Julis Academy Chapter 2

A/N: Heya guys. I'm back again. I hope I've clarified the things that weren't all that clear in the story. If there was anything I missed out, please just let me know and I'll let you know accordingly. Also, please note that Riki = Ryoma, who got his name changed due to certain circumstances that will be revealed in the future.

I was reading a fan fiction earlier and I can't see how someone can spell morning as 'mourning'! I mean, what the hell is up with that? Seriously! If you want to write a fanfic then at least make sure your spelling and vocabulary is half-way decent! (and I seriously hope there is nothing wrong with MY stories…(which I'm pretty sure there's nothing too bad with it) or else I'll be a hypocrite…)

If there are any things that I generally get wrong in the story, please let me know. It wouldn't be pleasant for you readers if I kept on making the same mistake. Like the time I kept on adding my own opinion in the story a lot. I understand that irritated a lot of people out there and therefore I have stopped with that, as now that I think about it, I find it irritating too when I read other people's stories.

Please tell me Riki isn't Mary-Sue-ish! T.T

Ehehehe… one more thing… this is more of a filler chapter on one of Riki's skills, but it still has some importance, so DON'T SKIP IT!

Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis, Bleach or Naruto. If I DID own them, I wouldn't be here, now would I..? I tried to buy them on E-Bay but I lost the bid and am sulking in the corner.


Then, someone from Keigo's table gathered the courage to ask.

"Ano, who are you?"


The room hushed, waiting for the mysterious so-called 'girl' to answer the question.

The boy that had asked the question was a pink-haired vampire, though the pink looked oddly more like red. When he grinned at Riki, it was obvious he was a vampire due to his sharp… *cough cough*'teeth'.

Riki smiled back cutely at him, before popping a red lollipop into his mouth. After sucking for a few seconds, there was a mass of sweat drops on the back of everyone's heads. All of them were thinking the same thing Drama, much? While Keigo just face palmed and sighed at his cousin's childish behavior.

After a few more silent seconds of Riki enjoying the silence, and the rest waiting impatiently for the answer, Riki replied while his lips twitched up into a cute smile.

"My name is Riki. I'm Kei-chan's cousin and I'm here to join you guys here. Yoroshiku ne." At this point, most of the guys in the room had their eyes oddly changed into heart-shapes, making a paling and inwardly sweating Riki wonder if they were going to be fanboys.

If this was how guys reacted, then he was sure that he was going to be absolutely terrified when people found out he was a guy. Ugh. Fangirls and fanboys… they were the bane of every bishounens' and bishojos' life. They were the number one thing most good looking people disliked or were oddly afraid of.

The pink haired boy snapped himself out of his dazed state (heart-shaped eyes) and replied. "Aa… Hello. My name is Marui Bunta. Yoroshiku…"

Riki turned towards the others who were sitting at the table, all while smiling at the same time. "And you guys are…?"

A blue haired spectacled boy decided to take the initiative. "Oshitari Yuushi."

The others at the table had snapped out of their daze by then and started introducing themselves.

"..." (Kirihara Akaya being shocked into silence.)

"Kikamaru Eiji… hello, Riki-chan!"

"Fshhh… Kaido Kaoru."

"Fuji Syuusuke."

"Ootori Choutaro"

"Watashiwa Yukimura Seiichi. Yoroshiku."

"Akutagawa Jirou. Yoroshiku, Riki-chan…" The others blinked and looked over at him, shocked, as he usually was asleep even if new people came and greeted them. Jirou looked half-asleep and was rubbing his eyes while yawning, giving others the impression of a sleepy cat who just woke up from its nap.

Riki's lips twitched up, much to his dismay, and he lost control of his emotions, which made him start giggling.

The others stared at him, lost, as they had no clue why he started to suddenly giggle when Jirou stated his name.

Then, when they cut off the sound of Riki's giggling which made them go into a daze, and was suddenly aware to the sound of snickering from both Keigo and Kirihara, which they had not heard in their mild daze, which sounded like silver bells in the wind.

After a few long moments of composing themselves, Riki, Keigo and Kirihara managed to halt their laughter.

Curious at seeing their odd reaction, Syuusuke asked, "Ano saa… why were you guys laughing?"

"Hehe… cause Jirou-kun already knows me! He must still be in a daze after waking up… Ne, Jirou-kun…?"

"Aa… Hai… Ano… Riki-chan… can I have one of your lollipops that you made…?" asked Jirou after waking up properly, who's facial expressions changed so fast, it was just scary and made people wonder if he was just acting like he was always sleeping.

"… That's the first thing you ask me after not seeing me for a year?!" said Riki, half yelling. But then after groaning, he continued, "Ah, well… I guess I should have expected that…"

All the vampires on the table looked lost, save for Jirou, Keigo and Kirihara, who looked pretty amused. Well, at least Keigo looked amused. Kirihara was laughing and Jirou looked like he was still waiting for the answer to his question, which in reality, he really was.

"Hai, I have some with me now… what color do you want?"


Riki sweat dropped. "I guess you really missed my lollipops, huh? Considering that I'm the only one who can actually make them, and created the recipie…"

The others blinked, not really seeing why his lollipops were so special.

Riki pulled out a red lollipop, which was wrapped in a piece of transparent wrapper, tied with a red ribbon to keep the wrapper closed, from his long yukata sleeve and handed it to Jirou.

He tore off the wrapper, somehow still making it seem lazy and not too rushed, and popped it into his mouth happily.

After a few moments of unnoticed silence, he looked around at everyone else.

For some odd reason, they were staring at him strangely, though he noted that Riki, Kirihara and Keigo looked pretty amused. Shrugging, he lay back onto the bench and started napping again, much to the exasperation of some, with Riki's lollipop in his mouth.

Riki once again looked amused, and handed a lollipop each to Keigo and Kirihara, both red, and looked at the rest who appeared to be staring at Keigo waiting for his reaction to eating the lollipop. Keigo's previous amusement was gone in a split second and anyone who blinked would have thought they imagined it.

Seeing as they all blinked, besides Kirihara and Riki, due to their amazement at him being his usual self, and saying about it not being fit for 'ore-sama' or something similar. Imagine their surprise when he popped it into his mouth and looked like he was melting in happiness.

They looked over at Kirihara, then proceeding to look over at Jirou, and they noticed that all of them had the same expressions on, even though Jirou was asleep. (-.-)

Curious at seeing their reactions, Marui, the one with the ever sweet tooth, asked, "Ano… Riki-chan… can I try one?"

At this point, Riki who was also sucking his lollipop happily, looked over at him in amusement.

"Alright… What flavor do you want? I lots of flavors but generally us vampires seem to enjoy the red one the best while the humans and other species have different preferences."

Marui looked oddly cute as he blinked his eyes a few times, before replying with a happy cheer of, "Alright! I'll have the red one, then!"

Riki nodded and pulled out another red lollipop from his sleeve, making some wonder how many lollipops he actually fit into the sleeve. For some reason, it looked completely normal and didn't bulge or show any sign of it being occupied at all.

Slowly and dramatically, Marui pulled of the red ribbon slowly… making a lot of them twitch at how he liked dramatic things.

Finally, some one couldn't take it anymore and hissed, "Fshhh… Just eat it already!"

Marui pouted and looked at Kaido with the puppy dog eyes, which looked ridiculous on him, and whined, "Hai, hai… Mou… you ruin all my fun!"

Needless to say, everyone in the room sweat dropped.

Marui opened his mouth and after what seemed like an eternity, the lollipop reached his mouth and he froze.

After being stuck like that for exactly thirteen seconds, he finally showed his reaction. His eyes widened and his mouth opened wide once more, and said…

A/N: I apologize that this chapter is a little on the short side. I didn't really have enough time now that my teachers are going bat crazy and assigning me never-ending projects. Ah well, I'll update soon, so don't worry! =]
