Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Chuck TV series or characters. I do, however, reserve the rights for any characters I develop and the plot of this story.

Chuck vs. the Rose Thorn

By Jojobevco

Chapter 1

Contemplations of a Doctor

AN: Welcome to my latest project, Chuck vs. the Rose Thorn. This story came into my head one night while watching repeats of Chuck and after reading stories like Chuck Vs. the Scarlet Ibis. I finally decided to write it after reading some comments by Josh Schwartz (one of the show creators) about their initial plans to turn Captain Awesome into an enemy spy at the end of season one.

This story takes place after "Chuck Versus the Ring."

Dr. Eleanor Fay Woodcomb (nee Bartwoski) was sitting in the Orange Orange enjoying her small vanilla yogurt. While Ellie believed in eating healthy, she also believed that it was good to treat yourself once in a while. Sarah Walker, her brother's girlfriend, was walking around behind the counter.

Ellie had to say she was happy that Sarah came into Chuck's life. She was the person to really pull Chuck out of the funk he had been in for years after the whole Bryce and Jill thing; something Ellie still felt bad about. Chuck was a good guy. She was sorry to see that sort of terrible thing happen to him.

Ellie continued watching Sarah as she moved around behind the counter. Ellie always felt there was something off about Sarah; something just didn't sit right with her about it. The way Sarah acted it seemed familiar, it almost reminded Ellie of herself. Of course, that's absolutely preposterous, what would a frozen yogurt girl have in common with a trauma surgeon? However, the comparison her subconscious was making unsettled her.

Then Sarah's phone started ringing, the young blond answered it.

"Walker, yes, okay, I'll be right there." Sarah hung up.

"Sorry, Ellie, I have to close up early today, emergency meeting at corporate."

"Oh, uh okay."

While Ellie was happy to have Sarah in her brother's life, Ellie didn't completely trust her. First, the whole way they met was suspicious. While her brother was a good person and one she hoped would find happiness in his sad life, frankly there was no way he could attract a woman like Sarah. Then, there were all the strange mugging and other accidents that Chuck and Sarah had. Oh, and most importantly there was the Porsche that Sarah, a food service industry employee, drives.

Today, however, Ellie was really suspicious. How the hell could a yogurt company have an emergency? Ellie quickly said good-bye to Sarah and walked out and went to her car outside the parking lot. It was time to get some answers. Ellie drove away from the store to the other side of the parking lot. She lowered her window and pulled a pair of binoculars out of the center console that she kept for bird watching. Ellie had always loved bird watching. It was something she had picked up years ago, when she did a two year stint with Doctors Without Borders in Africa, after which, she had reconnected with Devon.

Ellie sighed in delight after thinking of Devon. Devon Woodcomb was truly was the love of her life, after all those years, all those bodies, all that blood, to be able to come home to him, it reminded her that there was good in the world.

She saw Sarah walk into the freezer and not come out. She waited and waited. Finally, Sarah came out of the freezer, but she wasn't alone. Their neighbor, John Casey was there with her. He was holding something. Ellie zoomed in. It was a gun, a Sig Saur P229, to be exact. John stood around for a while before leaving and walking across the street into the Buy More.

Sarah had said that she had not been around guns during Christmas and that whole terrible hostage situation, yet here was a man with a gun and she didn't seem fazed by it. Eventually, she decided to confront her "best friend" about it. She grabbed a few things out of her car and walked back toward the store. She opened the door and walked in.

"Ellie, long time, no see," Sarah joked.

Ellie kept smiling, "Hello, Sarah how was the meeting at corporate."

"Oh, the usual, not enough demand too much production."

"Really, and does corporate happen to be in your freezer?"

Sarah was confused, did Ellie know something, or was she making a joke.

"What, Ellie?"

"I know you were in your freezer the whole time and I know John Casey was in there with you."

"Ellie, it's not what it looks like; I'm not cheating on Chuck, especially with John Casey." Sarah laughed at the absurdity of the situation.

"No, it wasn't that he was in there, it was more the Sig P229 that he had on him I thought you didn't like guns Sarah?"

Ellie then reached behind her and pulled out her Heckler and Koch P2000 sub-compact, loaded with 12 .40 Smith &Wesson rounds.

"Why don't you tell me exactly what's going on, Sarah, hmm?"

AN: And cue the running Nerd Herd guy. Please Review. If there is sufficient interest I'll continue it.