I promised each and everyone of my group that I would protect them till the end. On the night that they were hatched, I held them, and made my solemn promise, with that they each trusted me, and were able to sleep.
"Hey, you don't look to well." She boy dew closer.
I snapped my jaws at him, and backed up.
"Dirty human." I snarled.
"Human, aren't you one too?" He noticed a flame behind me.
"No, I'm nothing like you." I growled, and fled into the forest.
I could hear him following me, I kept on running, carrying my precious cargo of Eggs.
I came to a moonlit clearing, I hadn't realized that night had fallen.
I heard him behind me.
I snapped open my wings, and looked over my shoulder.
"I'm not like you, I'm better." I took off, tearing through the air with my wings, I opened my mouth, and let out a feral call.
Typhlosion answered with his own call, they weren't to far from the clearing we had come through from.
Togepi, Dragonair, Zangoose, even Cascoon raised her voice they called to me, my family.
I smiled, and pivoted to go in their direction.
I touched down, and was greeted by Cascoon rushing to me, and wrapping her thin arms around my waist, and buried her face into my stomach.
"Sister, never leave." Her cry was muffled by my soaked shirt. She was crying, she never had shown any emotion since her sister's death.
"Shh." I sank down to her level, I wrapped my arms around her, and let her cry it out.
"Bika Prii?" It was Togepi. He never really talked, but we all knew what he was saying.
He came over, and wrapped his arms around her bandages, he touched her face gently.
"No cry, be happy." A bright light encased them both.
Togepi was giving her the happiness that he had stored for her.
"See, not so bad." He smiled, the light faded.
Her face had shock, then her face relaxed. Happiness filled her eyes.
"Thank you." She said quietly.
Suddenly, a rustle from the bushes, and her face went to hostile, Zangoose took up his stance at her side. Typhlosion stood slightly behind me to a side, Togepi, well he was just ready to run. Dragonair held onto his hand tightly. I put the Eggs By the Brown Egg, they were in a hollow tree.
"Who's there?" I called out, using my best voice.
"Is that the girl from before?" It was that damned boy.
"So what if it is, what do you want, I thought I had scared you off." I growled.
"I was curious, I've never seen anyone like you before." He slowly entered the clearing.
Typhlosion stiffened, and Togepi squeaked. He rushed out of Dragonair's grasp, and ran to stand in front of me.
"Mine." He said. He must have sensed something in the boys emotions.
Cascoon let her bandages float up into the tree, and attacked herself to a branch.
She watched silently. Dragonair was terrified, her heart was so fragile.
"Zangoose, take care of her, I have to take care of this."
"I take it from Togepi's reaction, that you want a battle me, and capture me?"
The boy nodded.
"Your one of those Halfling's no one believes about, I will capture you, and prove you are real." He took out a Poke Ball.
"You better have one Hell of a strong Pokemon, and Pokemon Ball with you. They have already tried to put me in one of those, you'll need a good one." I smirked. I turned and whispered in Typhlosion's ear. He nodded, and took a step back.
It had been awhile since I had done this.
I'm different from all the other Halfling's, I'm stronger than even most Legendary Pokemon, only a few can top my unbridled power. I release my power from my whole body, letting the fire of rage consume me.
My outline was hazy, and Typhlosion covered everyone from the flames.
Cascoon used Harden, and ventured closer.
"Come on out, Charizard!" He called as he threw out his Pokemon.
Standing before me, was my own kind. I shook my head, dispelling the clouds of uncertainty.
'Gotta' win, I have to stay with them.' I checked my surrounds, making sure all of them were far enough away.
I released ALL of my power, something I had only done once before, but didn't remember it.
My body burst into flames, it shrunk till it was condensed on my tail. My eyes were now ice blue, bright ice blue. Bright enough that they glinted with evil laughter. My fangs grew, until they poked out of the edges of my mouth. My pupils were slitted, and the converse shoes I had on, burst into a thousand shreds of fabric and rubber. Claws were growing out of my toenails, my fingernails elongated too. I took a deep breath. My wings expanded, they could easily lift me up with their fourteen foot span.
"Ready?" My voice was a growl.
"Charizard, Smoke Screen!" He yelled out, the smoke rising.
"Gotta do better than that." I sank into the mist, dissolving before his very eyes.
I skirted around in the mist, taunting him.
"Come on big boy." I called to the Charizard.
He growled, but started to follow me.
"That's right, come on get closer." My voice turned into a whisper.
Little did he know that I was using a move, one that took awhile to take affect on a Fire Type.
I had whispered Heat Wave in the smoke. The Waves were making their way to him, and they crashed over his body.
I heard smelt the burning hair, I had also hit his Master.
I smirked and backed into the Smoke, using it to my advantage.
Dragonair was letting out distress waves, watching as her big sister fought a human.
"Don't let her be taken away, we need her. She's everything to all of us." She closed her eyes, and faced the sky, sending her prayer.
"Charizard! Us Scary Face, we can't let her escape!" He called out The Charizard whipped around, and got me, but I hadn't been planning on escaping; I wanted to faint my first Pokemon.
"Slash!" I called, and got him right across the face. He spun in a circle, and fell to the ground.
He closed his eyes, he had fainted.
"You lose." I lifted my fingers to my face, marveling at the sharpness of the blades.
"Okay, fun's over, let's go." Just as I turned around, something hit my head.
"NOOO!" My body condensed and was transported into the Ball.
I was in the dark again. I fought against the sleep, I still had plenty of health, but the sleep would feel so good.
I was in the tree beside her, I tried to warn her, but it was to late.
I watched horrified as she became the red light, and was transported into the Poke Ball.
I cried out, "NOOO!"
Once she was in it, I jumped and walked up to the boy.
"Give her back." My voice was quiet.
"Never." He smiled, the Poke Ball near him was growing still.
I wrapped my bandages around him, "I will teach you something." A white light encased us both.
We were both standing in my memories, Togepi had taught me how to do this without even realizing it.
"Sister!" I watched my younger self, chasing the long lost Silicoon.
Charizard was in the distance, teaching Zangoose how to fight. He had been so small back then.
"Hah, catch me if you can!" We raced around.
She stopped, and I cringed, knowing what would happen.
She collapsed, gasping for breath, I was screaming, my younger self, for her to come back. She held my hand, and whispered the words I had never forgotten.
Her hand fell out of my grasp, her life disappeared right before me.
"Now you understand." I stood back, and picked up the now still Poke Ball.
"I'm taking this with me." I leapt up into the trees.
Togepi came up beside me, he took the Poke Ball.
"Wish." He murmured, the Poke Ball was encased in a bright light.
"Who's waking me up?" My thoughts were being dragged back into a normal pace.
"I want out." I was still weak, but I was fighting with all my might.
The Poke Ball I was in, started to move, and crack.
"Must get out! My family needs me!" I was screaming, pounding my fists against the black walls that held me in.
Then, the bright light busted through the cracks I made.
I had broken the thing that had threatened to take me away.
I was falling, I had broken out, but I was falling now. I didn't know I had been in a tree, now the ground was moving closer to me.
I didn't have time to scream, to spread my wings and fly to safety.
But someone's arms wrapped around me, and stopped my fall. My mind was still fuzzy.
I blinked slowly, and looked at my savior.
"Hey Typhlosion." I said weakly.
I blinked slowly, and slipped back into the darkness, into the safety of being unaware.
"Okay, leaders down, we need to relocate." Typhlosion ordered.
The boy sank to the ground, "No."
Typhlosion held Charizard, and everyone followed suit.
They leapt into the night air.
They traveled seven miles, and came across an abandoned shack.
"'Kay guys, this is our new home." Zangoose opened the door.
Dragonair grabbed the chair by an empty fire place. Cascoon suspended herself form the rafters, Zangoose took up the couch.
That left two beds.
"Togepi, you share with Charizard." Togepi hopped onto the bed. Typhlosion gently laid Charizard onto the bed next to him.
He noticed that her tail's flame was getting dimmer, and he knew what that meant; had to get it's fire burning, now.
He slowly started to kindle an Ember; keeping it in his hands, making it soft and warm.
He added everything he had to it, feelings, memories, and above all, a need for her to live.
He bent down, and put his hands by the tip, spilling the fire onto it, adding his own.
Her eyes, fluttered, letting out a content sigh, she fell into a good, deep sleep.
Sitting back, and taking his own deep breath, she was safe, for now.
I opened my blurry eyes, blinking at the unfamiliar surroundings. I sat up, and me head went fuzzy.
"Oww." I complained.
"Sister!" Cascoon, Dragonair, and Togepi were all around me, and cried my name.
"Hey." I smiled weakly, my body still in shock from almost being captured, and my memories almost being taken away.
"Looks like she's up."
This is far enough for today, maybe tomorrow I'll add a new chapter, maybe, maybe not. Who knows. Review, I enjoy reading your thoughts, even if it is just random rabble, just review, it will please the God of Fnafics!