Naruto the last Airbender

It was pretty close, but the winner is Dragon! I know most of you wanted a fox, but it's just that more people wanted dragon. So sorry. I know a lot of you are probably thinking, "How is Naruto going get a dragon if he's an Airbender?" Well, that would be my question. But I can't tell you everything but I just have to ask you to trust me. Thank you.




"Demon/Summon Talking/Emphasis on words/Avatar State"

'Demon/Summon Thinking'


"Demon Technique/Jutsu"

"I don't own Naruto or Avatar, or any of the songs!"

I'm the new WHAT?!

Previously on Naruto TLA:

'I wonder who that guy was in my vision. Whoever he was, he had better have some answers.' Naruto thought, closing his eyes and enjoying the cool breeze as he lay down on the soft fur of the sky bison, dreaming of being a great ninja and having awesome adventures with the Hokage's hat on his head.

Little did Naruto know, that his real adventure, was about to begin.

Naruto felt the wind breeze over him, making him shiver. 'Did I forget to close the window last night.' Naruto thought, shifting his position in his 'bed' to try and find his blanket, but only reached fir what felt like…fur.

His eye shot open when memories of the night before flooded his head and Naruto bolted up and saw clouds before looking at his hands and seeing that they were blue and see-through. "So it wasn't a dream." Naruto said out loud before hearing a groan coming from under him. Looking down he sees the same beast from last night.

"Hey there Appa!" Naruto said with a grin, getting another groan from the flying-bison. 'He must've been flying all night.' Naruto thought. Looking forward Naruto sees that they were over a small village, but none were looking up at a big fluffy, flying thing. Naruto sighed. "How much longer till we get there? Wherever 'there' is." Naruto asked/yelled.

The clouds then masked the land as Naruto got higher and higher. Soon Naruto could see mountains standing in front of the pair, to which Naruto had a look of awe and wonder.

Suddenly, Naruto couldn't see the ground below him, or the mountains around them, only clouds. Then Appa flew right through a mass of fluffy clouds. When they emerged, Naruto was in shock and awe.

There, on top a tall mountain was a beautiful temple with twisted pathways and tall towers with blue, pointed roofs. Under it, like a moat, was a sea of snow white clouds. Naruto only had one word to say at this. "Whoa."

Naruto and Appa flew towards the temple, and got a better look at it. there were eight towers from where Naruto was, with small cavern littered all through the temple and mountain. There was a small, empty patch with a broken bridge connecting to it. the place looked very old, and had a lot of cracks here and there.

As Appa flew into this 'lost' temple, Naruto was looking at the sight before him in awe. Never had Naruto ever seen anything like this before. Konoha never had anything close to something amazing.

Appa swooped in close to before pulling up and directing his flight to a specific location, like the giant bison was here before. 'Not surprising.' Naruto thought to himself as the bison started flying around the temple giving Naruto a better view. There was a field with a lot of tall poles that stood together, and there were also small caverns near the top of a steep hill with what looked like a path at the top of the hill.

Finally, Appa started to descend, landing in a large space near an entrance. Appa let out a groan. Naruto took it as, 'We're here.', so with that the blond genin jumped off of Appa's head onto the ground. Naruto then started to stretch, hearing his bones pop back into place after the long ride (and sleep) on Appa.

When Naruto was done with his stretches, he looked back at Appa expecting his to guide him somewhere. The Flying Bison looked at him before opening his large mouth and sticking out his tongue. Naruto knew what was coming next, and stood up straight, took a deep breath before holding it, and clenched his eyes shut, and took it like a man.

Appa took a long lick of Naruto, before Naruto knew it; there was a flash in his mind. It showed him the entrance that Naruto saw before, suddenly, it started moving as though it was someone walking. The 'person' went through it before turning right and walking a few feet before seeing a statue of an old monk with a mustache and wearing a robe. The statue had a necklace around his neck and was sitting in an meditative pose. The 'person' kept 'walking' past the statue, before the figure started walking downs a large corridor. After about five minutes of 'walking', the 'person' came to a stop in front of a large… door. Well, it looked like a door… kind of. It had a big circle like thing in the middle, with brass pipes that coiled around three blue spiraled circles in an upside-down triangle. Then, the picture move so 'it' collided with the door, ultimately going through it. With another flash, Naruto was staring at the giant bison.

Naruto then looked behind himself. "Is that where I'm supposed to go?" Naruto asked out loud getting another groan from Appa. Naruto then started his walk down the same path as the 'person' from his vision. When he came out of the doorway h, he turned right to see the same statue as before. Feeling that this was the right way, Naruto started to go in the same direction, fallowing his instincts.

He kept walking and seeing familiar things from his vision as he walked down the corridor. Five minutes later, he came upon a large door. It was the same one. Naruto looked at his hands, still seeing that they were blue and transparent, he mustered up enough courage to push his way through they door. He closed his eyes as he faded into it.

After about ten seconds, he opened his eyes and saw darkness. Lots of it.

He put his hands in front of him so he couldn't hit anything. Wait! He could walk through walls. What did it matter if he hit something?

Then, he felt something lower under his feet. 'Kami-sama! Please don't let this be some kind of booby-trap!' Naruto thought to himself, silently praying to whatever god was out there.

Naruto heard a lot of clicking, crunching and smashing. Like rocks were being smashed together. Then, there was a small light that illuminated a humanoid shaped figure. Upon closer inspection, the light revealed a clay soldier. The blond looked down and the source of the light. Then there was another light. Revealing a similar clay soldier, but the clothes and hair were different. There was another light, and another, and another.

Soon the entire room was lit, revealing hundreds of clay soldiers, each were different. The differences ranged from simple clothing and hair changes, to adding weapons (1).

Naruto looked at the statues with awe. There were more then the ones on the ground and saw that there were some along the walls. Some? There were just as much on the walls!

Naruto slowly started to walk through the statues, looking at each one as he passed. Something inside of him felt…strange. Like something was familiar about all this. Like…he had been here before. Weird.

Naruto kept walking through the statues, trying to place why they seem so familiar. Naruto past another clay statue then paused, then took a step back and looked to his left. What he saw made his eyes go wide.

It was the same man from his first vision. Same bald head. Same arrows on his head and hands. Same robes. This was the guy from his vision, no doubt. The only difference was that there was a strange staff on his back.

What was he doing here? He then looked to his right and saw three more people. The two after 'arrow-man' didn't catch the blonde's attention. But the one after those two intrigued him the most. He had long, spiky hair flowing backwards and he wore what appeared to be a cloak with a high open collar or armor. Around his neck was a necklace with six magatama. And had horns on his forehead protector. But his eyes intrigued him the most. They had a ripple pattern in them. Though since it was a clay statue, there was no color.

Naruto walked past the two that didn't interest him, and stood in front the last statue in the cycle. He stood in front of it for about thirty seconds , not moving. This one was even familiar. Not that he remembers him, but also that he heard about him from somewhere. He was brought out of his musings when he heard a groan and looked at the door. There was Appa!

"Hey Appa!" Naruto called out, running to the bison, shifting through the statues to make his way to Appa. When Naruto was in arms reach of the flying bison, he stopped when the sky bison opened its mouth, and Naruto closed his eyes. A big, wet, slimy tongue washed over Naruto's body, waking him shiver at the grossness of it.

"Do you always have to do that?" Naruto asked, trying to wipe off the saliva when suddenly he heard a new voice. "Sorry about that. That's just how this big lug shows that he likes you." Said a cheery voice from outside the room, in the hallway.

Naruto stepped to the side of Appa and saw a man standing there. But…it was the same man from his vision, and the statue. The same arrows. The same clothes. Same staff on his back. And now that he saw the mans eyes, the blond saw that they were grey, with amusement held in them. The only difference from his vision was that he was blue and pseudo transparent.

Naruto pointed to the man with shock evident in his eyes. "It's you!" the blond exclaimed. The man only smiled with a toothy grin and rubbed the back of his bald head. "The names Aang!" he declared to the blond.

Naruto stared at the man warily before lowering his arm and the newly named Aang did the same. Naruto then looked at Appa to see him move towards the new man and lean his head down, to which Aang gently rubbed his head while smiling.

"So, can you tell me what's going on and more importantly, how this happened?" Naruto ask the strangely dressed man, unsure if he could answer the questions that he had. The man stopped petting the bison and looked at Naruto with a smile. "Of course! Well we should first go somewhere comfy. This might take a wile." The man said before walking down the same corridor that he came from.

-Scene Change-

Finally they came upon a clearing with an archway and a stairway (2). Appa walked off and sat under the archway and curled up like a cat before drifting into sleep, only to occasionally hear small snores coming from the bison, making the two males laugh.

Aang took off his staff from his back before sitting down on the ground cross-legged. Naruto stood a few feet from before he sat down in the same fashion as the older male.

"Now, I know that you have a lot of questions. Let's begin with one at a time." Stated Aang, getting a nod form the blond.

"First who are you? Not just your name but who exactly are you?" Naruto put emphasis on the word 'exactly' which made Aang sigh. "You might want to get comfortable and listen carefully because what I'm about to tell you will shake the foundations of the world as we know it." Aang said with a serious tone and Naruto just nodded, preparing himself for the knowledge he was about to hear.

"Now then, as for who I am, I am Aang, an Airbender as well as an Avatar." Aang said and Naruto nodded about to ask another question but Aang beat him to it. "Airbending is one of the lost arts that allow me to manipulate the elements. And as the name suggests, I can manipulate air and wind. The others are Waterbending, Earthbending and Firebending. You can guess what each element is with their names." Aang finished looking at the blond to see him absorbing everything he had said.

"Now to answer the other question which would probably be 'What is an Avatar?' right?" Aang stated getting a nod from the blond before the monk took a breath. "Okay. The Avatar is the spirit of the planet incarnated in human form and master of all four elemental bending, whose task is to keep balance among the four nations of the world. The Avatar is also a link between the human world and the Spirit World. Throughout the ages, countless incarnations of the Avatar have served to maintain harmony in the world.

At any time there is only a single Avatar, who is the spirit of the world incarnated into human form. When the Avatar dies, the Avatar Spirit is reincarnated into a newborn, who becomes the next Avatar." Aang finished and looked at the blond who had a blank look on his face, occasionally blinking before nodding his head once. "You didn't get a single word I said did you?" Aang asked, a sweat drop forming on his head seeing Naruto nod again, signifying that he didn't.

Aang sighed. 'This would be a lot easier in my time. Back when people understood at least a little bit about bending.' "Okay! Assume that the basis and foundation of Ninjutsu and the ninja world originated form bending…" Aang didn't get to finish as Naruto cut him off. "If I don't know what 'bending' is, how am I going to assume what you're telling me to?" Naruto asked and Aang deadpanned. He forgot about that.

"Ok, I can't Airbend while I'm in the spirit world so let's chalk it up to 'Ninjutsu to such a degree that a master Airbender can create tornados with a flick of his wrist' (3)." Aang finished and Naruto looked amazed. To have that much power…he would be the most powerful ninja ever!

"So this 'Avatar' is very strong?" Naruto inquired and Aang nodded. "So what does all this have to do with me?" Naruto asked but this time Aang only smiled.

"Because, you're the new Avatar." Aang stated now looking at the blond who now had a blank face on. Trying to register what he heard. He then started to dig his pinky into his ear before looking at the older male. "I'm sorry. I thought you just said I was the new Avatar. The 'spirit of the planet incarnated in human form and master of all four elemental bending disciplines' kind of Avatar." Naruto said making Aang smile like Naruto always did. "I did."

It took a few seconds, but Naruto finally realized what he had just said. "I'm the new WHAT?!"

It's official. The Avatar id back.


1. I think I saw some of the Avatar statues with weapons, but incase I'm wrong, then lets just say that they do.

2. This was the same place in Avatar episode 12 where Aang showed the other kids the Air Scooter.

3. I don't know if this is true or not, but I'm sure if a master level air bender put his mind to it, I'm sure he could.

Ok I know that this chapter is shorter than the other one, but in the next chapter, I will be explaining a lot. If you're wondering why I didn't just do it in this chapter, it's because I need to mesh together the Naruto Universe and the Avatar Universe. I already have the basics down, but I need to do a lot of thinking about it to make it logical to the reader, not just "Boom, shit happens here and there and now you're the new Avatar." It doesn't work that way! This chapter would have been longer if it did. But I need to take into account, "How am I the new Avatar?" so I have to go deeper into the plot.

I will be adding a new girl to the harem. I know a lot of you wanted a fox to be Naruto's animal guide, so I will be adding Fem. Kyuubi to the harem! So right now the girls are…

Terumi Mei



Fem. Kyuubi

Yay! That's all I wanted to say. Keep looking for updates on this story and my others.

Ja ne, Ryuu