Hi guys, this is my first Heroes story so be nice :) I love this show, I really hope it doesn't get cancelled, this series has been amazing and I really don't want it to end!
Emma is a great character and I love her to bits, she's really believable and interesting :) I especially love her with Peter, they may be my favourite couple ever, I really hope they do actually get together :D Peter is the most amazing character ever, sometimes I find it hard to believe that he isn't actually real lol :L
Anyway, this was just an idea I had and I can't sleep (too much Pemma) so I thought I'd get it out of my head. Enjoy :) xxx
Emma loved her job. It was the most fulfilling, rewarding job in the whole world. However, it was also one of the most difficult, and she found that some days, she could do nothing but come home and have a good cry. Fortunately, these days were rare but when they did come along, they were very unsettling. Unfortunately, today was one of those days.
A few months ago Emma started up her residency again, and she loved it. Ever since the incident with Megan, she had been thinking about becoming a paediatrician, so recently she had been spending a lot of time in the paediatric ward. During her time there she met another little girl named Georgia. Georgia had been diagnosed with Leukaemia almost a year ago. Emma had bonded with her and her family almost instantly, she knew it was bad practise to become emotionally involved but she couldn't help it, she was a caring person and the little girl was enchanting, unfortunately that hadn't been enough to save her. Emma arrived at work that morning to find that Georgia had died in the night.
Emma had been wondering around more or less in a daze all day. A few hours after lunch, she could take no more and went to see her mother, who of course had ordered her to go home and rest straight away. She had to admit that part of her enjoyed being told what to do since she was slightly lost at the moment and the stronger, more independent part of her needed time alone to think, so she took her mothers advice and went home early claiming that she didn't feel well. She had the day from hell and as she finally walked home through the crowded streets of New York City, she was trying to hold back her tears.
Emma had quickly established a routine for these bad days. She would come home, take off her coat and shoes, put her bag away and fully clothed, climb into bed and hide under the covers for a good hour or two whilst she cried over all the bad things that had happened that day and try to think of things that would cheer her up. Then she would get up and try to go about the rest of her evening as normal.
Emma was relieved when she finally reached her apartment and began to hunt in her bag for the keys. Her faithful cat wound his way around her legs as she closed the door to her apartment, but he would have to wait until later, she had been caring for people all day and she could thing of nothing else but her own needs at that moment. She discarded her shoes, jacket and bag and headed straight for her bedroom.
Once she was safely tucked under the soft covers of her bed, hidden away where no one could see her, she let the tears flow. She cried for Georgia, for her family, but the other problem was that once Emma got going, she would cry for everyone, for all the patients who had been lost under her watch. If she was being honest with herself, it wasn't that many, but it was enough to make her believe that she wasn't good enough.
Emma felt her cat jump up onto the bed with her, perhaps wanting to offer his comfort, or perhaps still trying to make her realise that he was hungry. She ignored him and continued crying. This time she cried for herself. Everyone was allowed to be selfish once in a while, herself included. Emma didn't have an easy life. For one thing, her disability was a daily hassle. She had learned to live with it but not a day went by where it didn't cause her some kind of problem, no matter how small it may be.
Also, the past few months hadn't been easy, what with discovering that she had an ability, then discovering that there were other people with abilities who could fly and teleport and read minds and all sorts of crazy stuff. If she hadn't had Peter to help her through all of that she would have been completely lost.
Peter. He never failed to bring a smile to her face, even when she was just thinking his name. They had been dating for almost six months now, and Emma could honestly say that they had been that happiest few months of her life. She felt that from the moment they became friends, he understood her better than anyone, possibly except her mother, ever had. He was what she needed, someone who hadn't immediately judged her by her disability, who saw past that, saw who she really was and helped her in her time of need. He saved her life, literally.
Emma suddenly felt her cat jump down from the bed, perhaps he had given up trying to get her attention. The sudden movement caused her to lose her train of thought. She went back to thinking about the horrible events of the day and the tears began to flow again. Suddenly, a hand on her arm made her jump and her eyes flew open…
Earlier that day…
Peter's lunch break had just started and he decided to go and visit a certain special former file clerk. He couldn't believe it had been almost six months already. He hadn't been this happy in a long time, in fact he couldn't remember ever being this happy. He knew that if Nathan could see him now he would tell him to wipe that goofy smile off his face, but he couldn't help it, Emma did that to him.
Nathan. That wound was still tender. For a long time Nathan was his best friend and the only person he could trust. Losing him had been one of the hardest things that Peter had ever had to deal with. At one point he wondered if he would ever get over it. That was just one thing that he would be eternally grateful to Emma for. She was there for him through all of it. Even now when he would still have nightmares about Nathan and wake up in a cold sweat, she would be there to hold him in the darkness and whisper comforting words in his ear that would lull him back to sleep. He didn't know what he would have done without her. She truly was his best friend.
Peter was woken from his pondering when he reached the paediatric ward. He approached the desk but before he could say anything. Lindsay the receptionist spotted him,
"You just missed her, she's headed down to the cafeteria," she informed him with a smile. Obviously this was a regular occurrence and Peter had become far too predictable, but he found he didn't care.
"Thanks, Lindsay." He gave her a wave and hurried down to the cafeteria.
As Peter arrived at the cafeteria, he immediately spotted Emma sitting alone at a table by the window with an unopened sandwich and a cup of tea in front of her. He could tell that something was wrong. She was sat forwards with her head in her hands, staring out of the window completely lost in her thoughts and she looked like she was about to burst into tears.
Peter felt the strong urge to go over to her and wrap his arms around her and help take away her sadness, but unfortunately that wasn't meant to be. His pager went off just as he started to make his way over to her, and it looked important. He looked over at Emma in desperation, hating himself for even considering leaving her alone in this state, but this time his head ruled over his heart and he sprinted off to take the call. He would just have to make it up to her later, he thought to himself as he climbed into the ambulance and sped away from the hospital.
A few hours later and Peter was finally back from his call. A major car crash involving four cars and a truck had kept them all occupied for a while. Peter hadn't even had chance to think about Emma until now. He ran up to the paediatric ward but before he could get there he ran into someone as he turned a corner and almost knocked them to the ground, He looked up to see that it was Dr Coolidge.
"I'm so sorry Dr Coolidge, are you ok?" Peter asked, still slightly hesitant about his girlfriend's mother.
"Yes, yes I'm fine, Peter but you really should be more careful," she warned him with a stern look, "actually, you're just the person I wanted to see."
"I am?" Peter was slightly stunned and curious, "about what?"
"About Emma." Dr Coolidge led them into her office where she sat on her desk, Peter followed her with a frown.
"What about Emma? Is she alright? I saw her at lunch and I knew something was wrong but I got an important call, but I feel terrible now! Where is she? Should I –" Peter was cut off by the older woman raising her hand to silence him.
"Calm down Peter she's not hurt, well not physically at least," Peter looked confused and still concerned, "I spoke to her a few hours ago and sent her home. I think you should drop in and check on her. I'm sure she'll explain everything but I think she needs you right now." The look on her face was sad but calm which enabled Peter to relax a bit, since he was sure that if Emma was in any danger, her mother would be slightly more frantic.
"Ok, I'll head over there now. Thanks, Dr Coolidge." Peter gave her a curt nod and a polite smile and sped off to the locker room to get his stuff.
I'm not sure about it, I think it might be a bit too angsty and I don't think I got them in character enough. Let me know what you think, I have the next chapter ready but I'm not gonna post until I have at least one review telling me I'm not way off here :) Thanks xxx