So, long time no write :)
Lily of the Valley
Chapter 22 Think Twice
"I'm going out." I told Paul over the phone.
"Can I come?"
"Unless you want to sit through endless hours of shopping, then yes." I replied pursing my lips.
"Anything to be with you." He joked a bit too cockily.
"You can't come any way." I told him as I leaned against the wall my phone was attached to.
"Why not?" He seemed depressed because I told him he couldn't come.
"Don't start." I warned in a false serious tone.
"Fine." He sighed. "Can we go out afterwards?"
"Yes Sir." I chuckled. "I'll talk to you later I have to go, love you."
"I love you too, see you later." Then the line went dead, but not before the clear audible of the sound of a kiss being blown from him could be heard by me.
Since it was only the late afternoon I decided to track my shopping spree all the way up to Port Angeles. It took about an hour and a half, I then decided that it might not have been worth it. I also made a mental note to bring someone along if I was to ever come again, maybe I'd be smart enough to remember to bring Paul next time.
I poked around the racks buying relatively long sleeved shirts and a couple pairs of jeans. I saw girls from different school come in and out every store I went into and I remembered how I was never like that. Always the tomboy and loner, I was only like that when I played with Leah mostly because she was the only girl that I knew as if she was family even though our girl time wasn't playing with dolls and make-up.
The sun was beginning to set by the time I decided to get in my car and drive back home with multiple bags in tow. Lugging the bags into the back seat and closed the door I started the car and started driving back home. Problems arose little ways down the road with a street party in which jackasses attended.
Two trucks blocked off the road leaving only a little sliver of road which my car was not going to squeeze through.
"Hey!" I yelled at the closest guy to get someone's attention, preferably the dumbasses that blocked off the road.
The guy approached the car and leaned on the window frame.
"What?" He asked in a very drunk and condescending voice.
"Can you ask someone to move that?" I asked gesturing to the road block.
"Yeah hold on." He replied in a drunken slur and walked away from the car.
A few moments later I saw someone, who was fairly drunk, get into the car on the right and pull out so that I could move through.
It happened fast unlike in the movies where everything goes in slow motion and you can see everything that's going on in that split second. All I could remember was a crash, the sound of bending metal, a slight pain to the side of my head and then I was out cold.
*Paul's POV*
"Dude seriously your wearing a freaking ditch in the floor." Collin fussed as he watched TV.
"Shut up!" I yelled for the third time.
I was worried about her and I couldn't help it. All I could think was 'What if?' this or 'What if?' that. It was frustrating having an imprint although it did have its ups, but sadly right now was one of its downs.
"Shouldn't she be back by now?" I asked Sam as he at a quickly thrown together sandwich.
"I'm sure she's fine Paul. Just relax." He reassured me.
No matter who told it to me I still could believe she was alright. It was just a gut feeling I had. I had to see her now, just to make sure that she was okay, or at least hear her voice.
Without thinking I grabbed Sam's phone and dialed that number I knew by heart, Lin's cell phone.
One ring. Two rings. Three rings. Four. Five. Answer machine.
Brushing it off as just her not noticing, I called one more time.
Same thing. One ring. Two rings. Three rings. Four. Five. Answer machine.
Why wasn't she picking up? Something was definitely wrong.
I didn't notice I was shaking so badly until Sam came up behind me and asked me, but my brain couldn't process his words just yet.
"She's not answering her phone." I said and then I knew that gut feeling I had wasn't just a gut feeling.
"Relax we'll find her. I'm sure she just didn't answer her phone. She probably has it on vibrate." Sam tried to reassure me yet again, but this time he sounded unsure as if my knowing something deep down was the same thing that was nagging at him now, like it had be nagging me.
Yes I know it's short but I hoped you liked it :) Sorry for the cliffy!