall tree.

I'd said many good-byes to everyone at the reservation, Billy, Jake, Sam, Emily, Quil, Embry but not him yet. I was moving away far away, my dad just didn't understand I needed to stay here in Forks; I couldn't get through to him and because of that I was punished by my pathetic tries. I couldn't leave if not for my on good then for his.

"Hey." I heard him from next to the tree, leaning on it as if saying good-bye was no big deal. But we both could see it in each other's eyes.

"Hey" I said back, still sitting on the ground with my knees curled tightly to my chest.

"I brought you something, but you probably already 'saw' what I got you" He sighed as he came around so I could see his face and placed himself on his knees in front of me.

Although he was young almost fourteen he had handsome features, it was mostly his deep umber brown eyes that entranced me the most as did his smooth russet skin. He was perfect in my eyes and would always be and I could live with his oh so sensitive anger problem if only I could stay.

"No I didn't I wanted a surprise." I said in a small voice as I tilted my head to look at his face.

"Ok so since you didn't see it yet, close your eyes." I did as he said and lifted my head up and waited just seconds until I heard the sweet chime of his voice say 'Now open'. When I did open my eyes, about a foot in front of my face leveled with my eyes there was a wooden ring and a small bouquet of Lilly of the Valleys bound with a champagne colored ribbon held by him towards me.

"They are beautiful." I finally answered and gave him a smile, and he returned it with a slightly embarrassed one with a hint of red in his cheeks.

"And they're all for you, so you won't forget me" He said not noticing he let a very important statement slip loose until he continued after a pause and look at my wide grin, "and of course the rest of the guys and you know everyone else at the rez."

"Thanks I…" I was cut short but a dull ache in the back of my mind then the scene in front of my changed and so did my position. I tilted my head down facing the tops of my knees while some of my hair covered my face as I clutched my head with both my hands, and a picture started to form behind my closed eye lids. I could still hear Paul asking me if I was ok but I couldn't answer as the ache became a pain, and the picture got clearer until it became crystal.

I wasn't sure if it was me or if I was supposed to be someone else in the picture, but I was in an airport it looked like the one Billy had taken me and Jake to, to pick up my mom. Then the person started to turn his or her head searching for something or someone, as his or her gaze turned towards a group who looked like they were waiting for something as well. His or her gaze only landed on them for a moment or two as I felt his or her brow scrunch and doubt a thought she or he had that wasn't tangible to me and began to search again, then I was pulled out as my ears met the sound of Paul calling my name.

"Hey Lin are you ok, you didn't see anything bad did you?" Paul asked a little concerned but was all to used to my little episodes.

"Yeah and I don't know if it was bad or not, sorry."

"Naw its ok just take these," He said as he tilted my head up, with the ache now gone, with his hand gripping my chin softly "and we'll call it a day ok?" I nodded and took the Lily of the Valleys and the ring and placed the ring on my left middle finger.

"Thanks Paul and by the way I'm not going to forget you, or the other guys." I whispered near tears. I leaned forward placing the flowers on the soft forest moss, now on my knees and buried my face in the crook of his neck letting a few slip free. "I'm sorry I'm so, so sorry." I sobbed, as each one racked though my body and a flood started to slip free as I tried to stop them by squeezing my eyes tighter.

"It's ok we'll see each other like in the summer I'm sure, Billy will make that happen." He said trying to sooth me. "Besides I think it's time to go to Billy's don't you think?" I nodded and unwrapped my arms from his neck and wiped my tears away with my jacket sleeve.

After that we both got up and Paul took my hand and we walked through the woods in a comforting silence towards Billy's house for my good-bye party, although at the party the last words we'd say to each other were 'Good-bye'.

Next Morning

"By Billy by guys!" I shouted at the top of my lungs as my father drove away from my home, my family, my life, and the only place I felt complete at. The sad thing is my father thought that for some reason all of the people I hung around with since I was a new born to when I was thirteen, which is now, have been a bad influence at the rez. Little did Paul and the rest or everyone I hung with except Billy knew I wouldn't be coming back as long as my dad could help it.

As we drove away I was turned on my knees without my seatbelt on waving good-bye to everyone, but Paul wasn't there I figured he wouldn't come but I wanted him to and he knew that. I as I waved bye to everyone and the car was far enough away that I couldn't see their faces but there silhouettes a figure pushed two out of the way and came running for the car. I yelled for my dad to stop the car but he retorted with the excuse that we were going to miss our plane. Then the flood pushing at the back of my eyes came and leaked out fast and steady as I rolled down the window and shouted a loud 'Bye Paul' ,and waved even until I couldn't see anyone any more even when my dad shouted of me to sit and buckle up.

I cried silently the whole way to the airport and on the plane until I couldn't anymore, promising myself that I'd never forget my life at La Push as I fiddled with the wooden ring Paul gave me.

Hoped everyone found this story somewhat good.