AN: As most know, I had intended this to be a one shot. I am horrible at updating. I just get these scenes in my head that I must right, but then have no idea where to go fro there. So, this will be the last chapter of this story. I also apologize as this will seem rushed and many details will probably be left out. But at least you will know the jist of the story and what happens in the end. From now on I will stick to my one shots and anyone is free to adopt the idea and run with it! Just let me know first, cause I will want to read it! Well, except for the 100 theme challenge I am working on, but that wont begin being published until I have all 100 written. Now, on with the story!

The next morning found Jareth standing next to her bed, staring down at Sarah. He sat on the edge and bent to kiss her lips. "Wake-up sleeping beauty," he whispered against her ear. Sarah blinked her eyes open, trying to focus them on the man in front of her. She could definitely get used to this. Waking up to the sight of this gorgeous Fae.

"What are you doing here, Jareth? I thought I wouldn't see you until this weekend."

"Well, I thought I would surprise you with something. Since I am giving you a tour of my kingdom this weekend, I thought that you might like to read up on some information about it. I doubt I would be able to answer all your questions in the time it would take to show you everything. So, I thought these books would help you and maybe answer your questions before you ask them." He gestured to her desk behind him and she noticed the stack of large books on top. "I've only brought the basic history and information on the different inhabitants of the Labyrinth. It can at least give you a ruff idea about anything. If there is a subject that you would like more in-depth information on, you have only to ask."

"Thank you, so much. I was actually just thinking about this last night. How I wanted to learn more about the Labyrinth, and its citizens." She said this while looking Jareth right in the eyes. Hoping that he would take the hint that it was him specifically that she wanted to know more about.

Looking down at her, he heard how she stressed the word citizens while looking at him. Could she possibly want to know more about him? Perhaps he should get her the book on the Royals. "Perhaps there is one more book I should have added." He lifted his hand and twisted his wrist and conjured a crystal. He tossed it towards the pile of books and when it popped on the top another book appeared. "This book is the history of the royal family. It tells of the first Goblin King and his successors. It's a self updating book and is more in-depth than the others."

"Thank you again, I hope I can finish them before the weekend. I only have a few classes today, then I am free Thursday and Friday. So I should be able to read them before hand." Sarah stood up and walked over to Jareth, putting her hands around his neck she hugged him to her before leaning back, never releasing her hands. "This was very thoughtful of you, Jareth. I promise to take very good care of them." Staring him in the eyes, she pulled him down for a quick kiss, of which Jareth quickly took control and deepened. His tongue sweeping across lips, demanding entrance. She obliged, if only because she had no coherent thoughts in her head. Jareth was the one who finally pulled back, leaning his forehead against hers. They stayed there for a moment, both panting for breath and holding one another.

"I should go precious. We both have much to do." With that said Jareth gave her one last chaste kiss and faded from view.

The rest of the week went by fairly quickly for Sarah, but she was able to read all of the books that Jareth left for her. She even managed to read the one on the Labyrinth kings, Jareth's section might have been read several times. There was so much more she wanted to know, and with every bit of information she was given, he more she wanted to go. She couldn't wait for Saturday to arrive.

Saturday arrived and Jareth came with, bright and early. They toured the entire Underground. Sarah asking questions, Jareth answering. But there was always an undercurrent to their conversations. Both had questions they wanted to ask but neither had any idea on how to approach the subject. Finally Sarah had an idea. "Jareth, I want your opinion on a new song I am working on. Would you mind hearing it now?"

"Not at all, Precious." Jareth conjured a bench to sit on while Sarah walked a few steps away from him. Turning to face him she gave a little smirk, she started to sing.

Miss independent

Miss self-sufficient

Miss keep your distance, mmmm

Miss unafraid

Miss out of my way

Miss don't let a man interfere, no

Miss on her own

Miss almost grown

Miss never let a man help her off her throne

So, by keeping her heart protected

She'll never, ever feel rejected

Little miss apprehensive

Said ooh, she fell in love

Looking right in Jareth's eyes as she said this last line. She started stalking around, dramatically moving her hands and arms around and through her hair.

What is this feeling taking over?

Thinking no one could open the door

Surprise, it's time, to feel what's real

What happened to miss independent's no longer need to be defensive?

Goodbye, old you, when love, is true

Misguided heart

Miss play it smart

Miss if you wanna use that line, you better not start, no

Making her way back near Jareth, she made eye contact again and wouldn't break it for the rest of he song.

But she miscalculated

She didn't wanna end up jaded

And this miss decided not to miss out on true love

So, by changing a misconception

She went in a new direction

And found inside, she felt a connection

She fell in love

What is this feeling taking over?

Thinking no one could open the door

Surprise, it's time, to feel what's real

What happened to miss independent's no longer need to be defensive?

Goodbye, old you, when love, is true (when love, is true)

Straddling Jareth, she brought her hands up to gently touch his face and run her fingers over his eyes, nose, and lips.

When miss independent walked away

No time for love that came her way

She looked in the mirror and thought today

What happened to miss no longer afraid?

It took some time for her to see

How beautiful love could truly be

No more talk of why can't that be me

I'm so glad I've finally seen

Getting off his lap, she started walking away.

What is this feeling taking over?

Thinking no one could open the door

Surprise, it's time, to feel what's real

What happened to miss independent's no longer need to be defensive?

Goodbye, old you, when love, is true (when love, is true)

Jareth got up off the bench and approached Sarah. Rapping his arms around her waist from behind, he bent his head to whisper in her ear, "I love you, too."

And they lived happily ever after!

AN2: Now, I warned you at the beginning I was going to rush through this just to finish it. Since there was no bad guy to defeat, the only obstacle in this story was admitting feeling. They did, the end. Now I am going to write one more similar chapter for my other multi chap fic and go back to one shots. Thank you to all of you who have faved and alerted. And I am sorry that I just couldn't finish the stories the way you deserved. But like I said, feel free to take any of my stories and elaborate on them!