AN: Okay, here's the next chapt. It's currently 2am so sorry if there are any mistakes. Hope you enjoy it!
DISCLAIMER: This is for the whole story, btw. I do not own any of Stephenie Meyers characters. The plot I have created here is mine and the characters I've thought up are all mine. I just like twisting things up and adding a bit more spice!
Present Time...
"So what do you want for dinner?" I asked as I shut the car door with my hip, my hands being full of bags.
"Hmm," Jenna mused. "I'm not sure." She picked her 8 year-old-self up off of the hood of the car and followed me inside our new home. "How about a takeaway? Ooh! Could we have Chinese?"
"Jenna, hun, I'm sorry to break this to you, but they don't have a Chinese in La Push. They only have pizza." I dropped all our bags just inside the door and then turned back round. Time for more bags. Yay.
Jenna froze me in my tracks. She was staring at me with wide eyes, as if I had just told her Santa doesn't exist. "But- but we had pizza last night!" Jenna stumbled, shock layering her voice.
I blew a strand of hair out of my eye and placed my hands on my hips. "I know. So I suppose I'll just have to..." I pulled a face, "cook."
Jenna frowned and then grimaced, "I think I'll risk the pizza."
I scowled at her, "Hey! My cooking is not that bad!"
"Oh sure," Jenna waved a hand in the air as she headed back outside, "The burnt meatloaf you cooked last week was to die for... literally."
I trailed after her. For an 8 year-old she is pretty damn sarcastic. "Okay. Your point has been made, smart alack."
Jenna thought for a second, "What about that cafe we passed on the way in?"
I paused for a second before nodding, "Sure."
"I hope they have coke."
"You are not having coke! We had more than enough on the ride here," I stated as I headed for the boot. I yanked open the door and grabbed two boxes, piling them on top of each other. "Besides, I think it's about time that we started to eat healthily. Your mother would most likely murder me if she knew we'd been living on takeaway."
"I'm sure Mum would have been thankful that I didn't die from eating your cooking," Jenna replied, grabbing a bag instead of a box.
I grinned at her back as we headed inside. Sometimes, Jenna is exactly like her mother. "Okay. Enough of the Ro-Bashing for today, please."
Jenna sighed, "I suppose. Although I certainly have enough material."
I put the boxes on the floor just inside the hallway. I glanced back outside, "Hmm. Maybe we should unpack what we have in here."
Jenna looked up from where she'd been rummaging around in a bag, "Wha-? Why? Shouldn't we just- oh." Her gaze landed on the water that was pouring down outside. "Uh, Ro? The boots still wide open."
My head snapped round. "Shit!" I cried without thinking. I dived out the door and ran to the car. "Oh great," I moaned as I slammed the boot door shut. Everything close by the door was soaked. Luckily it was mainly pillows and duvet's, but still. I ran back inside and then started wringing out my hair. I was soaked to the bone.
"You swore again," Jenna said as she handed me a towel.
"I know, I know," I muttered as I mopped up my dripping face. "I'm not a very good role-model if I'm swearing."
"No, that's not my point. What I want to know is how come you can swear but I can't?"
I sighed and peeled off my jacket. "When you turn 18- no, 21! -you can swear all you like," I answered. "Now, you don't know if my box of clothes are in here do you?"
Jenna shook her head and searched through all the boxes we'd brought in. "Nope. Yours isn't here. Mine is though." I sighed. I suppose her clothes will have to do. Even though one of her shirts would cover my thigh. "Wait!" Jenna cried happily. She lifted up a familiar black bag. "There's a bunch of clothes in here you could change into!" I nodded stiffly and took the bag from her.
I gave her a tight smile, "I'll go change in the bathroom. Why don't you go take a look at your new room." Jenna nodded and headed off to the back of the house where her bedroom was. I sucked in a deep breath and looked around.
Man, this house hadn't changed a bit apart from the furniture. Not in 9 years. It even looked... clean. Which is weird. No ones been inside this house since I turned 18. Except for the mover guys. I paid them good money to remove most of the furniture here and replace it with the stuff I shipped over. So we have a new sofa, TV, kitchen table and chairs, bookcase and armchair. I also paid them to remove any and all furniture from my old bedroom. The only remaining reminders are my Mom's old dresser, Freya's bedside table and my bookcase. Bob, the guy who was in charge of all the removals, told that the bedroom in the back -my one- had piles and piles of books everywhere so they moved what they could but left the double bed. They also refused to even touch the photos that were round the place. The last thing Bob said to me was that for a place that hasn't been lived in it's awfully clean.
The house was a pretty simple set up and very open plan. From the front door, you can see into the living room and kitchen/dining room. The living room was on the left; the kitchen/diner taking up the whole right side of the house. Then in the back left there were the two bedrooms and the bathroom in between.
I gripped the bag tight and headed for the bathroom, grimacing at the wet footprints I was leaving. I closed the door quietly behind me and dropped the bag down by the sink. I dragged off my soaking clothes and dropped them into the shower. Then I steeled myself and lifted up the bag, placing it on the counter.
I slowly opened it and a familiar smell rushed over me. Dark spices and, well, just...him. But it smelt slightly musty, old. I pulled out the shirt and tugged it on, trying not to think of the last time I'd worn it. I pulled on the jeans too, surprised it still fit. I'd grown a lot since I'd worn this outfit.
Jenna knocked on the door, "Aunty Ro? You dressed?"
"Yeah," I called, wrapping my hair up in a towel. Jenna opened the door and leaned against the jamb. I spotted a frame in her hand. Uh oh.
"I was wandering who this was," Jenna said, her eyes intent on my face. She lifted up the frame and pointed to someone. I turned round and started to head out, glancing at the photo briefly. Pain restricted my breathing for a minute. It was a picture of me and him. He was carrying me bridal style and I had my head rested on his shoulder. Both of us were soaking wet and smiling happily.
The memory rushed at me hard, knocking through the steel cage I had built.
"So who cooked the food?" I asked as I bit into a chicken drumstick. I gazed out at the ocean, watching it crash against the cliff.
Paul smiled sheepishly, "You can tell, huh?"
I smiled, "Seeing as how it's not burnt or anything, I took a guess."
"As if you can cook, Ro-Ro." Paul nudged my shoulder with his. "Mom cooked it. But I did help. I packed it all up into the basket."
I lent over and went to give him a kiss on the cheek, "Well thank you." He turned his head slightly at the last minute and I ended up kissing him on the lips. I gasped and Paul brought his hands up and cupped my face, one sliding into my hair.
I felt a drop on my face. Then another and another. I pulled back and looked up as the heavens let loose. Paul cursed and we both scrambled up. I put the food back into the basket as he rolled up the blanket. Then Paul grabbed my hand and we both started to sprint towards the truck.
I burst out laughing as we climbed into the cab. I pushed my wet hair out of my eyes and placed the basket on the cab floor.
"Sorry," Paul muttered as he started up the truck.
"It's La Push. I'm surprised the good weather lasted so long," I said as I ran my fingers through my hair.
Paul chuckled as he pulled out and started down the road. Then the engine sputtered and and we slowed to a stop. "You have got to be kidding me," Paul groaned.
I patted his thigh as I opened up the door, "I'll take a look."
"Wait, Ro it's-" His voice cut off as I slammed the door shut. I made my way to the hood and pulled it up. I mused for a minute before slamming the hood back down and shaking off the water once I was sat back in the cab.
"I'm afraid it's a very serious problem," I said as I wrung out my hair. "You've run out of petrol."
Paul shook his head, "That's what I was trying to tell you before you dived outside into the rain."
I glanced at the road, "We could run home. The rains probably not going to stop for a while."
Paul rubbed the back of his neck with one hand, "I suppose. Either that or we'll be stuck in this truck for hours."
I grinned, "Great. We'd better get going then."
In the next instant we were jogging down the road in the pouring rain. I laughed and ran faster, gripping Paul's hand. Unfortunately, I slipped on some wet leaves and fell awkwardly, twisting my ankle. I cried out, my laughter stopping. I slid forwards, landing on my butt.
"Shit! Are you alright, Ro-Ro?" Paul asked, crouching down besides me.
"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow," I chanted as water ran down my face and dripped down my back. "I twisted my ankle." Paul shook his head and next thing I knew, he'd lifted me up, carrying me bridal style and walking off down the road. I gripped his shoulders, "Don't you dare drop me."
Paul sighed heavily, "This is not how I expected today to go."
"Me neither," I said as I placed my head on his chest, trying to keep the rain off my face. "But it could have been worse."
Paul snorted, "Oh yeah? How?"
"Well... I'm not sure. But today hasn't been bad at all. I've quite enjoyed it."
"Your amazing, Ro-Ro. You know that?" Paul looked down at me, giving me a rakish smile. Thank God he was carrying me. I think I just melted.
"Ro," Jenna waved a hand in front of my face and I blinked, coming back to reality.
"Sorry, what was that?" I asked, heading for the kitchen.
"I wanna know who this is in the photo with you," Jenna repeated.
"Just an old friend," I muttered as I opened up a cupboard only to curse mentally. The box of mugs hadn't been unpacked yet.
"Oh," Jenna said, sounding disappointed. "I'd kinda hoped he was some ex-boyfriend where your relationship had ended tragically."
I closed the cupboard door harder than I intended to and turned round, "When do you want to eat? The rain has stopped so we could go now if you want to."
Jenna nodded, "Yeah, sure. You might want to put on some shoes though."
I rolled my eyes, "Okay Mum. Give me a sec." Jenna scowled at me but I ignored her and headed to the front door. My shoes were only slightly damp so I tugged them on as well as a jacket, grabbed the car keys and then we were off.
"So whats this cafe like?" Jenna asked as she pulled on her own coat.
I didn't answer till we were speeding down the road and I shrugged, keeping my voice light, "Good, if I remember correctly. But I've only been there once or twice." Try every weekend. It was a ritual he started when we first started going out.
I parked by the curb and climbed out. I plastered a smile on my face, knocking out the butterflies in my stomach. I shut the door and locked it up. "So, any ideas on what you would like to eat?"
"A Chinese," Jenna muttered as we headed towards the cafe. It was lit up with multi-coloured lights and I could hear laughter. Lots of laughter. Oh boy.
I wrapped an arm round her shoulder as we walked, "I know. Once we've settled in and unpacked absolutely everything, I'll treat you to one in Seattle."
Jenna scowled up at me, her grey eyes twinkling, "But it'll take at least two weeks to unpack everything!"
I smiled, "I know. Maybe even longer seeing as how you start school on Monday and I have work."
Jenna rolled her eyes, "Aunty Ro, you work from home. Besides, Peggy gave you a month off to get settled in."
"Huh. I forgot about that," I murmured. I shrugged, "Oh well. It'll still take 2 weeks."
Jenna sighed in defeat, "It'd better be yummy."
I chuckled and opened the door with a jingle as the bell went off. I glanced around at the familiar surroundings; a counter at the back displaying cakes and other desserts, booths lining each wall left and right with 5 tables in the middle. There were pictures on the pale yellow walls and lights that made the place look... homey. Potted plants were in every corner and each and every seat was full except for two booths.
"Which booth do you wanna sit in?" Jenna asked just as a cheer went up. I blinked and finally focused on the people. There were huge guys all around, with women milling about. Nearly every guy was over 6 feet tall and weren't wearing any tops. Oh. My. God.
"Uh, maybe we should go somewhere else," I said just as Jenna grabbed my hand.
"No way," she said, tugging me forwards. "I'm starving. Who cares if there are naked men around? I need food!" She ducked beneath someones arm and I walked straight into it. I bounced back, feeling winded. Jenna reached back and grabbed my hand again.
Before I knew it I was sliding into a booth near the back by the counter. Unfortunately, it looked like it was someones birthday. At least, I'm assuming so since there was a cake saying 'Happy Birthday!' on it.
Jenna picked up a menu and started browsing. I was too busy keeping my head down. Please, God, don't let me know anyone here.
"So, I'm thinking I'll have the mac and cheese with a side bowl of chips," Jenna said, glancing over the top of the menu. "What about you?"
"Uh." I quickly scanned a menu and decided on a cheeseburger with fries and a salad. I stood up, "I'll go place the order. What drink would you like?"
"Blackcurrant it is," I repeated. I smiled at Jenna who was scowling at me before heading back into the crowd. I ducked and dodged my way to the counter and waited till someone came. It took 5 minutes but then a overwhelmed looking woman scurried behind the counter and placed some money in the till. She turned to me with a weary smile on her face.
"What can I get you?"
"Mac and cheese with a side bowl of chips and a cheeseburger meal without the salad. Plus a glass of blackcurrant and a coke," I ordered. I leaned against the counter and kept my face down, staring at the deserts.
"Do I know you?" The woman asked as she placed the drinks on the counter. My head snapped up.
The woman frowned and tapped her chin, "You look really familiar." Before I could deny anything, she called out to a bloke near by. He was in a wheelchair, so it took him a while to over. I recognized him instantly as Billy Black. "Billy," the woman said once he'd stopped, "Doesn't this woman look familiar? I can't think of where I've seen her before."
Billy looked up at me and frowned, "You do look familiar. Have you ever been to La Push before?"
"Once. A long time ago," I answered in a half-truth. "Now, if you don't mind, I need to get back..." I grabbed the drinks and I dived back into the crowd. When I arrived at the table I saw two other women sat in my empty seat.
"...just moved here, huh?" One was saying. She had scars all down one side of her face, but still looked beautiful.
"Yeah," Jenna answered, "My aunt used to live here years ago but moved away. She decided it was time to come back."
"Really? Whose your aunt? Maybe we went to school together," the other said. She was sat at the very edge of the booth and had a bulging belly.
"Her name is- Aunty Ro!" Jenna cried once she saw me. She waved me over and pointed at the two women, "This is Emily and Kim!"
I smiled slightly, cursing in my head as I saw the recognition on Kim's face. She jumped up, wobbling slightly before flinging herself at me.
"Rochelle! I'm so- I can't believe-" Kim burst out crying. I gingerly wrapped my arms round her, keeping the drinks steady.
"It's ok, Kim," I murmured. She squeezed my waist hard, twisting the shirt. I patted her back awkwardly. Before either of us could say or do anything Kim was pulled away from me and then this bloke was hugging her hard.
"Kim, what's wrong? Is it the baby? Are you in pain?" He demanded. Then his head shot up and he glared at me, "What did you do?"
I gaped at him, "Me? I did noting, you as-" Jenna coughed and I bit my tongue to stop from finishing that swear word.
"R- Ro- Rochelle," Kim gasped, sucking in deep breaths, trying to stop from sobbing.
The bloke blinked and stared down at Kim. A familiar look came into his eyes. I've seen that look before.
"Oh. My God. You got with Jared? For real?" I blurted.
Kim sniffled and gave me a watery smile, "Yeah. We got together a week after you... left."
"I'm happy for you, Kim," I said genuinely as I put the glasses on the table.
"Rochelle Thatch?" Jared gaped. He looked shocked for a minute before his gaze turned angry, "What are you doing here?"
"Well, I was thinking about having some dinner. Maybe a drink," I answered, sitting down next to Jenna.
"I meant, what are you doing in La Push? I thought you ditched everyone here," he growled.
I ignored him and nodded a hello to Emily, "How are, Emily? Last thing I heard was that you were engaged."
Emily smiled, "Sam and I got married 6 years ago. It was a long engagement."
"Sounds it," I muttered. I pushed Jenna's drink in front of her and grabbed my own.
I'd just taken a sip when someone shouted, "Well I'll be damned! It's Rochelle Thatch!" I sprayed the coke all over the table.
"Ew! Say it, don't spray it," Jenna said, handing me a napkin.
Everyone quietened down and I felt a familiar blush spread up my cheeks as people started whispering. I focused on Kim. I spotted a wedding ring on her finger.
"So when did you get married?" I asked as I wiped up the mess I'd made.
"When you weren't here," someone replied nastily. My gaze shot to the crowd that was forming.
"I haven't been here for a long time," I answered calmly.
"It was a small ceremony," Kim said hastily, "We got married 4 years ago."
I gave her a small smile, "I'm happy for you Kim. You always did love Jared."
Jared grinned down at Kim as she blushed. She sat down next to Emily again and gingerly dabbed at her red eyes with a napkin.
"So where've you been?" The same someone from earlier asked. I twisted round in my seat and my eyes roamed over the crowd. I recognized nearly everyone apart from a few of the guys.
"She shouldn't be here," someone else said.
"It's totally going to ruin the party," one of the tall men said.
I stood up. No way in hell am I going to listen to this. I grabbed Jenna and tugged her out of the booth, "Come on Jenna. We'll eat somewhere else." Jenna said nothing, her gaze flicking round, taking in all the hostility being shot towards me. I dug in my pocket for my purse and yanked out money. I didn't bother to count it. I just left it on the table, grabbed Jenna's hand and headed for the door.
Everyone parted like the dead sea. I ignored the glares and confused looks, the whisperings and disapproval. Jenna squeezed my hand and I glanced down to see her glaring straight back at everyone. I bit back a proud smile. That's my girl.
"There she goes again," someone said in a whispered shout. "Running away." I gripped Jenna's hand tight and finally made it to the front door. I shoved it open and gulped in the fresh air. I paused and glanced back to see some people laughing and others still glaring at me.
Jenna tugged on my hand, "Come on Aunty Ro. Let's go home."
I shook my head as we walked towards the car. "No. Let's head to Seattle. They have one amazing Chinese restaurant there."
"But I thought-" Jenna cut herself off and nodded, "Okay. As long as your sure."
I nodded myself and grinned down at her. "You made me proud in there, you know."
Jenna blushed and scuffed her shoe against the dusty ground, "I couldn't just let them all glare at you." She looked back up at me with curiosity in her eyes, "What happened Aunty Ro? What happened that made everyone in there dislike you?"
I bit my lip. Thankfully I had more time to answer because a set of headlights swung round the corner and lit both of us up. I blinked at the brightness, but they soon passed. The car skidded to a stop and my eyes rested on a familiar old black truck.
"Oh no," I groaned. I wasn't ready for this. No way in hell. Yet I was incapable of moving. I gripped Jenna's hand hard, unable to tear my eyes away from the truck. The drivers door opened and deep laughter greeted my ear.
I held my breath, my heart pounding as a huge bloke appeared. He closed the door and walked round to open the passengers side.
"Why thank you," a female voice said. The man wrapped an arm round her waist and closed the door for her.
"My pleasure, sweetheart." The deep voice echoed round in my head before shooting straight to my heart. The cage I'd locked around it rattled in recognition.
I felt like my heart was breaking all over again. I watched as the couple walked towards the cafe. As soon as the light hit the man I bit my lip. It was him. Definitely. I would know him anywhere.
"Aunty Ro, what's going on?" Jenna tugged on my hand and I could feel her eyes on me. But I couldn't tear mine away from him. He paused outside the door and turned his head.
His gaze landed on Jenna and saw it start to rise towards me. I spun round and all but ran to the car, dragging Jenna with me. Thankfully, she didn't ask any questions as I scrambled for the keys and all but chucked her inside. I climbed in, ignoring my seat belt. I shoved the key in the ignition and pulled away with a skid.
With in a few moments, we were on the way to Seattle. I ran a shaky hand through my hair, not even noticing that I made it stick up everywhere. I glanced at Jenna and gave her a shaky smile.
"You alright?" I asked.
Jenna raised a brow, "I think I should be asking you that."
"It's nothing. I'm fine," I said, ignoring how my voice cracked. I coughed. "What do you want at the Chinese? They do the most delicious chicken balls I've ever had."
"Even better than China Town's?"
I nodded, "Even better."
Jenna smiled, "I can't wait. How about we have an Indian as our reward for unpacking?"
I smiled at her, "Sounds like a plan."
AN: Please review! I wanna know what you think of it! I probably won't update if I only get one review so... yeah. PLS REVIEW! Even if it's criticism!