What you've all been waiting for – cheerfulgrimmreaper and findthefourth take a headlong dive into the lukewarm swimming pool of semi-organized crime

CGR: Me and findthefourth have been in love with Leverage since day one. Parker and Elliot are the best, Nate comes in at a close second.

FTF: Really? I always thought that Hardison was the best… Aw, poor Sophie, she's left out. We love you too, dearie – British accents are awesome. Really, would we have loved the Harry Potter movies as much if the (admittedly AH-FREAKING-DORABLE) kids didn't have accents?

CGR: Truthfully I didn't really like the movie so much as the characters (Hermione Rocks. Ron sucks! (sorry according to FTF I never read the good books where he is actually ok….anyways))

FTF: Will you stop insulting my fictional boyfriends? Speaking of which, this reminds me of those season premiere episodes of Moonlighting where Maddie and David would snark their way through a funny introduction… I love Moonlighting.

CGR: I may have to hurt you so stop bringing up other random book/shows no one cares about! These people are here to read a Leverage FanFic. Start the show!

FTF: Start the show?

CGR: Start the show.

FTF: *grinning* Welcome back.

"Remember, kids, if you haven't signed up for the senior trip yet, the deadline is today. Sign up and turn in your money in the main office," droned Mrs. Mentos. She attempted a smile, somehow managing to look constipated and enraged at the same time. "We're going to have a 'rocking' time 'chilling' together in Chicago!"

"Oh. My. Cow. She just used airquotes," whispered Saige. "She actually used airquotes. Who uses airquotes?"

"And why would someone sign up on the last day? Like they didn't tell us every day for the past three months?" whispered Charlotte.

"You never know, Charly. Maybe they were on the fence about it and decided to sign up at the last minute," said Sean mildly.

"Yeah. Or maybe, like, their grandma died and left them just the amount of money they needed to go," inserted Skylar, smiling brightly. "That reminds me… I need to go turn my money in." She got up and walked to the door.

"Ms. Falcon, may I help you?" asked Mrs. Mentos sharply.

"No thank you, Mrs. Mental. I think the main office should handle this," chirped Skylar.

"My name is Mrs. Mentos." The teacher gritted her teeth.

"Well, if that's true, then why does Owen call you—" Skylar was cut off by a convenient and slightly forced storm of hacking coughs from Charlotte, Saige, Sean, and Owen in the back of the room.

Fortunately, the daggers shooting from Mrs. Mentos eyes didn't make it to their table before the bell rang. Skylar skipped out of the room and the other four followed quickly, skirting Mrs. Mentos at the door.

"Skylar, how many times do we have to tell you?" hissed Charlotte, trying to hide her amusement. "What happens at the lunch table STAYS at the lunch table."

Skylar's wide blue eyes were guileless. "But he called her that yesterday at my house."

Saige stared at her in disbelief. "Bu-wha-do-GAH!"

Sean chuckled and patted Owen on the back, "Way to go man!"

Owen waved the remark off nonchalantly. "We were doing homework."

Skylar skipped down the hall happily, singing "Fol-low the Buttah-flies, Fol-low the Buttah-flies…"

Owen turned slightly pink. "And watching Potter Puppet Pals."

Charlotte rolled her eyes, "Skipping over Owen obvious love for Skylar for now," she glanced around and lowered her voice, "are we still on for the thing?"

"Really? Really? You're in all Honors classes and all you can come up with is the thing!?" Saige sighed and felt the need to bash her head against a wall.

"You don't have to be so incredulous all the time. If you don't add a dimension or so, the writers will scrap you and bring in a character that's less flat," snapped Charlotte.

The other four paused for a brief second to shoot a disconcerted look at Charlotte, then the camera. "Can you believe her? Violating the fourth wall already in the first chapter?" tutted Saige.

FTF: We'll cut it there. The characters are getting a bit out of hand… methinks I shouldn't watch Moonlighting on Hulu before writing fanfics. Tell us what you think! It may or may not be here in the next chapter. Either way, we're leaving you with questions that will prick at you until we post the next chapter… unless that's the thumbtack your little brother left on your chair. Don't you hate when he does that?

CGR: For those of you who don't understand geek speak, what FTF means is she's completely and utterly obsessed with Moonlighting so she wants to add some of the more stupid qualities of that show to our fanfic. (I'm allowed to say this cuz I'm her cousin…yeah me…) So anyways on occasion the characters may break the fourth wall. A bit.

FTF: Unless you hate that. In which case you should send us your name and address so I can come to your house and spit on you.