Thanks for the great reviews :) Ok here's the second chapter, let me know what you think :) Enjoy x x x
Half an hour later, Peter found himself outside Emma's apartment. He rang the doorbell and waited. She didn't come to the door. He rang again. Nothing. Perhaps she was in the bathroom or doing something else that meant she couldn't see the light signalling that someone was at the door. Finally he resolved to use the key that Emma had given him a few weeks ago. It made sense and certainly came in handy in situations like these, which had occurred before. He practically lived with her now anyway, but he didn't like to use the key if she didn't know he was coming over, even though she obviously loved having him there, he didn't want to impose.
When he got the door open the first thing he saw was Emma's cat slinking up to him and winding himself around his legs. He looked hungry. Why hadn't Emma fed him yet? Peter reached down to stroke the cat promising to get him some food as soon as he'd found Emma. As he shut the door he heard a noise coming from the bedroom, it sounded like someone crying.
"Emma?" Peter knew it was pointless to call out to her, but it helped to calm his nerves, He made his way to the bedroom door which was already open a fraction, so he pushed it the rest of the way and peered inside.
There was a small lump under the duvet and a few curls of blonde hair sticking out from underneath it. Looks like I found her, Peter thought to himself, then Emma let out a muffled cry and a sniffle, and Peter realised she was crying. Without a second thought, he crossed the room to stand by the bed and tried to think of a way to get her attention without startling her, since she was under the covers and couldn't see her. Eventually he reasoned that he would just have to be as gentle as possible so he placed his hand slowly on her arm.
Despite his gentleness, Emma still jumped, obviously not expecting another person to be in her apartment, and the covers flew off her head revealing her tear stained face and messy hair. She visibly calmed down when she realised who it was and managed a weak smile. Peter smiled back and sat down next to her on the edge of the bed. They looked at each other for a moment and then Peter opened his arms to her so she shuffled closer to him and gladly accepted his embrace.
As Peter held her she began to cry softly again. He knew there was nothing he could say to her at the moment so he just held her and let her cry, rubbing circles on her lower back, stroking her hair and kissing her face to let her know that he was there for her. His heart swelled with sadness and love for her. He didn't know what was wrong but he felt an uncontrollable need to protect her from whatever was causing her so much sadness. As he held her closer and kissed her forehead, he couldn't help but feel like he had let her down.
Emma was shocked to see Peter in her room, she hadn't been expecting him. She had been avoiding him at work, knowing that if she saw him she knew that the weaker part of her would break and want to run to him and have him hold her whilst she cried and told him everything. However, the stronger part of her had made her avoid him and wait to cry until she was safely at home under her duvet where no one could see her. Lately she was scared that she was beginning to rely on Peter too much, but right now she didn't care. She just needed him.
As they sat there on her bed, he held her and comforted her with so much love and tenderness that it made her want to cry even more, she realised that perhaps it wasn't such a bad thing if she began to rely on him. Perhaps he could be the constant in her life, and perhaps she could be his. Neither of them had had easy or normal lives, and now they were ready for it all to slow down and become easier. They both needed and wanted the same thing; each other.
Finally Emma felt that she could cry no more. She removed an arm from around Peter's waist to wipe her tears away, and she finally looked up at him. He looked down at her with concern on his face as he brushed away a few stray tears from her cheek with his thumb, and once again she managed a smile to let him know how grateful she was that he was here and that she would be ok.
Peter was relieved to hear her stop crying, and even more relieved when she gave him a smile. He knew she was expressing gratitude, they had become adept at reading each others faces, Emma was good at it anyway because she had to be, and her face was so expressive that Peter found it hard to not know what she was thinking, or perhaps that was just him. Her smile faltered as she looked away and he frowned. Peter would do anything to make her smile, it was so beautiful to see that much joy on her face, but he feared that he would have to wait a while longer.
Peter reluctantly released Emma and bent down to take his shoes off. Once he had removed his jacket as well, he settled down on the bed with his head on the pillow so he was now lying parallel to how she was sat. He put his arms around her again and pulled her back down into the pillows. At the same time me rolled over on his side so that they were face to face and they could communicate easier.
"Tell me what's wrong," Peter requested softly as he gazed into her pretty hazel eyes that were sparkling with tears. Emma proceeded to tell him what had happened, unable to control the last few tears that rolled down her cheeks only to be brushed away by Peter's gentle touch, as she relived the events of the day. There was a brief silence once she had finished when Peter took everything in and gazed at her with apologetic eyes.
"Emma, I'm so sorry, I – " Peter was cut of by Emma's sweet laughter as she shook her head.
"Peter, I'm the one that messed up and you're saying sorry?"
"This wasn't your fault you know. You didn't mess up, you did everything you could and Georgia and her family all knew that and they loved you for it. I know how close you were to them, but you just can't save everyone, no matter how hard you try. You told me that remember, but I didn't believe you so I had to find it out for myself the hard way," he finished with a slight smile on his face which Emma returned.
"I know you're right, but it just feels so awful to lose someone you've been taking care of for so long."
"I know how that feels, but you're an amazing doctor, Emma. Don't let this stand in the way of you doing something you love. You have to pick yourself up and move on. Think of all the other little girls like Georgia that you can save." Emma sat up and drew her legs up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them.
"Yeah, I know. But it's always going to be like this, I'm always going to get emotionally involved and it's only going to end in tears." Peter sat up next to her so she could see his face.
"But that's what makes you such an amazing doctor, you really care about your patients. It's just who you are, Emma, and I love you for that." Emma smiled at his comment and leaned forward to press her lips to his. She pulled away and gave him a smile.
"Thank you, Peter."
"You're welcome," he smiled back and the two just sat there smiling at each other, lost in the moment, "So are you going to be ok now?"
"I think so." Emma replied with a sigh, releasing her legs and leaning back onto her elbows.
"Good." Peter grinned and took advantage of her position by leaning down to trap her in a kiss. One hand wound itself into her hair whilst the other travelled down to caress her waist. Emma encircled her arms around him and smiled against Peter's lips as he deepened the kiss.
Just as things were getting interesting, Emma's cat once again made a bid for attention by jumping onto the bed. Emma pulled away, much to Peter's disappointment. She quickly slipped from his arms before he could do anything about it and made her way to the kitchen to feed her cat, glancing behind her to see him watching her leaving.
"Just for the record, I love you too." She gave him a cheeky smile as she left the room. Peter's eyes followed her as she left, leaving him sat on the bed with that goofy smile on his face again.
Reviews make my day :) Let me know if you think I should do one more chapter about what happens for the rest of the night, or if it's good as it is :) I'm planning a Pemma multific so any ideas would be appreciated :) Hope you liked it x x x