I stared into his inscrutable eyes for the longest time. It felt like it was only him and myself, and no other lived. Who was this man that saved my life? Why did he save it in the first place?

The sound of footsteps knocked me out of my reverie. The inscrutable man was walking towards me. I sat still, scared that if I tried to get up, my legs would only collapse from under me. He was covered in the blood of the demons he had killed; shards of their bodies all around the bloody battle field.

I tried to find my voice; I wanted to ask him so many questions. Why were you so brazen to kill all these men? Why did you save an insolent wench that is I?

The questions harried at my brain, making it pulse in pain. The man must have seen my face, for on his own lay a smirk.

How dare he find amusement from my pain. I wanted to yell at him for it, but I could not.

Now, he kneels down upon the ground beside me and his eyes, those inscrutable eyes, checked my body.

"Good, you are unharmed." His voice was magnificent, so elegant and graceful. I melt from hearing it.

He seems amused when I try, again, to talk, but was unable too.

"What is the matter, little vixen," the man asked. "Cat got your tongue?" He smirked that his own little joke as his eyes trail all the dead cat demons that lay in shards.

"Thank... you." I had, at last, found my voice within, but it was haggard for not being used for so long.

"Well, I see it did not. I am glad, but you seem a little distraught back there. Are you curious of my actions?"

I nodded. I do not trust my haggard voice to answer because I do not want to become vulnerable to the man I met only minutes ago. No matter the good looks, I did not know if he was friend or foe.

"That, my vixen, is for another time. First, we must start the pyre, so no demon comes."

I watched as he started the pyre, and used the vines from trees surrounding us to collect the shards of demons.

It was magnificent. This fox in front of me moved with as much grace and elegance as his voice. His power over plant surpasses my own greatly.

As the all happed, I could not help but wonder, 'why me?'

It was late at night, and I found myself wide awake. I was too... well, too many thoughts ran through my head. All I did was stare into the pyre.

"Cannot sleep, little one?" The man asked. He was on the other side of the pyre, laying on the moss bed he had made.

"I cannot. Too many thoughts run through my head"

He seemed interested, so we stayed up all night talking.

His name was Youko Kurama, and he was well on his way to become the king of thieves.

If he is a thief, what did he steal from the cat demons? I asked my question, and his answer was strange.

"A perennial flower that beauty is greater than jewels," he answered.

"A flower? May I see it?"

I got up and walked around the pyre and sat in front of his bed. I loved plants, and if I had known my captors had such a flower, I would have stolen it myself.

"No." A simple answer, but not one I wanted. I want to see it, so why can I not?

"Why not?" I glared at him. Why could I not see it? I do not understand.

My thoughts were cut short when I felt a tug and evaded up in Youko's lap.


"How can you see yourself without a mirror?" He asked in a hush voice, but before I could answer, his lips were pressed against mine.