I'm really sorry guys, I know you wanted a new chapter, but the votes were so close I've decided to wait a bit longer. Just a few days, maybe a week. But, this is just a last-chance alert type thing, just to let you put in your vote. I already have a definite OC character created for NarutoxOC, and it IS a girl, but if I told you it'd kinda ruin the story. And even if NarutoxIno isn't the official pairing, (which I don't think it will be –sweatdrop-) I may still just put Ino in there in a friend role. Gaara will be in here, too. It all depends.
Currently, the votes are:
NarutoxIno: 2
NarutoxOC: 6
And somebody asked for NarutoxHinata.
I PROMISE, on Friday, if I get no more votes, I will type up the chapter. And it will be long. I SWEAR.
I know my chapters have been short and I'm really sorry, I just haven't had much time to really sit down and type up one long chapter. I'll also update a LOT faster. -.-*
Thanks guys, and keep reading!
3, FateWolf
P.S: I'm putting The Cost of Madness on hiatus for now because...no reviews. Reviews are my DRUGS! And you just killed my supply.