Disclaimer: I do not own Labyrinth, nor anything associated with it. But a girl can still dream. I also do not own the song Addicted is owned by Kelly Clarkson.

AN: I realise that ths song was not around when Sarah would have been in college, but it just got me to thinking about Jareth, and insoired me to write this. I'm not he best writter, i wish i could write it as i picture it in my head. But i hope you like it none the less.


Sarah woke up to the sound of the phone ringing. She looked over at her alarm clock and saw that it was 11:00 am. Damn, she missed class again. If these dreams didn't stop soon she was going to fail this semester. Every night she had dreams staring none other than Jareth, the Goblin King. She'd been having them ever since she won her brother back, but the first ones had only had her friends in them, no King. As she got older and started to understand more of what Jareth had been offering her at the end, her dreams started to go from PG to NC-17. It was getting to the point where she spent most of her time asleep just to dream. Gods was he addictive! She knew it wasn't real, even in the dreams, but she couldn't stop herself. They were taking over her life.

As she reached for the phone she glanced at the caller ID. "Hi Steph! What ya up to?"

"Nuthin much Sarah, just checking to see if you were alive. I Haven't heard from you in a few days. What have you been doing?"

Dreaming about the sexiest man alive, she thought to her self. "Nothing really. Just hanging out at home."

"Well, how would you like to do me a huge favor? My band has a gig tonight, but one of my backup singers is sick. Could you please, please, please fill in for her. You already know all our songs, you wrote most of them, and your voice is beautiful. This gig is too good of an opportunity to cancel. It's just some rich guys birthday party, but he has huge connections in the music business. There are going to be all kinds of producers and record company representatives there. He heard our last gig at the corner bar and asked us to play his party. I guess he likes to give struggling musicians a break or something. But I am begging you Sarah, please help me out!"

Sarah really didn't want to do this, but Stephanie did need her. She couldn't say no. "OK, Steph, I'll sing. What time and where?"

"Just be ready by 6 tonight. I'll swing by and pick you up. Oh, and wear one of those dresses that your mother sent you, it's a masked ball. But don't worry about the mask, they provide them at the door."

"OK, I'll be ready. I'll see you at six" Gods, what had she gotten herself into? But it can't be any more difficult than singing in a play. Sarah walked to her closet to pick out which dress to wear. Her mother was always sending her costumes from her movies and plays. They came in handy for some of the plays Sarah was in, it saved the costume department time and money. Sifting through the dresses, she was looking for one that wouldn't stand out too much, she was a backup singer after all, not the lead. She settled on a gown of deep jungle green, the same as her eyes. It was strapless and the corsette type bodice molded itself to her body and displayed her cleavage very nicely. Not too much, just enough to hint at he bounty beneath. The skirt flared out slightly at the hips and hang in long strips layered over one another In different shades of shimmery green. She decided to have lunch than take a long soak in the tub before she had to start getting ready for tonight.

She was just finishing up with her hair when Steph showed up. She had polled it back from her face and curled it in ringlets cascading down her back.

"OMG, you look gorgeous, Sarah!"

"You don't look half bad your self. I forgot I lent you that dress." Stephanie was wearing a dress that reminded Sarah of the one she wore in the ball room, dancing with Jareth.

"Ya, keep forgetting to give it back. But it came in handy for tonight. So, lets get going. We're already set up, we just have to warm up a bit. The party starts at 8, and we get to mingle in-between sets. Hey, if your lucky, you might just meet a guy tonight. Its been to long since you dated."

"I'm just not up for a relationship right now. Plus, I haven't really found anyone worth my time. Most of the guys around here are frat boys, so not my type."

They got in the car and Stephanie told Sarah the line up of the songs for the night. "I want to end with that new song you wrote. I think it will leave the biggest impact with everyone."

"Sure, that sounds great. I can't wait to hear you sing it! I haven't had a chance to make to your rehearsals lately."

They pulled up in front of one of the many mansions on the east side of town. Pulling up in front Sarah and Stephanie got out and let the valet take the car. Walking through the front doors they were met by a man in a black domino mask. His long white blond hair was pulled back in a queue. His long lean body was outfitted in a pair of black form fitting breaches and a snow white button shirt over which he wore a deep green vest and jacket. Just the sight of him had Sarah's hormones jumping for joy.

"Sarah, this is Mr. King. He's the birthday boy tonight. Mr. King, this is one of my best best friends Sarah Williams. She is filling in for one of my backup singers tonight."

"An honor to meet you, Ms. Williams." He held out his hand for hers.

"Thank you, and happy birthday Mr. King." She placed her hand in his and he drew it to his lips to kiss the back of her fingers. Her heart skipped a beat at the feel of his lips on hers.

"Thank you. I'll show you to the ball room so you can finish getting ready." He handed them each a mask and turned to walk down the hall. Stephanie's mask was white with glitter all around the eye holes. Whilst Sarah's was made with soft white feathers that came to a peak at just above the corner of the eye.

"What kind of feathers are these?" Sarah ask as they walked towards the doors of the ball room.

"Owl feathers actually. We have several on the property and we collect the feathers when they molt. They are said to protect against bad dreams." Sarah felt her stomach not up. Owl feathers! A picture of Jareth In his owl form flashed thru her mind. How was she supposed to concentrate tonight with this mask keeping him o her mind!

They walked into the ball room and Sarah's breath caught. It was beautiful. It was so much like the crystal ball room that she almost expected Jareth to walk out of the shadows along the walls of the room. They made their way to the stage and started warming up.

They made it through the first half with out any problems. Sarah felt a little self conscious at first, but after the first song she was feeling great and having fun. She was kept too busy to even let the Goblin King enter her mind. They took a break and classical music began playing through the speakers around the room. Sarah made her way to the refreshments table but was stopped by a hand on her shoulder. She turned to see Mr. King behind her.

"You were very good up there," he said, handing her a champagne flute.

She took a sip and said "Thank you."

"Would you care to dance?" he asked as a waltz started up.

She stared into his eyes and swore that she knew him from somewhere. "I'd love to," Sarah said as her heart rate picked up. He took the glass from her hand and set it on a nearby table. He led her out on the dance floor then took her in his arms. They twirled around the dance floor, neither one breaking eye contact. All the while Sarah was trying to figure out where she knew him from. The song ended and the next one started but neither made a move to leave the floor. As the first strings of the song started Sarah was startled to here a very familiar song. Her eyes widened and he pulled her closer and started singing those cherished words in her ear. That's when she realized who she was dancing with, her body molded to his, and her body erupted into flames. They had started to dance towards the edge of the room and as the song ended Sarah looked up into his mismatched eyes. He slowly bent forward and captured her lips with his. This is what should have happened the last time. If there had been no Toby to worry over, no time constraint, and she had understood what it was he wanted. She had been too young, too naive. But that's one thing she wasn't now. She may yet be a virgin, but she was far from naïve. This is what she had been looking for from boyfriends past. This rush, this taste. Just as she was feeling lost in his embrace, he lifted his head and said, "Hello, Precious."

"Jareth, " she said breathlessly. At that Stephanie came up behind her to tell her they had to get ready for the next set.

"OMG! I can't believe you where kissing Mr. King!" Stephanie exclaimed as they made their way top the stage. "How was it, no wait. Give me the details after this last set." As they all got ready Sarah kept looking into the crowd for Jareth. She couldn't believe he was here, that he was Mr. King! What was he up to, and that kiss. She thought the dreams were addictive. She could kiss him for eternity and it would never be enough. They started the last set and the crowd cheering and on the dance floor. Sarah kept her eyes open for any sign of Jareth, but she would only catch a glimpse of him between people or just out of the corner of her eye. When they where performing the second to last song Sarah started to notice that Stephanie's voice was starting to strain. As soon as she finished the last note she told the crowd they were going to take a five minute break. She turned to Sarah with a panicked look. "Sarah," she whispered, " I think I lost my voice. We have to sing the last song, it is the whole reason that Mr. King offered us this job. He said it was his favorite. Please, can you sing it? "

Sarah looked into her friends eyes and knew she couldn't say no. This was too big an opportunity for the band. She noded her head and approached the microphone. "Sorry for the delay folks, but it seams Stephanie here has sung so well for you all that she has lost her voice. So, since the last song was a special request of the birthday boy, I've decided to sing it." Something wicked came over Sarah as she said, " Could we have Mr. King come to the front of the stage. He should be up here for this." As she watched, Jareth slowly made his way to the front of the stage and stood there looking up at her. She looked him right in the eyes as she started to sing.

It's like you're a drug

It's like you're a demon I can't face down

It's like I'm stuck

It's like I'm running from you all the time

And I know I let you have all the power

It's like the only company I seek is misery all around

It's like you're a leech

Sucking the life from me

It's like I can't breathe

Without you inside of me

And I know I let you have all the power

And I realize I'm never gonna quit you over time (She watched as Jareth's eyes widened as he realized she actually meant the words.)

It's like I can't breathe

It's like I can't see anything

Nothing but youI'm addicted to you

It's like I can't think

Without you interrupting me

In my thoughts

In my dreams

You've taken over me

It's like I'm not me

It's like I'm not me (Sarah started down the stage stairs towards Jareth, never breaking eye contact. She stalked around him as she sang, trailing her hands down his back, up his arm, and across his face.)

It's like I'm lost

It's like I'm giving up slowly

It's like you're a ghost that's haunting me

Leave me alone

And I know these voices in my head

Are mine alone

And I know I'll never change my ways

If I don't give you up now (Jareth grabbed a hold of her waist and pulled her to him, her back to his front, rapping his arms across her stomach. She let him hold her for a moment before breaking away from him and walking back towards the stage.)

It's like I can't breathe

It's like I can't see anything

Nothing but you

I'm addicted to you

It's like I can't think

Without you interrupting me

In my thoughtsIn my dreams

You've taken over me

It's like I'm not me

It's like I'm not me (He followed her up onto the stage and pulled her back against him. He started running his hands over her and kissing her neck. She reached her free hand up behind her and tangled it in his hair, holding him to her.)

I'm hooked on you

I need a fix

I can't take it

Just one more hit

I promise I can deal with it

I'll handle it, quit it

Just one more time

Then that's it

Just a little bit more to get me through this

I'm hooked on you

I need a fix

I can't take it

Just one more hit

I promise I can deal with it

I'll handle it, quit it

Just one more time

Then that's it

Just a little bit more to get me through this (The were seducing each other there in front of the crowd. But Sarah just couldn't seem to stop. There had been so many dreams, so many years of wanting this that she just didn't care.)

It's like I can't breathe

It's like I can't see anythin

gNothing but you

I'm addicted to you

It's like I can't think

Without you interrupting me

In my thoughts

In my dreams

You've taken over me

It's like I'm not me

It's like I'm not me

As she sang the last line she turned to face him and said, "I wish you would take me away, right now." They disappeared in front of everyone and the crowd interrupted in huge applause.