Part two! I won't bore you with a long A/N! Thanks for the reviews though! Stupid formatting if you see any problems its not my fault!

"Hey," I said nonchalantly, "can I play?" I guestured towards the WII, I was a good actor, so I could pretend this was no big deal. Her face turned red,

"You. Are. Dead!" she spat furiously.

"What did I do?" I asked, falsely appalled.

"You, you were spying on me! Why would you do that! Oh, and hand over the camera now!" she demanded, fire in her normally bouncing with joy eyes.

"What camera?" I asked, I myswell try me best to get out of this, so I gave her the most innocent look I could muster and tried my best to make my eyes smothering, she was too angry to even give me a second glance to the face that would normally make her get lost in my eyes.

"So, your telling me you were just watching me make a fool of myself for fun? No camera? Yeah, I'm sure Cooper, you were planning to send it to Teen Weekly or something stupid like that, you realise we aren't even tweens right? Why does that magazine report on us anyways? Shouldn't we be in a teen magazine like jeez seriously…" she was rambling for some apparent reason. She was blushing, which I guess she was recalling everything she was doing for the past 20 and some-odd minutes. I stepped a little closer to her,

"Sonny, I promise I have no camera."

"Then why would you spy on me?" she demanded, I think she was hurt I invaded her privacy because I could detect a hint of hurt in her voice. I cleared my throat, like I was going to say something, but I faltered. I couldn't say anything. I was hoping this could turn out like it does in the movie, the girl is flattered from being stalked/watched by the guy, like that vampire who was following this chick and she ends up loving him even more. Pfft, yeah right that only happened in the movies.

"Well?" she asked. I let in a jagged breath,

"I…well, I don't know, I just did." she looked at me with her eye brow's cocked in a funny way,

"Well, that's really scary that you were watching me, please say that this is the first and last time, because next time I'll sentence my brother from Wisconsin to kick your butt,"

"Yes, well, it is the first and last time," I told her reassuringly. She still looked at me like I was pathetic,

"This isn't the movies, you realise I'm not flattered in anyways right?" I chuckled,

"Yeah, I know, well I wasn't even watching you for THAT type of reason! I was going to use it against you someday." she scoffed,

"You were going to use it against me, how were you suppose to use it against me," her voice lowered a few octaves, " 'Hey Sonny, I was secretly watching you yesterday when I saw you….'" I narrowed my eyes at the bubbly brunette, who seemed to be getting her comeuppance.

"Well, tell me why exactly you would blush while seeing a mini version of me on your little game!" I demanded ignoring her previous comment.

"What do you think we box with!" she exclaimed. I realised all the things I was doing I had already debated in my head and concluded at an ealier state would be stupid to do, wow, I think someone turned the light bulb off in my head.

"Yeah?! Well why would you blush if you like to hit a mini character of me?!"

"Why is this coming back on me?! You're the one who was spying!"

"Your avoiding my question!"

"Yeah?! Well you're a STALKER!"

"Yeah?! Well your secretly in LOVE with me!"

"Really?! Well I think your secretly in LOVE with me!"

"What would give you that idea!" I spazzed.

"Um, maybe the fact you always try to get me to fall in love with you, like the time you were guest staring, you said 'We would be in love'! You try what you can because you like me and so you want me to like you!"

"Yeah, what else? That's barely evidence,"

"Oh really? Last time I checked you were spying on me!"

"That means nothing!"

"Mhmm, yeah and who was the one who interrupted my date?"


"Sure, and who was the one who got all jealous when I kissed Haden?"

"Tawni! You did kiss the love of her life, she has a freaking right to be jealous!" The banter was getting a little bit tiring.

"Yeah, and where did you come to the conclusion that I love you?"

"Well, that is not too hard, EVERYONE loves Chad Dylan Cooper!"


"No! I have more, I'm pretty sure you were the one who got lost in my eyes!"

"Well I…" I cut her off,

"I am not done! Don't interupt me while Chad is talking! You also dreamt about me, you publicly flirt with me all the time, you willingly danced with me at your little prom, you are so madly in love with me you have to yell at me to hide your feelings!" she stared at me while glaring,

"You know what Chad, get out," she said pointing towards the door.

"Why, I finally proved you wrong?"

"Just go!" she demanded pouting.

"Why, you should start dancing again, come on, let turn on the tunes!" I said with fake excitement, running over to her little player, and hit the shuffle in the Beatles section, which she seriously had about 45 songs. Freak. I guess it was okay because she had songs by Paul McCartney and that John guy included in the section. On came the being to a slower song, how ironic. I walked up to the pouting Sonny,

"Dance with me?" I asked her in a gentlemen like manner, holding out my hand, keeping all eye contact I could with Sonny. I must say it must have been pretty suave due to the affect it had on Sonny,

"I…uh…I'm…angry…with, um you." she stuttered staring at my hand. I smiled at her nervousness and stepped closer, pulling her arms to around my neck (taking the WII remote that was strapped around her wrist off of course) and wrapping my arms around her waste. We began to sway slowly to the music as she blushed madly.

Michelle, my belle.
These are words that go together well,
My Michelle.

Michelle, my belle.
Sont des mots qui vont très bien ensemble,
Très bien ensemble.

I love you, I love you, I love you.
That's all I want to say.
Until I find a way
I will say the only words I know that
You'll understand.

She smiled sheepishly at me, I was seriously proud of the guy that made this song because of the French in it, French songs do wonders. Sadly, I didn't know the words, I could of made this even more cliché by singing this to her when we danced. So much for being a romantic Chad.
"You know, I am really sorry for invading your privacy. It will never happen again," she smiled up at me, but frowned a little,
"I am severely freaked from you doing that, this is no movie I'm not going to start making out with you for it, but I guess I will forgive you, just because I know you and everything, if it was some other guy, he would need an ambulence right about now,"
"I can take that," I smiled a genuine smile as we continued to sway back and forth.

Michelle, my belle.
Sont des mots qui vont très bien ensemble,
Très bien ensemble.

I need to, I need to, I need to.
I need to make you see,
Oh, what you mean to me.
Until I do I'm hoping you will
Know what I mean.I love you...

"Where is the rest of the randoms anyways?" I asked her quietly.

"They all have the day off, I did to, but my mother is in Wisconsin visiting my brother and father, I didn't have anything much better to do then come here and play the WII,"

"Is dancing with me better then playing the WII?" I asked her smoothly, cocking my eyebrow attractively as she blushed slightly.

"Yeah," she smiled, and she closed the space between us by leaning her head on my chest and I leand my head into her beautiful brown hair, which was a little messy at the moment, but oh well.

I want you, I want you, I want you.
I think you know by now
I'll get to you somehow.
Until I do I'm telling you so
You'll understand.

Michelle, my belle.
Sont des mots qui vont très bien ensemble,
Très bien ensemble.

I will say the only words I know that
You'll understand, my Michelle.

As the music stopped, we stopped, and I prayed The Beatles were capable of more romantic songs. I looked into her eyes and decided the once thing I've been wanting to do for a while should be done, I leaned down slowly, warning her encase she was going to reach back to her senses and push me away. She leaned in to, letting her eyes flutter to a close as I did the same thing and I pressed my lips to her soft luscious ones. Sure, she was wearing a maroon coloured yoga suit and her hair was kind of scraggly at the moment, sure I was still in my McKenzie Falls uniform, sure we probably looked a little strange right now, but it all felt right. Mid kiss on came another Beatles song, and luckily it was slow, the kiss became a short and simple one as we pulled away from each other. She smiled up to me sweetly, then she returned her head to my chest and we slowly swayed to the voice of a Beatle.

I give her all my love
That's all I do
And if you saw my love
You'd love her too
I love her

She gives me everything
And tenderly
The kiss my lover brings
She brings to me
And I love her

A love like ours
Could never die
As long as I
Have you near me

Bright are the stars that shine
Dark is the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die
And I love her

Bright are the stars that shine
Dark is the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die
And I love her

Both of us knew, that the song was correct in some ways… and I love her. We swayed together for a long time that day, even when fast song came on, what we had was genuine, pure and sweet. And we all know, that she's my Sonny.

Aw, well wasn't that fluffy! I really hoped you enjoyed this little two-shot, I sure enjoyed writing it! All of your reviews make me smile, so make sure to drop one, thanks for reading!

Challenge: Did you have a favourite part? I'd love to hear it, also if you have a least favourite part, I'd like to hear it too!

By the way if anyone is looking for idea's to write a story about i'll be glad to give you some as long as you credit me!
